Continuing their buying spree for the second straight month, mutual funds invested Rs 5,526 crore in stocks in April with fund managers sensing opportunities after some consolidation in the market
from Markets
It simply sucks. I don't personally read blog posts word by word, so how can I except you to read them too? I known ther are people who are kind enough to read a 10,000 word long blog article from start to finish, but I think that's a minority.why waste your time ? Let me..
Saturday, 8 May 2021
M-cap of eight of top-10 most-valued companies rises by Rs 81,250.83 cr
Only Reliance Industries Ltd and Infosys took losses in their market capitalisation for the week closed on Friday
from Markets
from Markets
पाकिस्तान में पहली बार:पड़ोसी देश में पहली बार हिंदू लड़की असिस्टेंट कमिश्नर बनी, वे पेशे से MBBS डॉक्टर भी हैं
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
मदर्स डे गिफ्ट्स:इस खास दिन को मां के लिए बनाएं और भी खास, मॉम की हर एक्टिविटी में मददगार होंगे ये तोहफे
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
योग:स्वस्थ फेफड़ों के लिए कीजिए ये 5 सरल आसन, शरीर में ऑक्सीजन के स्तर को बनाए रखने में है मददगार
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
इंटीरियर मिथ:पुराने नियम तोड़कर घर सजाने के लिए अपनाएं नए नियम, इन छह तरीकों से बदल सकते हैं घर का लुक
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Friday, 7 May 2021
कविता:मां की ममता और घर में मां की अहमियत को बयां करतीं ये दो कविताएं
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
मदर्स डे विशेष:मां का महत्व बेटे ने आज जाना है, पढ़िए मां के नाम उसकी ये डायरी
हर मां अपनी दुनिया बच्चों के इर्द-गिर्द ही बुनती है, लेकिन बच्चों को वो नज़र नहीं आती।,आज एक बेटे को नज़र आई है, सो उसने डायरी में लिखा है...
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
निदान की पर्ची:खांसी को न करें नज़रअंदाज़, समय पर करें इलाज
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
अनुभव:नए शहर, नई भाषा ना जानने पर भी लोगों का अपनापन नया नज़रिया दे गया वहीं रद्दी में मिली किताबों ने किस कदर जीवन बदल दिया, पढ़िए ये दो अनुभव
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
मां के लिए उपहार:मदर्स डे मां को दें ये जानकारियों का तोहफा, उन्हें सिखाएं और आत्मविश्वास बढ़ाएं
मां हरदम सीखना जानती हैै इसलिए उसे जब कोई बच्चा कहता है कि मां तुम क्या सीखोगी, तो हास्यास्पद लगता है।,रोज़ नए ढंग के व्यंजन बनाने वाली, घर को नए ढंग से सजाने वाली और बच्चों को सदा नई बातें सिखाने वाली मां गर चाहे, तो बच्चों को हर क्षेत्र में मात दे सकती है।,लेकिन वो मुक़ाबला नहीं, केवल समय के साथ कदमताल करना चाहती है। इसलिए बच्चे इस मदर्स डे मां को ख़ास जानकारियों का तोहफ़ा दें, जो उसे ले जाए कई कदम आगे।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
बात पते की:मास्क लगाना सिर्फ़ ज़रूरी ही नहीं है बल्कि ये हमारी ज़िम्मेदारी भी है, इस ज़िम्मेदारी का पालन ना करना ही मौजूदा त्रासदी का एक बड़ा कारण है
निजी जमावड़ों में कहीं-कहीं मास्क लगाने वाले को क्या-क्या सुनना पड़ता है, वहां मास्क लगाने के बारे में लोग क्या राय रखते हैं, इसका गवाह बना व्यक्ति बता सकता है कि मौजूदा त्रासदी का एक बड़ा कारण क्या है।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
