Saturday, 26 June 2021

M-cap of top 6 firms soars over Rs 1.11 trillion; TCS, Infosys lead gainers

Tata Consultancy Services, HDFC Bank, Infosys, HDFC, ICICI Bank and State Bank of India saw gains in their market valuation

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:संडे स्पेशल बिस्किट स्विस रोल बनाने का आसान तरीका, बच्चे भी करेंगे इसे बार-बार खाने की फरमाइश

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

महिलाएं बनीं महिलाओं की मददगार:सर्बिया का फीमेल रोमा बैंड महिलाओं को पुरुषों के बराबर हक दिलाने की दिशा में प्रयासरत, वे चाहती हैं कि महिलाएं हर चुनौती का सामना करने को तैयार रहें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Friday, 25 June 2021

Oil prices rise for fifth week to highest since 2018 on strong demand

Brent futures rose 62 cents, or 0.8 per cent, to settle at US$76.18 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude rose 75 cents, or 1.0 per cent, to US$74.05

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:मानसून स्पेशल चटनी स्टफ्ड पनीर पकौड़ा, शाम के चाय के साथ सर्व कर पाएं सबकी तारीफ

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

टिप्स-आज़माएं:प्लास्टिक कंटेनर्स की सफ़ाई के आसान टिप्स और बारिश में घर को महकाने की तरक़ीबे जानिए

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

निदान की पर्ची:होंठों और आंखों के आसपास की त्वचा का कालापन दूर करने के लिए जांच ज़रूरी, हाइपरपिग्मेंटेशन या एलर्जी से हो सकती है समस्या

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सौंदर्य-सुरक्षा:मुल्तानी मिट्‌टी सभी प्रकार की त्वचा के लिए किस तरह फ़ायदेमंद होती है और इस समय के हालातों को देखते हुए घर को कैसे सैनिटाइज़ करें जानिए

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सेहत मंत्र:बालों और त्वचा के लिए ज़रूरी है बायोटिन का पोषण, इससे होने वाले फायदे और नुकासन के बारे में जानें

स्वस्थ बाल और त्वचा भी सेहत के हाल बयां करते हैं। विटामिन संपूर्ण शरीर को पोषण देते हैं, लेकिन बालों और त्वचा के लिए जो ख़ास विटामिन है वो है बायोटिन।,क्या है ये, इसके बारे में विस्तार से जानिए।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

छूटता जा रहा है छुटपन:कोरोनाकाल में बच्चे बचपन से दूर हो गए हैं, अभिभावक संवेदनशील व्यवहार से उनकी मदद कर सकते हैं ताकि बच्चे अपनी उम्र की बातें करना सीखें

तीन-चार साल के बच्चों के चेहरे पर ही नहीं, बचपन पर भी मास्क लगा दिया है कोविड ने।,कई प्ले-स्कूल की उम्र से आगे निकल गए, तो कई नर्सरी और केजी की कक्षाओं के इंतज़ार में हैं।,ना दोस्तियां करना सीख पाए हैं, ना मैदानों में खुलकर दौड़े हैं। मां-पापा पूछते हैं, इनसे इनकी उम्र की बातें कैसे करें?

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

छोटी कहानी- लघुकथा:बच्चों के बाहर जाने या शादी होने के बाद माता-पिता उनके बारे में सोचते हैं लेकिन ख़ुद की इच्छाएं और परवाह भी तो ज़रूरी है और पति-पत्नी जब एक दूसरे को ज़िम्मेदारियां सौंपते हैं तो साथ में तन्हा रह जाने का डर भी सौंप देते हैं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

अंधेरे का उजला पक्ष:योगाभ्यास बच्चों के शारीरिक और मानसिक विकास के लिए ज़रूरी है, इसमें उनकी रुचि बढ़ाएं, योग करने के लिए प्रेरित करें

कोरोना काल ने घरबंदी, रोज़गार को क्षति, परिवार को नुकसान जैसे कई अंधेरों से दुनिया को घेरा है, लेकिन इंसान जैसी शै के हौसले के सामने हर विपदा हारी है।,इन अंधेरों का भी सुनहरा, चमकीला पहलू उन्होंने खोज लिया- जीवन को संवार कर। इसका पहला उदाहरण हम आपसे साझा कर रहे हैं...

