The valuation of Tata Consultancy Services zoomed Rs 57,816.18 crore to reach Rs 12,28,898.85 crore
from Markets
It simply sucks. I don't personally read blog posts word by word, so how can I except you to read them too? I known ther are people who are kind enough to read a 10,000 word long blog article from start to finish, but I think that's a minority.why waste your time ? Let me..
Saturday, 10 April 2021
Bitcoin goes past $60,000-mark again, rises 1.32% to record $60,555.97
Bitcoin rose 1.32% to a record $60,555.97 on Saturday, breaking above $60,000 for a second time in 10 days
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from Markets
रहें एकदम आगे:वर्क फ्रॉम होम के दौरान अपनी प्रोडक्टिविटी बढ़ाने के लिए बड़ा मॉनिटर चुनें, वीडियो कॉल के लिए एक्सटर्नल कैमरे का इस्तेमाल भी जरूरी
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
बस यही कहीं है खुशी:तनाव से राहत के लिए फर्नीचर को व्यवस्थित करें, अपनी डेस्क जमाकर और वार्डरोब व्यवस्थित करके उलझे हुए विचारों से बाहर निकलना सीखें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Shriram Properties files draft papers with Sebi to launch Rs 800 cr IPO
Bengaluru-basedShriram Propertieshas filed a draft document with market regulator Sebi to raise up to Rs 800 crore through an initial public offer (IPO)
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from Markets
Friday, 9 April 2021
सतर्कता:ऑटोइम्यून रोग है रुमेटाइड अर्थराइटिस जिससे महिलाएं अधिक प्रभावित होती है, क्या है ये रोग, कैसे बचाव कर सकते हैं, जानिए
जोड़ों के घिसने को बुढ़ापे का रोग कहा जाता है, लेकिन रुमेटाइड अर्थराइटिस ऐसी बीमारी है, जो कम उम्र के लोगों में भी सिर उठा सकती है।,इसकी पीड़ा असहनीय होती है और इलाज ना होने पर नतीजे ख़तरनाक। क्या है यह रोग, उसके निदान और बचाव के तरीके, जानिए विशेषज्ञ से।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सेहत की जांच:छोटी-छोटी जांच और व्यायाम से जान सकते हैं सेहत के राज़, ये बताएंगे कितने स्वस्थ हैं आप
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
आरोग्य:मुझे डायबिटीज़ कैसे हो सकती है ? यदि आप भी यही सोचते हैं तो पढ़िए ये लेख
मधुमेह होने के लिए केवल अधिक शक्कर का सेवन ही नहीं, जीवनशैली भी ज़िम्मेदार है।,अनेक ऐसे मरीज़ भी होते हैं, जिनमें डायबिटीज़ का आनुवंशिक आधार ही नहीं होता। फिर भी यह रोग हो सकता है।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
एप्स को बनाएं स्वास्थ्य मित्र:हर महिला को मोबाइल में रखने चाहिए ये 5 एप्स, रखेंगे सेहत का ख्याल
महिलाएं घर और बाहर की ज़िम्मेदारियां बख़ूबी निभा रही हैं, पर इनके बीच वो सेहत और कई ज़रूरतों की अनदेखी भी कर रही हैं। ऐसे में ये एप्स काम आएंगे।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
मानसिक स्वास्थ्य:कोरोना ने बड़ों के साथ-साथ बच्चों के जीवन पर भी प्रभाव डाला है, ऐसे में यही समय है बच्चों के मन को, अपने साथ उनके रिश्तों को और मूल्यों में उनके विश्वास को बल देने का
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
मन-मंत्र:ध्यान से भागेगी काम की थकान, ऐसे दूर करें तनाव और दिमाग करें शांत
एक साथ कई काम करने वाली गृहिणियां शारीरिक के साथ मानसिक रूप से भी थकावट महसूस करती हैं।,दिन भर की भागदौड़ और घर के काम उन्हें चिड़चिड़ा बना देते हैं।,जानिए कि दिमाग़ को शांत और तनाव को दूर कैसे किया जा सकता है।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
नज़र का रखें ख़्याल:टीवी देखने, मोबाइल चलाने से आंखें कमज़ोर होती हैं, आंखों का ख़्याल कैसे रखें और किन बातों का ध्यान रखें जानिए
विटामिन ई, सी, ज़िंक, ओंमेगा 3 फैटी एसिड्स, हरी सब्ज़ियों से लबरेज़ आहार खाना नेत्रों की रक्षा के लिए ज़रूरी है।,इसी तरह चंद सावधानियां और भी हैं, जिनका ध्यान रहे, इसलिए नोट करें कि क्या नहीं करना है।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सेहत के प्याले:दाल और फल-सब्ज़ियों से बनाएं पौष्टिक सूप और जूस, जानिए इनकी रेसिपी
ताज़ी सब्ज़ियों और फलों के जूस या शेक हर मौसम में सेहत के लिए मुफ़ीद साबित होते हैं।,दालों के सूप देर शाम को भोजन से पहले पौष्टिक पेय बन सकते हैं।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
उम्र के हर पड़ाव पर महिलाओं में बदलाव आते हैं और वज़न भी बढ़ता है, ऐसा क्यों होता है और वज़न को कैसे नियंत्रित रख सकते हैं ये जानना ज़रूरी है...