बोधकथा 'वृद्धा की सीख':मां के प्रश्न के सामने सिकंदर ने भी ख़ुद को अज्ञानी मान लिया, क्या था वो प्रश्न जानें इस बोधकथा में
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सेहत:कोरोना ‘पॉज़िटिव’ होने पर घबराने की ज़रूरत नहीं है, बल्कि थोड़ी सावधानी और सतर्कता के साथ जल्दी ही ठीक हुआ जा सकता है
कोविड का अब तक का सबसे कठिन दौर चल रहा है। हर दिन मृत्यु और संक्रमण के बढ़ते आंकड़े डर बढ़ा रहे हैं। लेकिन डरने की बजाय ये वक़्त सावधानी और सतर्कता बरतने का है। यह ध्यान रखने का कि संक्रमण के किसी भी लक्षण को नज़रअंदाज़ नहीं करना है।,संक्रमण के प्रसार की गति बहुत बढ़ गई है। सावधान न रहे, तो यह तेज़ी से अपने संपर्क में आए हर व्यक्ति को संक्रमित कर सकता है। लेकिन, वहीं यह भी सच है कि सावधानी रखी, कोविड अनुशासन का पालन किया, डॉक्टरों के कहे मुताबिक़ दूसरों से दूरी और दवाओं की नियमितता रखी, तो कोरोना से जीत निश्चित है।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
ज़रा ध्यान दीजिए:कोरोना का असर मानसिक सेहत पर न पड़े इसलिए इन बातों का ध्यान रखें
कोराेना नामक वैश्विक महामारी एक मानसिक महामारी में न तब्दील हो पाए इसका ख़्याल हम सबको मिलकर रखना है।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
उपहार:मदर्स डे पर मां को कुछ बाहर से लाकर देना संभव नहीं है, ऐसे में घर पर थोड़े से प्रयास करके ख़ुद ही तोहफ़े तैयार किए जा सकते हैं वो भी काफ़ी कम समय में...
इस मदर्स डे पर कुछ बहुत बड़ा करना तो संभव नहीं है लेकिन थोड़े प्रयास से भी ख़ुशी ज़ाहिर की जा सकती है। छोटे-छोटे तोहफ़े भी स्नेह की घोषणा कर सकते हैं।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
रेसिपी:घर में रखें मां के लिए दावत, चटपटे सूजी बॉल्स और मीठे में डोनट बनाएं
इस बार मदर्स डे का जश्न रेस्त्रां में नहीं बल्कि घर में ही मनेगा। घर में ही पार्टी रखिए, घर सजाइए और साथ में बनाइए स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन।,जो हमेशा स्वाद के ख़ज़ाने लुटाती रही हैं, इस बार उन्हें दें स्वाद का तोहफा।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सहायक:इस समय ज़रूरी दवाइयां तो सभी घर में रख रहे हैं, लेकिन कुछ गैजेट्स भी घर में होना ज़रूरी हैं, जानिए इनके बारे में...
कोरोना काल में ज़रूरी दवाइयों के साथ-साथ मेडिकल किट में कुछ ज़रूरी सामान भी रखें। आइए जानते हैं वो कौन-से गैजेट्स हैं, जो इस वक़्त आपके घर में ज़रूर होने चाहिए।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
शॉर्ट फिल्म्स:मदर्स डे पर मां के साथ समय बिताने के लिए देखें ये ख़ास फिल्में
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सतर्कता:साइबर क्राइम लगातार बढ़ रहा है ऐसे में गैजेट की सुरक्षा पुख्ता होनी चाहिए, कैसे कर सकते हैं, जानिए
आजकल के समय में जिस रफ़्तार से साइबर सुरक्षा तरक्की कर रही है उसी रफ़्तार से साइबर हैकर भी अपनी तकनीकों को विकसित कर रहे हैं, अपने गैजेट्स की सुरक्षा पुख़्ता कीजिए।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
एस. भाग्यम शर्मा:मां सिर्फ़ जन्म देने वाली ही नहीं होती बल्कि सास भी मां होती है, ये गौरव ने भली भांति बता दिया था
गौरव को वीणा पसंद आई, लेकिन उसने घर जंवाई बनकर, अपनी मां को छोड़ना गवारा नहीं किया। मुद्दा आत्मसम्मान को नहीं बना रहा था वो। उसने कहा कि उसका एक भाई और है, लेकिन अपनी मां का वो इकलौता बेटा है। क्या था इसका राज़?