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

दो अनुभव:सही वक़्त पर बच्चों की रुचि के बारे में पता लगने पर अभिभावक उनके भविष्य को दिशा दे सकते हैं और कुछ लोगों की ईमानदारी देखकर दिल से उनके लिए दुआ निकलती है

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

शारीरिक मुद्रा का ध्यान:गर्दन झुकाकर लंबे समय तक फोन का इस्तेमाल रीढ़ की हड्‌डी पर दबाव डाल सकता है, फोन चलाते वक्त शारीरिक मुद्रा का ध्यान रखें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सेहत के राज़:सुंदर नाख़ून हाथों की शोभा तो बढ़ाते ही हैं साथ ही इनकी बदलती रंगत और बढ़त भी शरीर के कई छोटे-मोटे रोगों के बारे में बताती है

सुंदर घुमावदार कटे हुए, गुलाबी रंगत वाले चिकने नाख़ूनों की तमन्ना लिए मैनीक्योर करवाया जाता है।,अच्छी सेहत का राज़ है इनकी सही बढ़त, मज़बूती और रंगत। वहीं रोगों की छोटी-सी चुगली भी करते हैं नाख़ून। जानिए इन स्थितियों से।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

बोधकथा 'पश्चाताप':एक-दूसरे की सहायता करके हम किसी भी प्रकार के संकट को हरा सकते है, चाहे वह संकट कितना भी बड़ा क्यों न हो

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कविताएं:कोहरा कितना भी घना हो, अंधेरा कितना भी डरावना हो, उम्मीदों की लौ कभी बुझती नहीं है और इंद्रधनुष की ख़ूबसूरती को बयां करती ये दो मनमोहक कविताएं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

रेसिपी:नए रंग-ढंग में परोसें ये 4 डिश, साबूदाना वड़ा और सूप बनाने का तरीका बदलें, पेपर रोल और समोसे में नई फिलिंग करें

भोजन में नए-नए प्रयोग स्वाद में भी बदलाव करते हैं। समोसा आलू-भरा हो, ज़रूरी तो नहीं।,टमाटर सूप का रंग और गहरा हो, तो क्या गुरेज़ हो, ख़ासतौर पर तब जबकि यह उसका बेहतर स्वरूप हो।,वहीं साबूदाना वड़ा सफ़ेद ही क्यों, हरे क्यों नहीं? यह सारे घुमाव व्यंजनों में क्या तब्दीली लाएंगे, चंद रेसिपीज़ में देखिए-

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सतर्कता:आजकल के बच्चे सोशल मीडिया पर काफ़ी एक्टिव रहते हैं, लेकिन वे इसके इस्तेमाल के सही तरीक़े नहीं जातने, सोशल मीडिया के भी कुछ सलीक़े होतें हैं जिन्हें जानना ज़रूरी है

आजकल बच्चे अधिकांश समय सोशल मीडिया पर व्यस्त रहते हैं, जो एक आभासी माध्यम है, जहां लोग होते हैं, मगर अदृश्य। जो दिखता नहीं, उसे समझना और भी मुश्किल है, ऐसे में सलीके का ख़्याल और सुरक्षा का एहसास दोनों कैसे रखें, जानिए।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कुकिंग क्लास:घर पर बनाएं गार्लिक बटर स्प्रेड, इसे ब्रेड के साथ परोसें, ब्रेड में बेक करके सॉस के साथ भी सर्व कर सकते हैं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Cryptocurrency companies fight for top talent, hundreds of jobs on offer

Binance, the world's largest crypto exchange, is advertising for some 370 positions globally, according to its LinkedIn recruitment portal.

from Markets

Driven by bank, metal stocks, Sensex soars 226 points to end at record high

Global equities marched higher after US senators agreed on a bipartisan infrastructure deal, with investors wagering on more stimulus measures in the coming months

from Markets

Sebi boosts liquidity risk management for open-ended debt schemes

The market regulator has also asked AMFI to prescribe a suitable framework in this regard within one month. The framework will be adopted by all AMCs

from Markets

Sebi defers implementation of MF employee compensation norms to Oct 1

In April, market regulator announced that 20% pay of senior MF officials must be in the form of units of schemes they oversee

from Markets

Franklin MF moves SAT seeking stay on Sebi's Rs 5 crore penalty order

Tribunal to issue an order next week on whether plea can be admitted

from Markets

Apollo Hospitals soars 8% on heavy volumes; m-cap nears Rs 50,000 crore

Structurally, cost reduction drives, expanding of complex procedures and profitability of new hospitals and AHL remain key management focus areas, analysts said.

from Markets

Inox Wind hits upper circuit for eighth straight day; up 62% post listing

With effect from Friday, the stock has been permitted to trade under 'B' group from 'T' group earlier

from Markets

संघर्ष से सफलता की कहानी:दोनों पैरों से अपंग 10 साल की डेजी बनी मॉडलिंग की दुनिया में जाना-पहचाना नाम, वे अपनी ही तरह के अन्य बच्चों के साथ सक्सेस स्टोरी शेयर करती हैं ताकि वे जीवन में आगे बढ़ें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