महिलाएं मोटापे से बचने का यथासंभव प्रयास करती हैं, लेकिन वो जीवन के हर मोड़ पर घेर लेता है।,जीवन के अलग-अलग दौर में वज़न बढ़ने के क्या कारण होते हैं और उससे कैसे निपटना है, या निपटना है भी कि नहीं!
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
भोजन को बनाएं रंग-भरा:आहार में शामिल करें कई रंग की फल और सब्ज़ियां, रंग-भरे आहार के फायदे भी जानें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
आम समस्याएं:महिलाओं में हार्मोंस बदलाव अक्सर देखने को मिलते हैं, जो कई मुश्किलें भी पैदा करते हैं, इनसे कैसे निजात मिल सकती है पढ़िए
महिलाआंे में हॉर्मोन असंतुलन से कई तरह की परेशानियां हो सकती हैं।,जानिए क्या है यह समस्या और कैसे मिल सकती है निजात।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
पोषण:सुपर फूड्स से पाएं सुपर हेल्थ, इन चीजों को करें डाइट में शामिल
शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए ज़रूरी है पोषण। इसमें सहायक हैं सुपरफूड्स।,पौष्टिक भोजन के साथ-साथ इन सुपरफूड्स को आहार में शामिल करें और अपनी सेहत में बदलाव देखें।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
हेल्थ इंफो:नमक के बिना भोजन की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती, लेकिन इसे कितनी मात्रा में लेना चाहिए इसकी जानकारी ज़रूरी है
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
निदान:कुछ लोग बिना काम किए या सुबह उठते ही अजीब तरह की थकान महसूस करते हैं, इसकी वजह क्या है ये समय रहते जानना ज़रूरी है
कुछ लोगों को दिनभर ही थकान बनी रहती है। आप भी इस तरह की समस्या से परेशान हैं, तो जानिए इसके कारण और समाधान।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
हेल्दी रेसिपी:अंकुरित अनाज और मटर से बनाएं पौष्टिक नाश्ता, जानिए इनकी हेल्दी रेसिपी
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
पॉश्चर का रखें ख़्याल:दफ़्तर में लगातार बैठकर काम करना, घर में भी लंबे समय तक बैठे या लेटे रहने से शरीर का पॉश्चर ख़राब हो जाता है, इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकते हैं आइए जानते हैं
शरीर को स्वस्थ रखना हमारी ज़िम्मेदारी है।,इसकी प्रणालियां सुचारु रूप से काम करें, इसके लिए इन्हें हमें ही दुरुस्त रखना होगा, तो ये दुरुस्त रहेंगी। भंगिमा यानी पॉश्चर इनमें से एक है।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सांस पर नियंत्रण तो जीवन पर नियंत्रण:सांस से जुड़ी है जीवन की डोर, जानें सांस लेने का सही तरीका और अभ्यास
यह उक्ति कितनी सच्ची और कारगर है, कोरोना काल ने हमें समझा दिया है।,सही ढंग से ली गई सांस दिल और फेफड़ों को ही नहीं शरीर के हर हिस्से के लिए प्राण की सूचना लेकर दौड़ती है।,सांस पर नियंत्रण कैसे पाया जाए, आइए सीखते हैं।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Macrotech's Rs 2,500-cr IPO gets lukewarm response from investors
The 36.42-million offering got less than 50 million bids with retail and employee portions of the issue remaining undersubscribed at 40 per cent and 17 per cent, respectively
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Sensex snaps 3-day winning streak as RIL, banks slide; logs weekly loss
Market benchmarks nursed losses on Friday after three days of gains as the unabated rise in COVID-19 cases and localised lockdowns prompted investors to unwind bets in banking, finance and infra counters. A continuously depreciating rupee also sapped risk appetite, traders said. After a fluctuating session, the 30-share BSE Sensex ended 154.89 points or 0.31 per cent lower at 49,591.32. Similarly, the broader NSE Nifty slipped 38.95 points or 0.26 per cent to 14,834.85. Bajaj Finance was the top laggard in the Sensex pack, tumbling 3.12 per cent, followed by UltraTech Cement, NTPC, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, IndusInd Bank, Reliance Industries, L&T and HDFC Bank. On the other hand, Sun Pharma, HUL, Tech Mahindra, Dr Reddy's and Titan were among the gainers, climbing up to 3.69 per cent. During the week, the Sensex declined 438.51 points or 0.87 per cent, while the Nifty shed 32.50 points or 0.21 per cent. "Domestic markets traded in a mild negative territory following weak global cue