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सौंदर्य:इस समय सभी घर पर हैं तो काम भी बढ़ा है, ऐसे में हाथ-पैरों को भी आराम की ज़रूरत है, इसके लिए घर पर ही मैनीक्योर-पैडीक्योर करें और हाथ-पैरों को आराम दें
इस समय सभी घर पर हैं तो काम का बोझ भी है, ऐसे में ज़ाहिर है हाथ-पैरों पर ध्यान देने का समय कम है। इसीलिए घर पर कुछ आसान तरीक़ों से मैनीक्योर और पैडीक्योर करें।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
BSE market capitalisation surges to record Rs 211 trillion, shows data
The BSE Sensex climbed 256.71 points, or 0.52 per cent, to finish at 49,206.47
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Special procedure for action on expulsion from bourse's membership notified
Markets regulator Sebi has come out with a special procedure for action on expulsion from membership of stock exchanges and clearing corporations.
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तैयारी:त्वचा से लेकर सेहत तक के लिए मुश्किलें पैदा करती है गर्मी, इन आसान तरीकों से करें गर्मियों का मुकाबला
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
तुलसी देगी राहत:त्वचा को अंदर से साफ और बेदाग बनाने के साथ ही ठंडक देंगी तुलसी, गर्मियों में इन फेस पैक्स से पाएं त्वचा संबंधी परेशानियों से छुटकारा
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Start-ups listing: Sebi reduces holding period for pre-issue capital
With an aim to boost listing of start-ups, markets regulator Sebi has notified a slew of relaxations to norms
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Market Wrap, May 07: Here's all that happened in the markets today
The benchmark Nifty50 shut shop at 14,823 levels, up 98 points. On the BSE, the 30-share Sensex index closed 257 points higher at 49,206 levels
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FPIs seek three months more to implement Sebi diktat on monitoring DRs
Cite legal hurdles and challenges in implementing the circular in its present form
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Gold rises by Rs 474; silver jumps Rs 1,050 on strong global trends
Gold rose to Rs 47,185 per 10 gram in the national capital
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Adani Transmission rises 5%, hits new high post March quarter results
The stock surpassed its previous high of Rs 1,147, touched on April 6
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Tata Steel extends rally post Q4 results; stock zooms 97% since February
The management has guided for an increase in Q1FY22 realisations by Rs 6,000-7,000/tonne and spreads to improve by Rs 4,000-4,500/tonne on a sequential basis
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Thursday, 6 May 2021
Vaibhav Global trades ex-split; stock zooms 19%, scales new high
The company has split the stock in the ratio of 1:5, i.e. equity share of face value Rs 10 has been split into five shares of face value Rs 2
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Tata Consumer Products declines 6% on weak operational performance in Q4
Ebitda growth for the quarter was impacted by tea inflation in India and increased A&P investments, that more than offset the strong Ebitda growth in India food and International business
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Praj Ind jumps 11%, hits new high on robust Q4 nos; stock up 100% in 3 mths
The management said the activity levels have remained positively elevated with continued traction in enquiries across several business verticals, including some significant order wins
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Vedanta regains Rs 1-trillion m-cap; stock surges 7%, hits 3-year high
In the past six months, the stock has zoomed nearly 200 per cent on healthy and improving operating performance, supported by stable volume across business segments and increased commodity prices
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SBI Life Insurance surges 7%, hits record high after large block deals
US private equity fund CA Emerald Investments, an affiliate of Carlyle Asia Partners, is looking to sell 3.5 per cent stake in SBI Life Insurance amounting to Rs 3,308 crore, a report said
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Gold heads for best week in five months on softer dollar, yields
Spot gold was steady at $1,815.88 per ounce by 0246 GMT, after hitting its highest since Feb. 16 at $1,817.90 in the previous session
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Global stocks rally into US jobs report amid surging commodity prices
lobal stocks headed for their first weekly gain in three amid a surge in commodity prices, while traders braced for a key US jobs report later on Friday
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Stocks to watch: Hero MotoCorp, HDFC, Tata Consumer, Adani Power, UltraTech
UK-based fintech company, Infinity Circle, has selected Zensar Technologies for the end-to-end development of its next-gen wealth management platform