China's ban forces some bitcoin miners to flee overseas, others sell out

"Many miners are exiting the business to comply with government policies," said Mike Huang, operator of a cryptomining farm in the southwest province of Sichuan

from Markets

Ashok Leyland advances 9% as Co reports market share gain in March quarter

Sequentially, MHCV truck volumes for Ashok Leyland have grown by 57 per cent in Q4FY21 which was higher than the industry growth of 53 per cent

from Markets

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Accenture Q3FY21 earnings: Five key takeaways for Indian IT companies

A strong operational performance by Accenture during Q3FY21 in its outsourcing vertical sets the tone for an upcoming earnings season for the Indian IT service companies, Edelweiss Research said

from Markets

RIL slips 6% in two days post AGM; stk trades lower for fourth straight day

The stock was trading lower for the fourth straight day, falling 7 per cent during the same period

from Markets

Laurus Labs rallies 5% on credit rating upgrade; stock hits record high

The company is looking to build new capacities/facilities that would propel its growth in the coming years

from Markets

Deepak Spinners zooms 18%, hits new high after Dolly Khanna buys 1% stake

On Thursday, June 24, 2021, Dolly Khanna purchased 76,555 shares, representing 1.06 per cent stake, in Deepak Spinners at price of Rs 167.21 per share

from Markets

Brokerages bullish on Ambani's mega plans; see up to 20% upside in the stk

While most brokerages remain optimistic on the road ahead for the company and welcomed its 'green initiative', most analysts say the execution of the same hold key to growth for the company

from Markets

Oil keeps climbing for fifth week on tight supply outlook, eyes on OPEC+

US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures rose 8 cents, or 0.1%, to $73.38 a barrel at 0216 GMT, headed for a 2.4% gain for the week

from Markets

Stocks to watch: ONGC, BHEL, LIC Housing, Ashok Leyland, PTC India, RailTel

State-owned Union Bank of India has raised Rs 850 crore by issuing Basel-III-compliant bonds on a private placement basis

from Markets

Here's a bull spread strategy on Bank Nifty by HDFC Securities

Bank Nifty's short-term trend has turned positive as it closed above its 5- and 20-day EMA

from Markets

Three stock ideas by Osho Krishan of Anand Rathi: Buy Crompton, Emami

Voltas stock is consolidating near the neckline of the Inverted Head & Shoulder pattern on the daily time frame and is expected to rebound from here onwards

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, June 25: Top factors that could guide markets today

Derivative contracts of Coromandel International, Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail, Metropolis Healthcare and The Indian Hotels will be available to traders for trading from today onwards

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a flat start for Sensex, Nifty

A total of 192 companies, including Antony Waste Handling Cell, Finolex Industries, Indraprastha Gas, JSW Energy, and RailTel Corporation of India, are scheduled to release quarterly earnings today

from Markets

Gold price today at Rs 46,190 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 67,900 a kg

In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold was at Rs 46,150 per 10 gm while in Chennai the price declined to Rs 44,400.

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:एक जैसी बैंगन की सब्जी खाकर बोर हो गए हैं तो शेजवान भरवां बैगन बनाएं, सिर्फ 15 मिनट में हो जाएंगे तैयार

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

John McAfee's legacy: Tech maverick, eccentric businessman, fugitive

A Spanish court had approved his extradition to the United States to face charges of tax evasion.

from Markets

China's Ant highlights distinction between NFTs and cryptocurrencies

China's Ant Group sought to draw a distinction between non-fungible tokens available on its platforms and cryptocurrencies currently subject to a crackdown by Beijing, after users expressed confusion

from Markets

Using digital currencies abroad hits logjam, but pandemic may have solution

Without coordination between companies and regulators, e-CNY, FedCoin, Britcoin will all remain trapped in silo.

from Markets

Indices ride high on surge in technology stocks; Infosys rises 3.75%

The Sensex rose 393 points, or 0.75 per cent, to end at 52,699, while the 50-share Nifty gained 104 points, or 0.7 per cent, to close at 15,790

from Markets

Share buyback case: SAT stays Sebi's penalties on Cairn India, others

The Securities Appellant Tribunal (SAT) has stayed the penalties imposed by markets regulator Sebi on Cairn India and others for making a misleading announcement regarding buyback of shares in 2014. While staying the penalties, the tribunal also directed Cairn India, which was merged with Vedanta Limited in 2017, and others involved in the case to deposit Rs 2.5 crore with Sebi within three weeks. If the amount is deposited, no further recovery will be made from them during the pendency of the appeal, the tribunal said in an order dated June 22. In May, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) imposed a penalty of Rs 5.25 crore on Cairn India for making a misleading announcement regarding the buyback of shares in 2014. Further, the regulator imposed a fine of Rs 15 lakh each on P Elango, who was the CEO and director of Cairn India, along with Aman Mehta and Neerja Sharma, who were directors of the company at the time of violation. According to the Sebi order, the buyback

from Markets

China reforms make private education firms world's biggest stock losers

Oversight effort mirrors a similar government pushback against Chinese technology companies, another group that has suffered stock declines.