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फैशन विद स्टाइल:फिर आया 60-70 के दशक वाले प्रिंटेड कपड़ों का दौर, ब्लैक एंड व्हाइट बने क्लासिक कॉम्बो, एंब्रॉयडर्ड फ्लोरल में पेस्टल कलर बनें सबकी पसंद
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
What could India Inc's Q4 report card look like? Here's a glimpse
As per some experts, Nifty50 could possibly post the highest earnings growth in a decade in a financial year that was marked by turbulent times in the form of pandemic to lockdowns to GDP contractions
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Trade cautiously in over 300 illiquid stocks: BSE, NSE to investors
To safeguard interests of investors, leading stock exchanges BSE and NSE have asked their trading members to take extra caution while trading in over 300 illiquid stocks. Illiquid stocks are those that cannot be sold easily because they see limited trading. These stocks pose higher risks to investors because it is difficult to find buyers for them as compared to frequently traded shares. In similar-worded circulars issued on Wednesday, both exchanges advised their trading members "to exercise additional due diligence while trading in these securities either on own account or on behalf of their clients". BSE and NSE have listed out 299 and 13 illiquid stocks, respectively, where additional due diligence is required. Illiquid scrips listed by BSE include Garware Marine Industries Ltd, Mefcom Capital Markets Ltd, Ekam Leasing & Finance Company Ltd, Maruti Securities Ltd, Bangalore Fort Farms Ltd, Gujarat Investa Ltd, Golechha Global Finance Ltd, Vertex Securities Ltd, Munoth ...
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Market Wrap, April 9: Here's all that happened in the markets today
Among headline indices, the S&P BSE Sensex ended the day at 49,591 level, down 155 points
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Mutual fund assets soar 41% to Rs 31.43 trillion in FY'21: Report
Assets under management with the mutual fund industry jumped a whopping 41 per cent in fiscal 2021 to Rs 31.43 trillion, despite a minor 1 per cent decline in March, says a report
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Gold slips from one-month high as dollar, bond yields stage rebound
Gold retreated from a over one-month peak hit in the previous session, weighed by rebound in the dollar and US Treasury yields, though it was still on course to register its first weekly gain in three
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Will TCS maintain lead over IT peers? Here's what to expect from its Q4 nos
TCS Q4 Preview: Analysts expect TCS to report a 9 per cent year-on-year (YoY) growth in revenue (in rupee terms) for the March quarter
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क्लीनिंग हैक्स:गर्मी में डस्ट कंट्रोल करने के लिए एफिशिएंसी फिल्टर वैक्यूम का इस्तेमाल करें, बिस्तर और कालीन की हफ्ते में एक बार सफाई करना भी जरूरी
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Thursday, 8 April 2021
Khadim India rises for fourth day, jumps 7% on credit rating tweak
ICRA has revised long term credit rating on the company's overall borrowings of Rs 204 crore to BBB- from BBB, although, it tweaked the outlook to 'Stable' from 'Negative'
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PSU Bank stocks rally on report govt may soon approve privatisation roadmap
At the bourses, shares of Bank of Maharashtra skyrocketed 15.3 per cent on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), Indian Overseas Bank surged 12 per cent, and Central Bank of India jumped 10 per cent.