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Market Ahead Podcast, May 7: Top factors that could guide markets today
Tracking a firm set of cues from global peers, Indian markets too looked set to open higher today, with SGX Nifty ruling 71 points up at 14,868 around 7.15 am
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Infy, Bharti Airtel: Stocks that Osho Krishan of Anand Rathi is bullish on
Infosys has rebounded from the supporting trend-line on the daily chart suggesting a good opportunity to accumulate the counter
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Global oil prices edge up as investors eye fuel demand recovery
Oil prices edged up in early Asian trade after a 1% dip in the previous session, as global economic recovery and easing travel curbs in the United States and Europe buoyed the fuel demand outlook
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Bull spread strategy on Bharat Forge by Nandish Shah of HDFC Securities
The stock's primary trend is positive where it is trading above all important moving averages
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a firm start; HDFC Q4 results today
LIVE market: Backed by strong individual loan book, healthy NII, and fewer provisions, Street expects mortgage lender HDFC to report nearly 50 per cent YoY increase in net profit for Q4FY21
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फैशन टिप्स:धूप से बचाएंगे ट्राएंगल और कॉटन स्कार्फ, पार्टी में आपका लुक बढ़ाएगा नेट स्कार्फ, स्कार्फ की इन वैरायटी से पाएं स्टाइलिश लुक
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सौंदर्य:रोज की भागदौड़ के बीच हाथ-पैरों को भी दें आराम, घर पर इन आसान तरीकों से करें मैनीक्योर और पेडीक्योर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Gold, silver rally reflecting global recovery, says HDFC Securities
Gold prices got support from a weaker dollar as traders and investors are waiting for key US data, says Tapan Patel HDFC Securities, Senior Analyst (Commodities)
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Market Wrap, May 06: Here's all that happened in the markets today
Bajaj Auto (up 2.5 per cent) closed the session as the top index performer, followed by HDFC, Tech Mahindra, Infosys, ICICI Bank, Nestle India, and Kotak Mahindra Bank
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Covid-19: Refiners curtail palm oil imports as lockdowns dent demand
Lower imports by India, the world's biggest buyer of the edible oil, could limit a rally in benchmark Malaysian palm oil futures, which hit their highest level since 2008 on Thursday.
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Political, religious firms not allowed on social stock exchange: Sebi panel
Recommends creation of capacity building fund of Rs 100 cr
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FIIs turn sellers after 6 months but bet big on these 2 sectors in April
The two sectors which continue to see highest net inflow consecutively for the two months are - FMCG and Realty, a report by Edelweiss Securities said
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HDFC Q4 preview: PAT may jump up to 50% YoY amid decline in provisions
Global brokerage HSBC has upgraded HDFC to 'Buy' given its dominant market position and execution capabilities which, the brokerage says, should allow it to continue gaining market share
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Tata Steel: Stellar Q4 show sets stage for a better Q1FY22, say analysts
Given the strong results, analysts now believe that Tata Steel to report an even-better April to June quarter as steel prices continue to rise
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IT shares in focus; Wipro, Coforge, Mindtree, Mphasis hit new highs
Mastek, Intellect Design Arena, Sasken Technologies, Newgen Software Technologies, Nucleus Software Services and Sonata Software were up in the range of 5 per cent to 11 per cent in intra-day deals
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Angel Broking zooms 20% post March quarter results; stock up 77% in a month
Angel Broking registered the highest ever quarterly and yearly gross client addition of approximately 1 million and 2.4 million clients in Q4FY21 and FY21, respectively
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Anupam Rasayan rallies 13% in 2 days after Plutus Wealth buys stake
On May 5, Plutus Wealth Management purchased 1 million shares, representing 1 per cent stake of Anupam Rasayan India, for Rs 64.75 crore
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Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Coforge advances 10% on healthy March quarter performance
The company is planning for an organic growth of at least 17% in constant currency terms during FY22 and an expansion of EBITDA margin from 18% in FY21 to 19% in FY22
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Indian Energy Exchange gains 5% on strong business update for April