from Markets

Sugar stks in focus; Balrampur, Dhampur, Dalmia, Uttam Sugar rally up to 5%

Sugar industry, analysts say, is well poised to benefit from, both, global and domestic factors

from Markets

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Infosys hits new high as buyback via open route commences on Friday

Infosys has proposed to buy back shares at a maximum price of Rs 1,750 per share

from Markets

Bull run will last for 'very, very long time', says Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Annual equity returns from Indian stocks will be about five percentage points, says ace investor.

from Markets

सारी दुनिया में कमाया नाम:यूके के विल्टशायर कॉलेज की स्टूडेंट एलिजाबेथ ने 14 फीट लंबी सलाईयों से बुनाई कर बनाया वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड, अपने थेसिस प्रोजेक्ट के दौरान आया इसे बनाने का ख्याल

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Orchid Pharma freezes at 10% down circuit as promoter begins stake sale

Dhanuka Laboratories, one of the promoter of Orchid Pharma proposed to sell in aggregate up to 3.28 million equity shares, representing 8.04 per cent of the total equity share capital of the Company.

from Markets

Gold prices on back foot as dollar firms; traders await US Fed data

Spot gold was down 0.2% at $1,774.96 per ounce, as of 0251 GMT. US gold futures fell 0.4% to $1,776.10.

from Markets

Sona BLW makes a tepid debut; lists at 4% premium over issue price

The stock listed at Rs 302.40, a 4 per cent against the issue price of Rs 291 per share on the BSE

from Markets

Shyam Metalics makes strong debut, lists at 24% premium over issue price

The stock rallied to Rs 399, up 30 per cent from its issue price, in intra-day deals on the BSE

from Markets

Stocks to watch: RIL, Shyam Metalics, Sona Comstar, ONGC, Ashok Leyland

The shares of Shyam Metalics and Sona Comstar are slated to list on the bourses on Thursday. A strong debut is on the cards for Shyam Metalics while Sona Comstar is likely to witness a muted listing

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, June 24: Top factors that could guide markets today

Shares of Reliance Industries will be in focus, with the company's 44th AGM slated for today

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, June 24: Top factors that could guide markets today

Shares of Reliance Industries will be in focus, with the company's 44th AGM slated for today

from Markets

Trading strategies for gold and aluminum by Tradebulls Securities

In gold, fresh selling can commence below 46,800 levels while buying can commence above 47,300.

from Markets

Middle East's crude share of India's oil imports hits 25-month low in May

India, world's third biggest oil importer, in March directed refiners to diversify crude sources after OPEC and its allies, led by top exporter Saudi Arabia, ignored Delhi's call to ease supply curbs

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty signals a positive start; all eyes on 44th RIL AGM

With various announcements expected during the RIL AGM and the expiry of the monthly F&O contracts scheduled for later in the day, investors should brace for a highly volatile session on Thursday

from Markets

Gold price today at Rs 46,150 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 67,900 a kg

In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold was at Rs 46,250 per 10 gm. In Chennai it is at Rs 44,550.

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:कुछ मसालेदार खाने का मन हो तो आलू-बड़ी की सब्जी बनाएं, इसे रोटी, पराठा या चावल के साथ परोसें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Mideast joins Bitcoin craze with first Dubai cryptocurrency listing

The stock closed at $38.30, up 10 per cent for the day, according to prices on Nasdaq Dubai's website.

from Markets

Crypto is 'rat poison', a third of mainstream investment firms tell JPM

Only 10% of institutional investment firms surveyed by JPMorgan trade cryptocurrencies

from Markets

Cyclical currencies lead after dust settles on US Federal Reserve

The dollar jumped and stocks swooned last week after the Fed surprised markets by signalling much earlier rate hikes than investors previously expected.