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Siemens gains 4% on signing MoU with Ashok Leyland for E-Mobility solutions
The MoU is aimed at delivering efficient, cost-effective and sustainable E-Mobility solutions to various commercial vehicle customers in India
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Zensar Tech climbs 6% on entering into a partnership with Claimatic
On a year-to-date basis, Zensar is up 15.63 per cent as against a gain of 4 per cent in Sensex
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Srei Infra zooms 20% as arm receives EoI for $250 mn capital infusion
The company's Strategic Coordination Committee will coordinate, negotiate and conclude discussions with the PE investors to bring the capital into the business and advise the management
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Stocks to watch: Airtel, Srei Infrastructure, Ashok Leyland, Infosys
Arindam Haldar has resigned as Chief Executive Officer of Thyrocare Technologies, for personal reasons
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Three stocks picks by Osho Krishan of Anand Rathi: Buy HDFC AMC, Mphasis
HDFCAMC has corrected from its recent high of 3360 odd levels and has consolidated near the 61.80% of the Fibonacci retracement
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Here is a Bull Spread Strategy on Glenmark Pharma by HDFC Securities
The stock price has already given bullish breakout from the downward slopping trendline adjoining the highs of 08-Dec-2020 and 12-Jan-2021
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Market Ahead, April 9: All you need to know before the Opening Bell
The initial public offer of Macrotech Developers was subscribed 35 per cent on Thursday, the second day of subscription
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty signals a flat-to-negative start for Sensex, Nifty
LIVE market: On Wall Street, the Dow Jones rose 0.17 per cent, the S&P 500 gained 0.42 per cent, and the Nasdaq added 1.03 per cent, on Thursday
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Gold price today at Rs 49,250 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 66,600 a kg
In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold is at Rs 45,150 per 10 gm, while in Chennai it fell to Rs 43,450
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BSE Metal index soars 4.4%; Tata Steel and JSW hit fresh all-time highs
Shares of steel cos have been on a tear recently, owing to a sharp rally in steel prices. Price of Asian flat HRC has shot up over 20% while that in Europe has gained 40% this calendar year
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Gold gains as dollar, yields fall after US Federal Reserve maintains stance
Spot gold gained 0.3 per cent at $1,741.85 per ounce by 0927 GMT. US gold futures rose 0.1 per cent to $1,742.90 per ounce
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होम इंटीरियर:घर को सजाएंगे और ठंडा भी रखेंगे ओवरसाइज्ड हाउस प्लांट्स, लॉबी में लगाएं पॉटेड बैंबू और जहां धूप आती हो वहां रखें रबर ट्री प्लांट
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
संघर्ष से मिली सफलता:इजराइल की जेजे जूली टूक का महामारी के चलते बंद हुआ काम तो हेयर ड्रेसर से डॉग ग्रुमर बनीं, बेटे की मदद से खुद बदली अपनी तकदीर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Equity mutual funds witness an inflow for first time in 9 months in March
Equity mutual funds witnessed a net inflow of Rs 9,115 crore in March, making it the first net infusion in nine months
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Oil price dips as record Covid-19 cases in India imperil demand revival
West Texas Intermediate slid 0.6%, though remains within the $5 range it has traded in since mid-March
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JSW Steel joins Rs 1.5-trillion m-cap club, zooms 57% in a month
JSW Steel surpassed Bajaj Finserv, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries and HDFC Life Insurance Company in market-cap ranking during intra-day trade
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Cement stocks rally on strong demand hopes; Shree, JK Cement hit new highs
The cement sector is set to report strong double-digit volume growth during the January-March quarter (Q4FY21) given the low base and sharp recovery in the cement demand
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Small-Cap index hits new high; analysts see more upside
A large part of this rally is attributed to the economic recovery over the past few months, which analysts feel will directly benefit small and mid-sized companies