The day-ahead market traded 5,699 MU volume in April 2021, achieving a significant 54 per cent YoY growth
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Tata Steel gains 6%, hits new high on strong March quarter results
In the past one month, Tata Steel has rallied 30 per cent, against 0.74 per cent decline in the S&P BSE Sensex
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Oil prices fall as U.S. gasoline stocks rise for fifth consecutive week
Oil prices fell on Thursday as gasoline inventories in the US, the world's largest oil consumer, rose for a fifth consecutive week although a draw in crude stockpiles helped to underpin prices
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IDBI Bank shares zoom 15% as Cabinet gives in-principle nod to divestment
The government and LIC together own 94.72 per cent of equity of IDBI Bank
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Trading strategies for Brent crude and zinc by Tradebulls Securities
Air travel is on the rise in the US and despite severe cases of Covid in India and Brazil, rest of world is coming out of the pandemic
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Trading strategies for Brent crude and zinc by Tradebulls Securities
Air travel is on the rise in the US and despite severe cases of Covid in India and Brazil, rest of world is coming out of the pandemic
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Stocks to watch: Hero MotoCorp, IDBI Bank, Tata Steel, Coforge, Icra
Tata Steel reported a higher-than-expected consolidated net profit at Rs 6,644 crore in the March quarter (Q4) of FY21, against a net loss of Rs 1,481 crore in the corresponding period last year
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Market Ahead Podcast, May 6: Top factors that could guide markets today
The Dow closed up by 0.29%, while the S&P 500 gained 0.07% and the Nasdaq Composite gave up its earlier gains and ended 0.37% lower
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India's stock market shockingly resilient amid Covid-19 devastation
Fear of the virus is pervasive. Even the rich and the powerful are finding it hard to arrange a hospital bed or track down an oxygen cylinder
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a green start; Hero MotoCorp Q4 nos today
LIVE market: Hero MotoCorp is expected to post nearly 60 per cent year-on-year growth in Ebitda aided by healthy sales volume and low base
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US-listed Emerging Markets ETFs see 26th straight week of inflows
Total inflow was $341.7 million for the week ended April 30, up from $81.1 million in the previous week
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Market Wrap, May 05: Here's all that happened in the markets today
RBI announced a Covid-19 healthcare package of Rs 50,000 crore for vaccine makers, medical equipment suppliers, hospitals and patients in need of funds.
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Cryptocurrency mania sends Doge soaring, crashes Robinhood token trading
Investors are piling back into some of the fringe corners of the cryptocurrency world, with the frenzy sending Dogecoin surging more than 50% again and crashing Robinhood's trading app.
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Proactive or watchful? Here's how D-St interpreted RBI Governor's address
RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das on Wednesday revealed the central bank's blueprint to mitigate the impact of the second Covid wave that's wreaking havoc in the country.
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JSW Energy gains 9% as Moody's, Fitch assign credit ratings to arm notes
The rating has been assigned to JSW Hydro Energy Limited's proposed US-dollar senior secured notes due 2031.
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RBI extends safety net; response proactive, loaded and well timed
RBI meant strict business, with a focus on alleviating financing constraints for economic stakeholders at the grass root level bearing a disproportionate burden of the ravaging Covid second wave
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RBI relief measures may cushion NPA blow from second Covid wave: Analysts
Analysts see the RBI's announcements to be sentimentally positive for the banking sector even as Covid-19 situation remains dynamic
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Shipping shares in focus; GE Shipping surges 14% to hit over 3-year high
In the past two weeks, GE Shipping has rallied 36 per cent after HDFC Mutual Fund bought an additional over 2 per cent stake in the company via open market
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Targeted economic measures by RBI are for second wave of Covid-19
Central bank's measures to mitigate impact of the second wave of infections focus on healthcare.