from Markets

Oil prices jump to more than two-year high as US supplies tighten

Brent crude rose $1.02, or 1.4 per cent, to $75.83 by 8:19 pm IST, having touched its highest since October 2018 at $76.02 after the EIA data

from Markets

Indices snap three-day winning run as heavyweights stumble; L&T falls 1%

The 30-share benchmark ended 282.63 points or 0.54 per cent lower at 52,306.08 in choppy trade. The NSE Nifty declined 85.80 points or 0.54 per cent to 15,686.95

from Markets

Heineken buys Mallya's 15% stake to take control of United Breweries

World's second-largest beer company pays Rs 5,825 cr to lenders for Mallya's share; stake consolidation, demand recovery positive for beer leader

from Markets

Khadim India hits fresh 52-week high, zooms 51% in a week

In Q4FY21, EBITDA & PAT turned positive at Rs 14.09 crore & Rs 11.52 crore respectively, compared to losses in the corresponding quarter.

from Markets

India's gasoline demand recovers as Asia growth remains patchy in pandemic

Stockpiles of light distillates in the distribution hub of Singapore suggest growing oversupply.

from Markets

होम गार्डनिंग:एक्सपर्ट से जानें अपनी बगिया के लिए सही गमले चुनने का तरीका, मिट्‌टी के गमले में जल निकासी है आसान तो प्लास्टिक के गमलों से गल सकती हैं पौधों की जड़ें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Shyam Metalics, Sona Comstar: What grey mkt is signalling ahead of listing

Shyam Metalics shares traded at a premium of Rs 123-125 or nearly 40 per cent over the issue price of Rs 306 in the grey market ahead of listing, while Sona Comstar shares were trading flat

from Markets

Godrej Agrovet rallies 8%, hits 52-week high as Godrej Industries ups stake

On June 22, 2021, Godrej Industries purchased 976,047 shares, representing 0.51 per cent of total equity, of Godrej Agrovet worth of Rs 55.63 crore

from Markets

Hero MotoCorp to raise prices by up to Rs 3,000 from July 1; stock up 3%

The price hike has been necessitated to partially offset the impact of continuous increase in commodity prices, the company said

from Markets

Kalrock-Jalan consortium receives NCLT nod to fly Jet Airways; stock up 5%

Shares of the defunct airline are up 15.6 per cent in 3 trading sessions as against a 1 per cent gain in the frontline S&P BSE Sensex.

from Markets

United Breweries reverses gains, slips 6% post huge block deals

Around 39.76 million shares, representing 15 per cent of the total equity of United Breweries changed hands on the BSE, the exchange data shows

from Markets

Stocks to watch: Hero Moto, NMDC, HDFC Bank, Centrum Capital, VIL, CDSL

Two-wheeler maker Hero MotoCorp will hike its vehicle prices by up to Rs 3,000 from July to partially offset the impact of the higher commodity prices

from Markets

Gold ticks up after Jerome Powell pledges not to raise rates quickly

Gold prices gained on Wednesday after US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell promised not to raise interest rates too quickly based only on the fear of coming inflation

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Trading ideas by HDFC Securities: Buy Indian Hotels, United Breweries

The stock price of Indian Hotels has broken out from its three-week-long consolidation

from Markets

Oil resumes climb as US crude inventories fall more than expected

Oil prices rose after data showed US crude inventories fell more than expected, reinforcing views of a tightening supply-demand balance with road and air travel picking up in Europe and North America

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Trading calls by Ajit Mishra of Religare Broking: Buy Britannia, Lupin

Britannia has been trading in a broader consolidation range of Rs 3,350-3,840 for the last one year and is currently hovering in the middle

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, June 23: Top factors that could guide markets today

Apollo Hospitals Enterprise, HCC, Mcleod Russel India, Mercator and V2 Retail are among 64 companies slated to release quarterly earnings today

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty up 50 points; India Pesticides IPO opens today

LIVE market: A total of 64 companies, including Apollo Hospitals Enterprise, Mcleod Russel India, Allcargo Logistics, and HCC are scheduled to release their quarterly earnings today

from Markets

Should you subscribe to India Pesticides IPO? Here's what analysts say

India Pesticides IPO: Analysts have largely assigned 'Subscribe' rating to the issue on the back of positive growth prospects, strong financials and reasonable valuations

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:पके और कच्चे आम को मिलाकर बनाएं चटपटी मैंगो चाट, सिर्फ 10 मिनट में हो जाएगी तैयार

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Gold price today at Rs 46,120 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 67,800 a kg

In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold is at Rs 46,250 per 10 gm while in Chennai, it is at Rs 44,400.

from Markets

Top headlines: Bitcoin sinks below $30,000; Hero MotoCorp to hike prices

Business Standard brings you the top news of the evening

from Markets

Dollar pauses ahead of Fed testimony, cryptocurrencies attempt recovery

The Australian and New Zealand dollars eased after Monday's bounce from multi-month lows