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चर्चा में:अमेरिका की आयना विलियम्स ने कटवाए अपने नाखून, पिछले 30 सालों से 733.55 सेमी लंबे नाखूनों की वजह से गिनीज वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड में दर्ज है इनका नाम
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Tata Steel hits all-time high; stk soars 25% in a month on ratings upgrade
On Tuesday, March 6, Standard and Poor's raised the credit rating of Tata Steel and its subsidiary ABJA Investment Co from 'B+' to 'BB-'
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Nomura sees Nifty at 15,340 by March'22; sees risks to FII flows in FY22
Markets, Nomura believes, are dealing with three headwinds - the resurgence of Covid-19 cases; inflationary pressure with the rise in commodity prices; and rich valuations
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सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल:एक पति ने अपनी पत्नी को गिफ्ट में दी बाइक, पत्नी का सपना पूरा करने और रूढ़िबद्ध धारणाओं को तोड़ने के लिए अपनाया ये तरीका
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Wednesday, 7 April 2021
Ashok Leyland to set up green arms; stock rallies 7%, nears 52-week high
The first unit -- Switch Mobility Automotive Ltd -- is being formed to carry on the electric vehicle strategy in India and forms part of its global entity
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Prakash Industries hits 52-week high on clocking highest-ever sales volume
The stock jumped over 9 per cent in intra-day deals to Rs 88.80 on the BSE
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Fertiliser shares in focus; Deepak Fertilisers, RCF rally over 10%
With the forecast of normal monsoons and the rollout of Covid vaccination programme in the coming months, CARE Ratings expects economic activities to normalize during FY22
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Barbeque Nation shares extend rally, zoom 47% from Wednesday's low
Currently, the stock was up 42 per cent against its issue price of Rs 500 per share
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आज क्या बनाऊं:मिनटों में तैयार करें देसी चना पुलाव, जानिए इसकी आसान रेसिपी
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Stocks to watch: Muthoot Finance, RIL, UCO Bank, Prakash Industries, Airtel
Anil Agarwal-led Vedanta Resources Ltd's sweetened offer to buy back 17.5 per cent share in its Indian flagship firm was subscribed 57.5 per cent, helping it raise its stake to about 65 per cent
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Trading strategies for gold and zinc by Tradebulls Securities
Gold has made double bottom around 44,150 and bounced back sharply
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Market Ahead, April 8: Top factors that could guide market today
Shares of Reliance Industries will be in focus today after Sebi imposed a total penalty of Rs 25 crore on Mukesh Ambani, Anil Ambani, other individuals and entities for non-compliance
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty trends indicate a positive opening for Sensex, Nifty
LIVE market: On the Covid front, India recorded its biggest-ever daily surge of 1.26 lakh Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours
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Gold price today at Rs 48,870 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 66,300 a kg
In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold is at Rs 44,800 per 10 gm, while in Chennai it fell to Rs 42,970
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Market Wrap, April 7: Here's all that happened in the markets today
The Sensex index gained 460 points, or 0.9 per cent, to end at 49,662 levels while the Nifty index closed at 14,819 levels, up 135 points
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Gold price falls on swift economic recovery hopes; US Fed minutes eyed
Spot gold was down 0.4% to $1,737.09 per ounce by 0946 GMT. US gold futures slipped 0.3% to $1,737.70 per ounce
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Barbeque Nation shares soar 18% on debut, get locked in 20% upper circuit
Rally surprised Street as most were expecting subdued listing due to the fresh turbulence in restaurant sector caused by the lockdown imposed in Maharashtra to contain Covid-19 spread
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किंग्स कॉलेज लंदन की रिसर्च:ब्रिटेन की 72% महिलाओं ने महामारी के कारण बदला प्रेग्नेंसी प्लान, वहीं दूसरी बार मां बनने वाली 28% महिलाएं कोरोना के चलते भी कंसीव करने को तैयार
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
BSE Smallcap index nears record high; HEG, KPIT zoom 20% each
The smallcap index hit an intra-day high of 21,299.84 points, and is 120 points away from its record high level of 21,419.84 touched on March 12, 2021.