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Government eases GIFT entry for foreign investors in category III AIFs
PAN requirement will no longer apply to such investors
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Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Equitas, Ujjivan, AU Small Finance Bank gain as RBI announces loan relief
The RBI announced a special long-term repo operation window for SFBs, whereby the banks can borrow funds up to Rs 10,000 crore at repo rate for deploying for fresh loans SFBs
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Hero MotoCorp Q4 preview: Analysts see up to 60% YoY rise in Ebitda
Nomura has one of the most conservative estimates with standalone net profit seen at Rs 794 crore, up around 28 per cent YoY
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Lupin soars 8%, hits over three-year high on heavy volumes
The stock surpassed its previous high of Rs 1,121.85 touched on September 2020 and was trading at the highest level since July 2017
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Gold prices edge higher as pullback in US dollar lifts appeal
Gold prices ticked up on Wednesday, lifted by a retreat in the US dollar, although gains were kept in check after US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said interest rates may need to rise
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Aarti Industries rallies 7%, hits record high on bonus issue plan
The meeting of the company's board of directors is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 to consider, recommendation of issue of bonus shares
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Alembic Pharma falls 6% post March quarter results
Alembic Pharma Q4FY21 operational performance was marginally below estimates, largely due to lower traction in US and Domestic Formulation (DF) sales
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Hikal hits new high on signing 10-year deal with global pharma Co
This contract entails the development and supply of a portfolio of niche APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) over a period of 10 years
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Stocks to watch: Tata Steel, Adani Ports, RBL Bank, HAL, SBI Card, Affle
Fitch Ratings has assigned JSW Hydro Energy's proposed US-dollar senior secured notes an expected rating of 'BB+(EXP)' with a stable outlook
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Trading calls by Ajit Mishra of Religare Broking: Buy Bharti Airtel, GAIL
Gail has witnessed a fresh breakout on Tuesday, after spending nearly one and a half months in a consolidation range
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Nifty close below 14,416 would be bearish for short-term: Vinay Rajani
Below 14,416, Nifty could slide towards next support of 14,150
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Market Ahead Podcast, May 5: Top factors that could guide markets today
Steady corporate earnings discounted fears on the Covid front, hinting at a positive start for the Indian markets on Wednesday
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty up 60 points; all eyes on RBI Governor's speech
LIVE market: A total of 20 companies, including Tata Steel, Adani Enterprises, Adani Green Energy, Blue Dart Express, Ceat, and Deepak Nitrite are set to release quarterly earnings today
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Oil climbs nearly 2% after eased lockdowns, travel seen rising,
Oil prices rose nearly 2% on Tuesday after more U.S. states eased lockdowns and the European Union sought to attract travellers, though soaring Covid-19 cases in India capped gains
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S&P, Dow Jones bring bitcoin, ethereum to Wall St with crypto indexes
The new indexes, S&P Bitcoin Index, S&P Ethereum Index and S&P Crypto Mega Cap Index, will measure the performance of digital assets tied to them
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BSE resolves 344 investor complaints against listed companies in April
Leading stock exchange BSE on Tuesday said it has resolved 344 complaints against 156 listed companies in the month of April.
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होम गार्डनिंग:मई महीने के गार्डनिंग कैलेंडर पर इस तरह से करें अमल, झुलसाती गर्मी में अपने बगीचे के पौधों को ऐसे बचाएं
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सेहत के लिए:घर पर डिटॉक्स वाटर बनाएं तो उसे 4 घंटे में पिएं, इम्युनिटी बूस्टर भी हैं ये डिफ्यूज्ड ड्रिंक्स
गरम पानी के बजाय इन दिनों ट्राय कर सकते हैं हर्ब्स, फल और सब्जियों से बनीं ड्रिंक्स
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Market Wrap, May 04: Here's all that happened in the markets today
On the NSE, the Nifty50 gave up the psychological level of 14,500 and closed at 14,496-mark, down 138 points or 0.94 per cent. Earlier in the day, it hit a low of 14,461.
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IndiaMART hits over 3-month low; slips 18% in 3 days post Q4 results
The stock has corrected 27 per cent from its all-time high level of Rs 9,952 touched on February 5
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Gold falls from two-month high as dollar strength dents safe-haven appeal
U.S. gold futures fell 0.4% to $1,785.50.
