Markets regulator Sebi on Thursday issued a revised quarterly reporting format for Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) to ensure compliance and uniformity. The quarterly reporting format has been reviewed in consultation with the industry associations such as Indian Venture and Alternate Capital Association (IVCA) and Equalifi, Sebi said in its circular. The revised reporting format will be uploaded by AIF associations on their website within two working days of the issuance of the circular. Further, these associations will also provide assistance to AIFs in understanding and addressing the reporting requirements, Sebi said. AIFs will have to submit their quarterly reports online via Sebi intermediary portal (SI portal) within 15 calendar days from the end of each quarter. However, this schedule needs to be followed December quarter onwards, the regular said. To facilitate a smooth transition, the association will work with all AIFs to ensure that the trial run of the revised ...
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It simply sucks. I don't personally read blog posts word by word, so how can I except you to read them too? I known ther are people who are kind enough to read a 10,000 word long blog article from start to finish, but I think that's a minority.why waste your time ? Let me..
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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900
The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets
उषाशी का संबंध एक ऐसे परिवार से हैं जहां अधिकांश लोग शिक्षक हैं। उन्होंने बचपन से अपने घर में पढ़ाई-लिखाई का माहौल देखा। वे 1986 में शादी के...
साउथ इंडिया में थेनी के पास वेंकटचलपुरम में राधिका का जन्म हुआ। वे शादी के बाद दिल्ली आ गईं। एक शौक के तौर पर राधिका ने ट्रैवल फोटोग्राफी क...
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