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Oil prices decline despite prospects for stronger global economic outlook
Oil prices eased on Wednesday despite prospects for stronger global economic growth as talks to revive a nuclear deal with Iran opens the possibility of an easing of sanctions on its oil exports
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KPIT Technologies soars 19%, hits new high on heavy volumes
In the past one month, the stock has zoomed 49 per cent, as compared to 1.3 per cent decline in the S&P BSE Sensex
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वर्ल्ड हेल्थ डे:हाई हील से महिलाओं में बढ़ती आर्थोपेडिक की समस्या, लंबे समय तक इसे पहनने से हडि्डयों में दरार आती है और स्पाइन पर होता है असर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Bharti Airtel, RIL up 3% each on signing spectrum transfer deal
Through this agreement, which is subject to statutory approvals, Airtel will receive a consideration of Rs 1,037.6 crore from Jio for the proposed transfer
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Tuesday, 6 April 2021
Analysts turn cautious; prefer defensives amid sporadic lockdowns
Activity levels, analysts at Jefferies believe, will take a significant hit across sectors such as infrastructure, real estate, discretionary, and durables as more local lockdowns are announced
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Barbeque-Nation shares hit 20% upper circuit limit after tepid listing
While the company has posted revenue growth of 20 per cent CAGR between FY18-FY20, it has been continuously incurring losses at PAT (profit after tax) level despite topline growth
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Rate-sensitive stocks trade firm as RBI keeps key policy rates unchanged
At 10:52 am, Nifty PSU Bank, Nifty Auto and Nifty Realty indices were trading higher in the range of 1 per cent to 1.5 per cent on the NSE
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Led by Bitcoin, global cryptocurrency market crosses $2 tn for first time
The global cryptocurrency market has zoomed past $2 trillion in market capitalisation amid a surge in institutional demand
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India's restaurant chain Barbeque-Nation falls in debut trade: Details here
Shares of Barbeque-Nation Hospitality fell 2% in their market debut on Wednesday, after the casual dining restaurant chain raised about Rs 4.53 billion through an IPO
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Rossari Biotech shares surge 9%, hit highest level since listing
Thus far in the month of April, the stock has soared 16 per cent in four trading days, after the company announced full commissioning of its Greenfield manufacturing facility at Dahej, Gujarat
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Graphite electrode makers extend rally; HEG surges 32% in two days
The pick-up in steel production globally is expected to drive demand for electrodes in the near term
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Indian shares inch up ahead of central bank rate decision
Indian shares inched higher on Wednesday, ahead of a RBI decision that could leave interest rates at record lows, as a surge in coronavirus cases sparked fears about the impact on economic growth
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आज क्या बनाऊं:खजूर कुल्फी विद खस टेस्ट बनाने की आसान रेसिपी, सर्व करने से पहले इसमें कटा खजूर और खस सिरप डालना न भूलें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Stocks to watch: Barbeque Nation, RIL, Airtel, Tata Steel, Inox Leisure
CARE Ratings has assigned Wockhardt's proposed non-convertible debenture issue of Rs 200 crore a rating of 'BBB-, with a stable outlook
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'Nifty's direction will be clear once it breaks the range of 14,500-14,800'
It is better to take stock-specific approach as the Nifty index is likely to remain choppy. Midcap and Smallcap Indices are expected to outperform
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MARKET LIVE: Sensex trades flat in pre-open, Nifty tops 14,700
LIVE market: The MPC is expected to go for a "dovish pause" in its first monetary policy review announcement of this fiscal
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Market Ahead, April 7: All you need to know before the Opening Bell
Shares of Barbeque Nation Hospitality will debut on the bourses today. The Rs 453-crore public issue was subscribed 5.98 times during March 24-26
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Gold price today at Rs 48,600 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 65,000 a kg
In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold is at Rs 44,550 per 10 gm, while in Chennai it fell to Rs 42,570
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घरेलू नुस्खों से पाएं फ्रेशनेस:गर्मी में पसीने की बदबू दूर करने के तरीके बता रही हैं जानी-मानी ब्यूटीशियन शहनाज हुसैन, इनके बताए ये हेयर केयर टिप्स भी आएंगे आपके काम
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
MFs log strong 19% AUM growth at Rs 32.1 trillion in March quarter
SBI cements pole spot, widens lead over HDFC MF; Among top 10, Axis MF has logged highest growth in average AUM at 42% to Rs 1.96 trillion
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Market Wrap, April 6: Here's all that happened in the markets today
Indices pared gained and ended mildly higher soon after the Delhi government imposed night curfew in the city till April 30 with immediate effect in the wake of rising coronavirus cases
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Oil price rebounds on robust economic data from US, China, bargain hunting
Oil prices rose supported by strong economic data from China and the US, recouping some of the losses from the previous session due to rising OPEC+ supply and infections in India and parts of Europe
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Gold price hits more than one-week peak as dollar and yields slip
Gold prices rose on Tuesday to their highest level in more than a week as a weaker dollar and pullback in US bond yields lifted demand for the safe-haven metal
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छोटी उम्र की बड़ी सोच:मुंबई की अवंतिका का लर्निंग प्रोग्राम 'सीख', वे अपनी रिसर्च के माध्यम से ये चाहती हैं कि हिंदुस्तानी क्लासिकल म्युजिक बच्चों के मानसिक विकास में मदद कर सके
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
This stock from Dolly Khanna's portfolio has rallied 121% so far in 2021
Dolly Khanna acquired 161,336 equity shares or 1.26 per cent stake in Neuland Lab during the quarter ended March 2021
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Adani Ports surges 10% on robust business update for March quarter
Adani Ports handled cargo volume of 73 MMT in January-March quarter of the financial year 2021 (Q4FY21). For the full FY21, APSEZ handled cargo volume of 247 MMT
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Bajaj Finance up 2% on AUM growth in March qtr; adds 2.3 mn new customers
New loans booked during Q4FY21 were 5.5 million as against 6 million in Q4FY20
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खुद बदली अपनी तकदीर:गोरखपुर की निर्मला के लिए 12 सदस्यों के परिवार का पेट भरना मुश्किल हुआ तो शुरू किया पोल्ट्री फार्म, अपने स्व सहायता समूह से महिलाओं को बनाया आत्मनिर्भर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Heranba Industries falls below issue price, hits lowest level since listing
The stock hit a new low of Rs 606.55, down 3%, falling below its issue price of Rs 627 per share on the BSE.