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Gateway Distriparks extends rally on robust Q4 nos; surges 51% in 6 days
The board approved the payment of first interim dividend of Rs 5 per equity share for the current financial year 2021-22
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Liquor prices in UP increase with 'corona cess'
Liquor prices in Uttar Pradesh have increased after the state government imposed a 'corona cess' from Tuesday
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Tata Elxsi hits new high, rallies 36% in 9 days post stellar Q4 results
In the past one year, the stock has zoomed 432 per cent, against 54 per cent jump in the benchmark S&P BSE Sensex
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Earnings analysis: Q4 report card & FY22 outlook amid 2nd Covid wave
In this podcast, we take stock of India Inc's March quarter performance. Listen in
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Petrol price up 15 paise, diesel 18 paise after over two-week hiatus
Petrol price on Tuesday was increased by 15 paise per litre and diesel by 18 paise as state-owned fuel retailers started passing on the increase in international oil prices to consumers
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Monday, 3 May 2021
Saudi Arabia expected to cut June crude prices for Asia: Survey
Saudi Arabia is expected to cut its official selling prices for Asia in June, tracking weakness in Middle East benchmark Dubai and demand uncertainty amid a new wave of regional Covid-19 outbreaks
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'Speculative excess': ethereum finds new peak in sizzling crypto market
Cryptocurrency ether rose to a fresh record peak on Tuesday before dropping sharply as some investors pulled profits from a white-hot market bulging with questionable new entrants
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Tata Chemicals slips 8% on weak operational performance in March quarter
The management said during the quarter, the company's profits was muted due to one off in US operations caused by Polar Vortex leading to sharp rise in gas prices.
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With Rs 55,500 crore m-cap, SAIL enters 100 most-valued Indian firms' club
In the intra-day today, the stock hit an over nine-year high of Rs 135.60, up 6 per cent, on the BSE. In the past six weeks, it has zoomed 85 per cent
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Supreme Industries hits record high on strong March quarter results
The long-term outlook for the company remains positive given its market leading position in the piping segment where government reforms will keep the demand strong, ICICI Securities said
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SBI Life slips on profit booking after hitting fresh 52-week high
Analysts remain watchful of the impact of the lockdowns announced in various key states due to the resurgence in Covid-19 cases
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Oil prices firm as US, Europe growth prospects counter India concerns
Oil prices extended gains on Tuesday as more U.S. states eased lockdowns and the European Union sought to attract travellers, helping to offset concerns over fuel demand in India as Covid cases soar
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Stocks to watch: Adani Ports, JSW Energy, Tata Chemicals, LTTS, ICICI Bank
Larsen & Toubro Technology Services (LTTS) posted a 5 per cent decline in consolidated net profit at Rs 194.5 crore in the March 2021 quarter
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Top trading ideas by Mehul Kothari: Buy Escorts, Maruti Suzuki
Maruti's stock has sneaked below its 200 DEMA but, on the weekly scale, it has tested its 200 week EMA which is a much stronger support
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Market Ahead Podcast, May 4: Top factors that could guide markets today
Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.71%, the S&P 500 gained 0.27% while the Nasdaq Composite dropped 0.48%
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a flat-to-negative start for indices
LIVE market: A total of 20 companies, including Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone, Alembic Pharmaceuticals, Apollo Pipes, DCM Shriram, IIFL Securities, Larsen & Toubro Infotech, and RBL Bank are s
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Ethereum breaks past $3,000 to quadruple in value in 2021
Cryptocurrency ether broke past $3,000 on Monday to set a new record high in a dazzling rally that has outshone the bigger bitcoin
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LNG cargoes diverted from India as Covid crisis dampens demand - sources
LNG cargoes are being diverted away from ports in India as surging coronavirus cases there hamper domestic gas demand, trade and shipping sources said on Monday
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Gold gains as rising virus cases, pullback in U.S. yields lift demand
Gold prices rose on Monday as a retreat in U.S. Treasury yields and worries over surging COVID-19 cases in some countries boosted the metal's appeal
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Titan dips 4%, trades lower for third straight day post Q4 results
Margins were muted primarily due to lower gross margins in both Jewellery and Watch segments basically arising out of higher sale of lower margin products
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This smallcap pharma stock has zoomed 101% in a month
On April 28, Morepen Group sealed $100 million (Rs 750 crore approx.) investment from Corinth Group of Switzerland
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Petrol, diesel prices revision maintain pause as OMCs weigh options
Fuel prices in the country remained unchanged on Monday as oil marketing companies decided to wait and watch the situation prevailing in the global oil markets for some more time
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Sunday, 2 May 2021
Laurus Labs shares advance 5% on strong growth outlook
Laurus is well poised to follow the success story of some leading CDMO players backed by strong chemistry and integrated model
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Most brokerages bullish on RIL despite Q4 miss; here's why
While Mukesh Ambani-led RIL posted a 108 per cent year-on-year (YoY) rise in profit after tax for the fourth quarter of FY21 at Rs 13,227 crore, it fell short of Bloomberg estimates of Rs 13,704 crore
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Natco Pharma gains 4% on emergency use approval for Covid-19 medicine
The company has received Emergency Use approval for Baricitinib tablets, 1mg, 2mg and 4mg strengths from Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) in India
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KPR Mill extends rally on strong Q4 results; stock zooms 37% in 7 days
The company said that the new expansion project of 42 million garments factory and sugar cum ethanol plant was progressing as per schedule
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Marico surges 8%, hits new high on strong March quarter results
The company posted a 25 per cent volume growth with healthy growth in Parachute & value added hair oils (VAHO) on the back of a low base quarter
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YES Bank plummets 13% as Q4 net loss widens to Rs 3,788 crore
The private sector lender's standalone net loss widened marginally to Rs 3,788 crore in the March quarter of FY21 as against a net loss of Rs 3,668 crore a year ago
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Oil prices slip as second wave of Covid takes toll on India's fuel sales
Oil prices fell on Monday as a catastrophic second wave of a coronavirus epidemic in India cut short a recovery in oil demand there, offsetting optimism about a strong rebound in demand
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AU Small Finance Bank slips 8% on asset quality concerns
The announcement of a lockdown in a few states can have some impact on the lender's collection efficiency and the demand outlook, and thus would be a key monitorable
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Top trading ideas by Bharat Gala of Ventura Sec: Buy Nocil, Divi's Labs
Recently, the stock of Divi's Labs has given a weekly range breakout, making a new high of 4133, supported by volumes
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Stocks to watch: RIL, IndusInd Bank, TCS, M&M, Yes Bank, auto stocks
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Friday said Samir Seksaria will take over as the company's Chief Financial Officer on May 1, 2021
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Stocks to watch: RIL, IndusInd Bank, TCS, M&M, Yes Bank, auto stocks
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) on Friday said Samir Seksaria will take over as the company's Chief Financial Officer on May 1, 2021
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Nifty outlook & stock picks by Gaurav Garg: Buy Quess Corp, Coromandel Intl
Quess Corp's stock is forming bullish flag pattern on daily charts
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Top trading ideas by Vaishali Parekh: Buy Grasim Industries, Bharat Forge
The chart of Grasim looks attractive and, with the RSI also improving with a trend reversal, the indicators suggest strength to signal a buy
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Market Ahead, May 3: Top factors that could guide markets today
Volatility is expected to remain high in the events-heavy week. Street will react to the Reliance Industries results which came in after market hours on Friday
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a negative start for indices; RIL in focus
LIVE market: A total of 21 companies are slated to post their March quarter numbers today, including Kotak Mahindra Bank, SBI Life Insurance Company, Tata Chemicals, Godrej Properties, L&T Technology
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Cryptocurrency ether hit a record high, Ethereum breaks past $3,000 mark
Cryptocurrency ether hit a record high, extending last week's rally in the wake of a report that the European Investment Bank could launch a digital bond sale on the ethereum blockchain network
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Oil climbs as demand optimism overshadows India Covid-19 infection worries
Vaccinations are expected to lift global oil demand, especially during peak travel season in the third quarter, prompting analysts to increase their forecasts for Brent prices for a fifth month
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Turkey adds cryptocurrency exchanges to terror funding regulations
The presidential decree makes "crypto asset service providers" responsible for seeing their assets are not used illegally
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Street signs: MF fancy UTI AMC, analysts positive on road builders
Several MF houses bought shares of peer UTI Asset Management Company during the March quarter
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Nifty50 has found support at its 100-day moving average twice
On Friday, the index closed at 14,631, after dropping 264 points, or 1.8 per cent. Despite the sharp fall, the 50-share index currently trades above its 100-DMA of 14,459
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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900
The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets
उषाशी का संबंध एक ऐसे परिवार से हैं जहां अधिकांश लोग शिक्षक हैं। उन्होंने बचपन से अपने घर में पढ़ाई-लिखाई का माहौल देखा। वे 1986 में शादी के...
साउथ इंडिया में थेनी के पास वेंकटचलपुरम में राधिका का जन्म हुआ। वे शादी के बाद दिल्ली आ गईं। एक शौक के तौर पर राधिका ने ट्रैवल फोटोग्राफी क...