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Bitcoin plunges below $30,000, erasing all gains for the year so far

Crypto tumbles amid broad China crackdown, energy usage concerns

from Markets

Market erases gains to end flat amid volatility; Maruti Suzuki rises 5%

After touching a lifetime intra-day peak of 53,057.11, the 30-share BSE Sensex settled 14.25 points, or 0.03 per cent higher, at 52,588.71, marking its third straight session of ga­ins

from Markets

Opec+ discusses crude output hike in preparation for next meeting

Moscow is considering making a proposal that the group should ease a global supply deficit by increasing output, according to Russian officials familiar with the matter

from Markets

Monday, 21 June 2021

Laurus Labs gains 2% on robust growth outlook, zooms 70% so far in FY22

The company is looking to build new capacities and facilities that would propel its growth in the coming years

from Markets

Retail investors stock up on financial, consumer staple, IT: SBI report

Retail participation in the stock market, the report said, increased during the pandemic, especially in the second half of fiscal 2021-22

from Markets

Info Edge dips 2% on disappointing March quarter results

ICICI Securities believes Info Edge will be a key beneficiary of a shift of advertising to the online medium

from Markets

Stocks to watch: PNB Housing, Indian Bank, Jet Airways, Dish TV, SBI, NMDC

The National Company Law Tribunal will pass its order on the Kalrock-Jalan consortium's plan for revival of Jet Airways today

from Markets

Bitcoin steadies in Asia trading after plunge over China crypto comment

Bitcoin stabilised in Asian trading a day after a statement from China's central bank reaffirming the crackdown on cryptocurrencies in the country sent the world's largest token to a two-week low

from Markets

Osho Krishan is bullish on Coal India, Federal Bank & NTPC; here's why

Coal India has corrected over 10 per cent in the last trading week and is trading close to the previous consolidation zone

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, June 22: Top factors that could guide markets today

NMDC, Aster DM Healthcare, Bharat Electronics, GE Power India, PNB Gilts, Religare Enterprises and Sobha are among 79 companies slated to post their quarterly numbers on Tuesday

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a positive start for benchmark indices

LIVE market: A total of 79 companies, including NMDC, Aster DM Healthcare, Bharat Electronics, and Jaypee Infratech are scheduled to release their quarterly earnings today

from Markets

Oil price falls but sentiment stays strong on demand recovery hopes

Brent crude futures for August eased 10 cents, or 0.1%, to $74.80 a barrel by 0110 GMT, while US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude for July was at $73.44 a barrel, down 22 cents, or 0.3%

from Markets

Gold price today at Rs 46,220 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 67,600 a kg

In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold settled for Rs 46,100 per 10 gm while in Chennai it settled for Rs 44,350.

from Markets

Explainer: 'Death cross' chart formation adds more worry to bitcoin outlook

For technical analysts watching bitcoin, an important and potentially bearish chart formation just happened in the cryptocurrency: A "death cross"

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:गेहूं के आटे में पिसा हुआ पालक मिलाकर बनाएं पालक मलीदा, सिर्फ 20 मिनट में हो जाएगा तैयार

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

China orders Alipay, banks not to assist cryptocurrency trading

Bitcoin declines to two-week low and ether falls 13% as crackdown widens

from Markets

Top headlines: Dow rises 500 pts; SBI to raise up to Rs 14,000 cr

Business Standard brings you top news of the day

from Markets

Chinese banks promise to step up cryptocurrency ban

China's biggest banks promised Monday to refuse to help customers trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies after the central bank said executives were told to step up enforcement of a government ban. Regulators appear to worry that despite the 2013 ban on Chinese banks and other institutions handling cryptocurrencies, the state-run financial system might be indirectly exposed to risks. Beijing also worries users might evade efforts to monitor and control the financial system. The four major state-owned commercial banks and payment service Alipay promised to step up monitoring of customers and block use of their accounts to buy or trade crypto-currencies. Customers are asked to be more aware of risks, safeguard bank accounts and not to use virtual currency-related transactions, China Construction Bank Ltd. said on its website. Similar promises were issued by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Bank of China Ltd., Agricultural Bank of China Ltd., Postal Savings Bank of Chi

from Markets

Global stocks sink to four-week low as hawkish Fed shift cuts risk appetite

European stocks opened lower, but the pan-European STOXX 600 index erased early losses to trade flat on the day, helped by a rise in German and Italian shares

from Markets

The mistake crypto crowd makes: it doesn't understand monetary economics

Crypto has been a highly unusual asset class for its entire history, but it won't act like that forever.