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Can rising Covid cases, lockdowns bring back lustre to gold prices?
The yellow metal lost sheen as investors shifted out of this safe-haven asset to more lucrative investment options, such as cyclical stocks
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India Inc must separate CMD post, deadline won't be extended: Sebi
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has asked Indian companies to work towards separating the roles of chairperson and managing director (MD)
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Monday, 5 April 2021
Bajaj Finance gains 2% on 4% YoY growth in AUM in March quarter
New loans booked during Q4FY21 were 5.5 million as against 6 million in Q4FY20
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Burger King India shares rallies 4% as ICRA upgrades long-term rating
ICRA, on Monday, revised Burger King India's Long-term/Short-term unallocated amount's rating to ICRA A-/ICRA A2+. Besides, the agency also revised the outlook from 'negative' to 'stable'
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Sobha reports record sales bookings in Q4FY21 despite Covid woes; stk up 8%
The company reported record sales bookings of Rs 1,072 crore during the last quarter of fiscal year 2020-21
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Laurus Labs rallies 6%, hits record high on heavy volume
The pharmaceutical company's stock surpassed its previous high of Rs 386, touched on January 25, 2021
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Panacea Biotec zooms 20% as company to make 100 mn Sputnik V doses yearly
The Russian Direct Investment Fund and Panacea Biotec announced cooperation to produce 100 million doses per year of Sputnik V
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आज क्या बनाऊं:ब्रेड की स्लाइस से घर में बनाएं तवा पिज्जा, बच्चों को पसंद आएगा इसका मजेदार स्वाद
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Stocks to watch: Ircon Int'l, Panacea Biotech, HDFC, JSPL, Burger King
Ircon International board approved the issue of bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a flat start; Maruti Suzuki in focus
LIVE market: On the Covid-19 front, India reported 96,557 fresh cases on Monday, according to Worldometer
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Market Ahead, April 6: All you need to know before the Opening Bell
The Russian Direct Investment Fund has signed an agreement with Panacea Biotec to produce 100 million doses per year of Sputnik V vaccine in India
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Gold price today at Rs 48,450 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 65,000 a kg
In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold is at Rs 44,410 per 10 gm, while in Chennai it fell to Rs 42,580
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Oil price slips to $64 as rising OPEC+ supply, Iranian output weighs
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies, known as OPEC+, agreed on Thursday to monthly production hikes from May to July. Iran is also boosting supply
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Use market volatility and correction to invest for the long-term: Analysts
On Monday, the markets tumbled with the frontline indices - the S&P BSE Sensex and the Nifty50 - slipping over 2 per cent each in intraday trade
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Pressing question before India's tech unicorns: Where to bring an IPO?