from Markets

Indian Bank opens Rs 4000-cr QIP issue; sets floor price at Rs 142.15/share

State-owned Indian Bank on Monday launched its qualified institutional placement (QIP) of shares to raise around Rs 4,000 crore, setting the floor price at Rs 142.15 per share.

from Markets

MSCI India crosses 55% premium over emerging markets peers: Report

We expect the valuation premium to remain at elevated levels, as it offers one of the fastest growth in the region, Credit Suisse Wealth Management India said

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Shares of four Adani Group companies locked in 5% upper circuit

Adani Green Energy (Rs 1,115.85), Adani Transmission (Rs 1,297.65), Adani Total Gas (Rs 1,321) and Adani Power (Rs 120.60) were locked in 5 per cent upper circuit on the BSE

from Markets

Privatisation buzz lifts Indian Overseas Bank, Central Bank stocks by 20%

The stock of the Mumbai-based Central Bank was locked in the upper circuit at Rs 24.30 on the back of an over 2x jump in trading volumes. A combined 88.5 million shares changed hands

from Markets

SAT dismisses Rana Kapoor's appeal against Sebi's Rs 1-cr penalty order

Case relates Sebi show-cause to Kapoor and his firm for alleged lapse in disclosure norms

from Markets

Govt eases listing norms for companies having over Rs 1 trn m-cap

Companies that have a market capitalisation of more than Rs 1 lakh crore at the time of listing can now sell just five per cent of their shares, with the latest amendment in rules, a move that will be beneficial for the government during the proposed initial public offer of LIC. Such entities will be required to increase its public shareholding to 10 per cent in two years and raise the same to at least 25 per cent within five years. The Department of Economic Affairs under the finance ministry has amended the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules. Yash Ashar, Partner & Head - Capital Markets at law firm Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, said there were some concerns that diluting 10 per cent in very large IPOs (Initial Public Offers) in the future maybe very challenging. "With this amendment, companies which at listing will have a market cap greater than one lakh crore rupees will be able to restrict their offer size to 5 per cent (as compared to 10 per cent) and this will ensure more .

from Markets

Rupee falls 24 paise to close at 74.1 against USD on risk averse sentiment

The Indian rupee slumped 24 paise to breach the 74 per US dollar level on Monday as participants turned risk-averse

from Markets

बच्चे दो ही अच्छे:अमेरिका में ओहियो की रहने वाली एक लड़की ने बयां किया 13 भाई-बहनों के साथ रहने का दर्द, हर पैरेंट्स को मैसेज दिया कि प्लीज कोई इतने बच्चे पैदा न करे

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Nifty PSU Bank index gains 4%; Central Bank of India, IOB surge 20%

Shares of Central Bank of India and Indian Overseas Bank locked in 20% upper circuit on reports that the two financial institutions might be privatised.

from Markets

Oil prices firm on summer demand as Iran nuclear deal revival talks drag

Both benchmarks have risen for the past four weeks on optimism over the pace of global Covid-19 vaccinations

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Four of six Adani Group shares locked in 5% upper circuit limit

Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone (APSEZ) and Adani Enterprises were rallied 7 per cent and 6 per cent, respectively, in intra-day trade on the BSE

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Cryptocurrencies tumble amid China crackdown on bitcoin miners

Cryptocurrencies tumbled on Monday as China's crackdown on bitcoin mining expanded to the province of Sichuan

from Markets

Gold set to snap six-day losing streak as US bond yields slide

Gold set to snap six-day losing streak as US bond yields slide

from Markets

United Breweries rallies 6 per cent on heavy volumes, hits 52-week high

The company said although the trajectory of Covid is unknown, confidence is derived from the trends after the first Covid wave, whereby consumer behavior towards beer consumption remained intact

from Markets

योग दिवस पर योगिनी के संघर्ष की कहानी:अष्टांग योग प्रैक्टिशनर और सिंगल मदर गरिमा भंडारी ने शांति की तलाश में की थी योग सीखने की शुरुआत, आज वे हेल्थ, वेलनेस और योग सेक्टर में अपनी खास पहचान रखती हैं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Centrum Capital hits 52-week high as arm gets RBI nod to set up SFB

Centrum Group, on Friday, said it has also received approval from the RBI to take over the troubled cooperative lender Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank Limited

from Markets

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Adani Ports gains 10% in 2 days after promoter buys shares via open market