Business Standard breaks down key listing requirements in India, in the US and the possibility in a few other scenarios
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Adani Total Gas zooms 36% in 5 days, surpasses Adani Ent in m-cap ranking
Adani Total Gas also beat ONGC, JSW Steel and Hindustan Zinc in m-cap ranking
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Gold prices slip as strong US jobs data boosts dollar, bond yields
Spot gold was down 0.1% to $1,726.36 per ounce by 0733 GMT. Gold futures were flat at $11,762.40 per ounce
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किड्स कॉर्नर:बच्चों को सिखाएं कम्पाउंडिंग की ताकत का अंदाजा, एक-एक पैसा जोड़कर किस तरह बड़ा फंड तैयार किया जा सकता है, ये समझाना भी जरूरी
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Happiest Minds surges 14%, hits new high on heavy volumes
In the past three months, the stock has soared 96 per cent, against less than 1 per cent gain in the S&P BSE Sensex
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Investors' wealth tumbles over Rs 4.54 trillion as markets crash
The 30-share BSE benchmark index plummeted 1,449.03 points to 48,580.80 in morning trade
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Key factors that led to a market crash on Monday
The selling in the market was mostly broad-based, with only stocks from the information technology (IT) sector managing to hold their head above water
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Sunday, 4 April 2021
Dr Lal PathLabs hits record high in a weak market; surges 19% in 5 days
The company would continue to reap benefits from increased Covid-related and allied testing in its widespread network of diagnostic centers and labs, analysts believe
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Nifty Bank tanks over 4% on renewed lockdown, SC verdict hit concerns
India's factory activity grew at its weakest pace in seven months in March as renewed lockdowns to curtail a resurgence in Covid-19 cases dampened domestic demand and output
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India gold lenders cut tenor, seek more collateral as prices plunge
Gold loans had boomed over the past year as small businesses tried to revive themselves from lockdowns by pledging family jewelry that's a staple of almost all Indian households
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Infosys hits fresh record high; m-cap crosses Rs 6-trillion mark
In the past two months, Infosys has outperformed the market by surging 12 per cent, against 3 per cent decline in the Sensex
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PVR, Inox Leisure fall up to 8% as Maharashtra govt shuts cinema halls
The Maharashtra government has announced lockdowns during the weekends and fresh curbs on weekdays.
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SAIL hits over 2-yr high on clocking best quarterly production, sales in Q4
Aided by a healthy Q4FY21 performance, SAIL reported its best-ever annual sales volume during the financial year 2020-21
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आज क्या बनाऊं:स्टफ्ड मशरूम बनाने की आसान रेसिपी, सिर्फ 10 मिनट में हो जाएगा तैयार
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
SBI Card, SPARC: Top stock picks by Vaishali Parekh of Prabhudas Lilladher
The stock of SBI Card has witnessed a decent correction from the peak of 1139 levels and has bottomed out near 920 levels
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Stocks to watch: Tata Motors, RIL, Adani Enterprises, Britannia, SAIL
MCL, a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd, on Friday said it has posted a record production of148.01 million tonne and achieved the highest-ever dispatch of 146 million tonne in the 2020-21 fiscal
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Bull spread strategy on Apollo Tyres by Nandish Shah of HDFC Securities
The stock price has broken out on the daily line chart where it closed at highest level since March 12 with higher volumes
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Stock picks by Sameet Chavan: Buy Happiest Minds, Prakash Industries
The recent price chart displays a 'Bullish Flag' breakout in Happiest Minds' stock
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Nifty outlook & trading ideas by Gaurav Garg of CapitalVia Global Research
Nifty index can witness profit booking only if it breaks level of 14,800
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Market Ahead, April 5: Top factors that could guide markets this week
Defying a positive global market sentiment, the domestic markets looked set to start the week on a subdued note, spooked by fast-rising Covid cases in the country
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MARKET LIVE: Indices set to open lower amid rising Covid-19 cases
LIVE market updates: India recorded its biggest-ever spike of 1.03 lakh Covid-19 cases on Sunday, according to Worldometer
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Warehousing yields decline as global players race to invest in assets
Investors prefer warehousing assets because they are more stable than office properties, which were affected by the pandemic, said bankers involved in warehousing deals
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बातें काम की:गले के निचले हिस्से और कान के पीछे परफ्यूम लगाएं ताकि देर तक खुश्बू आती रहे, धूप और गर्मी में इन्हें स्टोर करने से बचें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
होम डिजाइन ट्रेंड:मॉडर्न घरों में जल्दी दिखाई देंगे फोर डोर रेफ्रिजरेटर, इंटीरियर से मैचिंग अप्लायंस बनेंगे आपके किचन की शान
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Mutual funds turn net buyers, invest Rs 2,476 crore in equities in March
Mutual funds invested Rs 2,476 crore in equities in March, making it the first such infusion in 10 months, as consolidation in the market provided investment opportunities to fund managers
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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900
The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets
उषाशी का संबंध एक ऐसे परिवार से हैं जहां अधिकांश लोग शिक्षक हैं। उन्होंने बचपन से अपने घर में पढ़ाई-लिखाई का माहौल देखा। वे 1986 में शादी के...
साउथ इंडिया में थेनी के पास वेंकटचलपुरम में राधिका का जन्म हुआ। वे शादी के बाद दिल्ली आ गईं। एक शौक के तौर पर राधिका ने ट्रैवल फोटोग्राफी क...