On June 17, 2021, Infinite Trade and Investment Ltd, the promoter group of the company, purchased 1.93 million shares, worth of Rs 126.81 crore of the company via the open market

from Markets

Gold prices firm as US Treasury yields slide to lowest since late Feb

Gold prices gained on Monday, after posting a 6% drop last week, as a retreat in US Treasury yields bolstered the non-yielding metal's appeal

from Markets

PNB Housing hits 5% lower circuit as Sebi halts deal with Carlyle

Sebi has directed the company to undertake valuation of shares by an independent registered valuer as per the provisions of applicable laws

from Markets

HUL stock hits 52-week high in a weak market amid demand recovery hopes

The management believes the outlook from June'21 onwards is positive, subject to the emergence of a third Covid-19 wave

from Markets

Bandhan Bank up 7% as Assam govt inks pact with MFIs for stressed borrowers

Brokerage firm ICICI Securities opines that this is positive for micro lenders and especially Bandhan Bank as recoveries are now assured by the state

from Markets

Stocks to watch: RIL, PNB Housing, Centrum Capital, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank

S&P Global Ratings on Friday said it has revised the rating outlook on ICICI Bank Ltd to stable from negative

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Vaishali Parekh is bullish on HUL, Piramal Enterprises. Check why

The RSI has given a decent momentum pickup, indicating strengthen in HUL's stock and is well placed to support and justify the positive bias

from Markets

Nifty outlook & stock picks by Sameet Chavan: Buy HDFC Life, sell UPL

We advise traders to lighten up positions at higher levels and it​'​s better to take one step at a time for the time being

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, June 21: Factors that could guide markets this week

Oil India, Info Edge, Bharat Dynamics, TCNS Clothing, and VST Tillers Tractors are among 70 companies slated to post their quarterly numbers today

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty tumbles 190 points, signals gap-down opening

LIVE market: Oil India, Info Edge, Bharat Dynamics, TCNS Clothing, and VST Tillers Tractors are among 70 companies slated to post their quarterly numbers today

from Markets

Oil prices edge up on strong demand, pause in Iran nuclear talks

Brent crude futures for August gained 30 cents, or 0.4%, to $73.81 a barrel by 0051 GMT, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude for July was at $71.96 a barrel, up 32 cents, or 0.5%

from Markets

Gold price today at Rs 46,220 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 67,600 a kg

In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold was down to Rs 46,140 per 10 gm and in Chennai, it declined to Rs 44,290

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:घर आए मेहमानों के लिए कुछ स्पेशल बनाना हो तो स्वीट राइस ट्राय करें, बनने के बाद इसे केसरी रंग डालकर सर्व करें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Life insurers may have short-term pressure on profitability: ICICI Pru Life

The domestic life insurance industry may see pressure on its profitability in the short-term due to coronavirus pandemic, ICICI Prudential Life said in its annual report.

from Markets

फादर्स डे पर ट्रेंडिंग:पापा की कंफर्ट का ख्याल रखते हुए गिफ्ट करें माइक्रोस्वेड स्लिपर्स, वॉटरप्रूफ फोन केस और रैंब्लर मग भी आएगा उनके काम

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Easier dilution norms for large IPOs where post-listing m-cap tops Rs 1 trn

Move seen as precursor to LIC IPO; 5% minimum public shareholding compulsory on IBC relisting

from Markets

Petrol crosses Rs 97 in Delhi, diesel nears Rs 88 after another price hike

Petrol price in the national capital crossed Rs 97 a litre and diesel neared Rs 88 after fuel prices were raised yet again. Petrol price was hiked by 29 paise per litre and diesel by 28 paise, according to a price notification of state-owned fuel retailers. The hike -- 27th in seven weeks -- pushed fuel prices across the country to new historic highs. In Delhi, petrol hit an all-time high of Rs 97.22 a litre, while diesel is now priced at Rs 87.97 per litre. Fuel prices differ from state to state depending on the incidence of local taxes such as VAT and freight charges. And because of this, petrol retails at over Rs 100 per litre mark in eight states and union territories -- Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. Among the metros, petrol is already above Rs 100 in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru. In Mumbai, petrol now costs Rs 103.36 a litre and diesel comes for Rs 95.44. Sri Ganganagar district of Rajasthan n

from Markets

Global cues, monsoon, vaccination to drive markets this week: Analysts

Besides, movement of Brent crude, rupee and foreign fund inflows would also be tracked by investors

from Markets

फादर्स डे:मशहूर कॉर्डियोलॉजिस्ट डॉ. अग्रवाल की विरासत को संभाल रहीं है उनकी बेटी नैना, उन्हें इस बात की खुशी है कि वे ऐसे पिता की बेटी हैं जिन्होंने अपना जीवन मरीजों की सेवा में समर्पित किया

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900

The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets