This was the first net withdrawal since September 2020, when they had pulled out a net of Rs 7,782 crore from equities
from Markets
It simply sucks. I don't personally read blog posts word by word, so how can I except you to read them too? I known ther are people who are kind enough to read a 10,000 word long blog article from start to finish, but I think that's a minority.why waste your time ? Let me..
Saturday, 1 May 2021
वेडिंग ज्वेलरी कलेक्शन:लहंगे के साथ पहनें कुंदन नेकलेस और चोकर, ब्राइडल झुमका आपके लुक को बनाएगा आपको ज्यादा ग्लैमरस
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
स्किन केयर:स्किन को नुकसान पहुंचाती है धूप और गर्मी, समर सीजन में त्वचा को हेल्दी और रेडिएंट रखने के लिए करें ये उपाय
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
स्टाइल अपडेट:इस समर सीजन कॉटन से ज्यादा पहना जा रहा है लिनन,जानें गर्मी में लिनन पहनने के पांच तरीके
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Friday, 30 April 2021
संस्मरण:बचपन की यादें अमिट होती हैं ख़ासतौर पर नानी के घर की यादें, जो उम्र बढ़ने पर और गहरी होती जाती हैं, कुछ ऐसी ही यादों को फिर जी लें इस लेख के ज़रिए
नानी के घर की यादों को समेटें, तो ग्रंथ के ग्रंथ बन जाएं। अंतहीन किस्से, अशेष अनुभव।,पिछले दो सालों से कोई कहीं जा नहीं पाया, इसलिए यादों का पुराना पिटारा खोल रहे हैं। उम्मीद है, ननिहाल का स्नेह हरिया जाएगा।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
व्यायाम:कोरोना के इस दौर में सबसे अधिक मज़बूती चाहिए मन की और सांसों की, सांसों पर काबू करके मन को शांत रख सकते हैं, इसके लिए चंद व्यायाम मददगार हैं
दुनिया के हर कोने से उथल-पुथल की ख़बरें आ रही हों, अपने आस-पास भी अफ़रा-तफ़री मची हो, तब मन के मथे जाने को कैसे रोका जाए? यह संभव है, योग की तर्ज़ पर सांसों पर काबू पाकर।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
कविता:डायरी में लिखे नाम और पते अक्सर हमें काफ़ी कुछ याद दिलाते हैं, एक ऐसी ही डायरी की दास्तां पढ़िए इस कविता में...
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
देखभाल:घर में रखे-रखे गाड़ी की न थम जाए रफ़्तार, ऐसे करें अपनी गाड़ी की देखभाल
फिलहाल, वाहनों का चलाया जाना काफ़ी कम हुआ है। सब घर पर ही हैं।,जब वाहन लंबे समय तक एक ही जगह पर खड़ा हो, तो कुछ समय बाद इसे चालू करने पर परेशानियां आ सकती हैं।,ऐसे में इन ज़रूरी बातों का ध्यान रखें…
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
एक हाथ बढ़ाकर तो देखिए:इंसानियत के फ़र्ज़ निभाएंगे तभी कोरोना को हरा पाएंगे
समय मुश्किल-भरा है और परिस्थितियां बहुत विकट, लेकिन मनुष्य ने पूर्व में भी ऐसी महामारियों पर विजय पाई है और अब भी हम विजय पाकर ही रहेंगे।,ज़रूरत है तो सबके साथ आने की, एक-दूसरे की सहायता करने की।,कड़ी से कड़ी मिलेगी, तो मदद की शृंखला बनती जाएगी। जानिए कैसे।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
निदान की पर्ची:क्या करें जब सोने के आभूषण पहनने पर दानें और चकत्ते पड़ने लगे
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
सेहत मंत्र:गर्भावस्था में मां को है कोविड का अधिक जोखिम, ऐसे रखें अपना और बच्चे का ध्यान
गर्भावस्था में मां को कोरोना संक्रमण से अधिक ख़तरा है। ऐसे में बचाव बहुत ज़रूरी है।,जानिए, मां और शिशु का ख़्याल कैसे रखना है।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
मनोरंजन:आइसक्रीम स्टिक से मज़ेदार चीज़ें बनाएं और घर में इस्तेमाल में लें, इन्हें बनाना बेहद आसान है...
आइसक्रीम स्टिक्स सिर्फ़ आइसक्रीम जमाने के वक़्त ही काम नहीं आतीं बल्कि इनसे काफ़ी कुछ रोचक बनाया जा सकता है। क्या और कैसे बना सकते हैं, देखिए-
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
बोधकथा 'परहित का चिंतन':सुख-दुख को ईश्वर का प्रसाद समझकर संयम से ग्रहण करें, हर समय परहित के विचार से ख़ुद को दूर न करें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
नई पहल:इस संकट के समय सभी घरों में बंद हैं ऐेसे में बच्चों को संभालना सबसे मुश्किल काम है, उन्हें व्यस्त रखने के लिए कुछ ऐसा सिखाएं जो उनके काम आए और सीखने में उन्हें मज़ा भी आए
इस समय बच्चे घर पर खाली हैं, न बाहर जा सकते हैं न दिनभर टी.वी देख सकते हैं। ऐसे में उन्हें सीखने के तरीक़ों के प्रति नया नज़रिया दिया जा सकता है।,कुछ यूं वे अपनी दुनिया को देखें कि सीखने की ललक बढ़े, सीख का कोष बढ़े और वे नए उत्साह से भर जाएं।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
हवा स्वच्छ रहे:घर की हवा को शुद्ध करने के लिए लगाएं ये इंडोर प्लांट्स
स्वच्छ हवा सेहत की ज़रूरत है और कोरोना काल में जब बाहर की हवा पर ख़तरा मंडराया हुआ है, ऐसे में घर के भीतर की हवा की शुद्धता के लिए अतिरिक्त प्रयास ज़रूरी हो गए हैं, वो भी प्राकृतिक ढंग से।,घर के भीतर ऐसे पौधों को स्थान दें, जो हवा को शुद्ध करे।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
रख-रखाव/ सौंदर्य:किताबों का रख-रखाव और उनकी देखभाल के बारे में जानिए, साथ ही इस समय अगर घर पर वैक्स कर रही हैं तो किन बातों का ख़्याल रखना है, पढ़िए
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
अनुभव:मोहन जी के कंजूसी करने की आदत के पीछे छिपी वजह और नए शहर में देवदूत बनकर आए लड़कों के बारे में जानिए, इन अनुभवों के ज़रिए
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
समय प्रबंधन:योजना बनाकर काम करने से काम बेहतर तरीक़े से होता है और शारीरिक व मानसिक तनाव भी दूर होता है, कैसे कर सकते हैं आइए जानते हैं
योजनाबद्ध तरीक़े से कार्य करने पर घर के कार्य बेहतर तरीक़े से पूर्ण होते हैं। कैसे शुरुआत कर सकते हैं, इसके लिए कुछ सुझाव पेश हैं।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
रेसिपी:नाश्ते में बनाएं कहवा और कटहली दलिया, ये पौष्टिक हैं और स्वाद में लाजवाब भी
महामारी के इस दौर में जब कहा जा रहा है कि कुछ भी ठंडा ना खाएं, कोशिश करें कि ताज़ा और गर्म भोजन ही करें, तो ऐसे में नाश्ते में क्या बनाएं, यह सवाल सिर उठाए खड़ा मिलता है।,गर्मी ज़रूर है, पर शेक या शर्बत नहीं ले सकते। इसीलिए हम लाएं हैं, नाश्ते की रेसिपीज़।,ये रेसिपीज़ आपके दिन को पौष्टिक शुरुआत देंगी और स्वाद में भी लगेंगी लाजवाब।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Steel stocks steal the show in lacklustre April for equity markets
Returns for the month slipped into marginal negative territory because of the 2 per cent fall on Friday
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India's benchmark stock indices slide 2% as Covid-19 risks heighten
Bank stocks lead the fall; FIIs pull out Rs 3,465 crore
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सनस्क्रीन vs सनब्लॉक:सन प्रोटेक्शन लोशन के तौर पर काम करता है सनस्क्रीन, जानें धूप से बचने के लिए क्या है बेहतर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Reliance Industries Q4 net profit more than doubles to Rs 13,227 crore
The oil-to-telecom conglomerate's revenue from operations rose 11 per cent to Rs 1.54 trillion as compared to Rs 1.39 trillion in the year-ago period
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ब्यूटी टिप्स:वैक्स के गलत तरीके त्वचा को पहुंचा सकते हैं नुकसान , घर पर वैक्स करते समय इन बातों का रखें ध्यान
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
होम इंटीरियर:मॉड्यूलर किचन में काम को आसान बनाएंगे ये हार्डवेयर, हर जगह ट्रेंडी यह हार्डवेयर आपके किचन को देंगे नया लुक
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Sebi's new compensation rule to create arbitrage in favour of index funds
Index funds, ETFs, overnight funds and close-ended funds have been exempted from the new rule.
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Power Grid InvIT of Rs 7,735 crore subscribed 56%, closes on Monday
The price band for the IPO is 99-100 per unit of Rs 100 each
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Market Wrap, April 30: Here's all that happened in the markets today
Sensex ended close to the day's low at 48,782, down 984 points with only five constituents in the green. Meanwhile, its NSE counterpart Nifty declined 264 points to shut shop at 14,631
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Under-supplied metal palladium races past $3,000/oz for first time
Meanwhile, spot gold was down 0.2% at $1,769 per ounce by 0910 GMT.
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Asset quality, second Covid wave concerns weigh on AU Small Fin Bank stock
The gross non-performing assets (NPAs) spiked to 4.25 per cent of gross advances as of March 31, 2021, from 1.68 per cent in the same period last year
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Brokerages remain hooked to HUL post Q4 numbers, eye up to 24% upside
Following the results, most brokerages retained their bullish stance on the stock and advised either buying or holding it
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Thursday, 29 April 2021
Tata Coffee surges 9%, hits 52-week high as Q4 profit jumps 2 fold
Net income during the quarter under review rose by 17 per cent year-on-year (YoY) to Rs 612.06 crore from Rs 523.46 crore
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IndiaMART InterMESH tanks 8% on weak operational performance in March qtr
The B2B e-commerce firm's total income increased just 1 per cent to Rs 190 crore during the reported quarter
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This Jhunjhunwala stock falls amid margin dip in Q4; should you sell?
Titan's operating margins contracted 210 basis points in Q4 to 10.9 per cent, as against 13 per cent a year ago
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Wipro hits 52-week high as firm revises Q1FY22 revenue guidance
Wipro in an exchange filing earlier today said it expects revenue from its IT services business to be in the range of $2,324-$2,367 million during the first quarter of FY22.
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Indian stock market vulnerable to the rise in Covid cases: Chris Wood
The renewed mobility restrictions in India, he believes, also increase the potential risk of a renewed deterioration in asset quality for banks
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Stocks to watch: RIL, IndusInd Bank, Titan, Ujjivan Fin Services, Wipro
A special resolution to appoint Samit Ghosh as CEO of Ujjivan Financial Services was defeated as it didn't get the requisite share of votes
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Here is a Bull Spread Strategy on Divi's Labs by Nandish Shah of HDFC Sec
The short term trend is positive where the stock is trading above its 5-, 20- and 50-day EMA
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Top trading ideas by Mehul Kothari of Anand Rathi: Buy HEG, L&T
HEG stock after trading with a strong uptrend recently underwent some consolidation
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State elections results will provide fodder to the markets for a few days
Election results will keep market participants glued to the political landscape for the next few days - probably the most expensive elections from the point of the view of public health
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Market Ahead Podcast, April 30: Top factors that could guide markets today
At 8.15 am, SGX Nifty was ruling 144 points lower at 14,787, indicating a gap-down start to the May F&O series
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Investment bankers set to take home hefty bonuses on record fundraising
Industry players estimate the average payouts to be in the range of 50-75 per cent of the bankers' annual salaries. For the top performers, the bonuses could be 100-125 per cent
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Sebi gives India Inc more time to report earnings amid second Covid-19 wave
Deadline for March quarter and annual results ends on May 15 and May 30 respectively. The market regulator has extended both to June 30
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MF industry frets over talent crunch following Sebi's salary diktat
That market regulator has made it mandatory for fund houses to pay a fifth of top exec salaries in the form of units of MF schemes
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Market Wrap, April 29: Here's all that happened in the markets today
The BSE barometer Sensex gyrated 840 points to end the day at 49,767 up 32 points. The index had surpassed 50,000 mark in intra-day session and touched day's high at 50,375
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Rupee extends gains for 4th day; rises 29 paise to 74.07 against dollar
This comes amid a positive trend in domestic equities.
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Rules need not be draconian for them to have an impact: Radhika Gupta
There are several layers to the Sebi circular on AMC employee compensation, which could have widespread ramifications
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Bajaj Auto Q4 profit up 2% YoY to Rs 1,332 cr; Ebitda margin slips 90 bps
The Board of Directors has recommended a dividend of Rs 140 per equity share
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HUL Q4 PAT jumps 41% YoY to Rs 2,143 crore, beats Street estimates
The company board also recommended a final dividend of Rs 17 per share of face value of Re 1 each, for the financial year ended 31st March 2021
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Wednesday, 28 April 2021
UTI AMC hits 52-week high as firm returns to profit in March quarter
The shares of the company have gained nearly 16 per cent over its issue price of Rs 554
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India's gold demand up 37% YoY in March qtr; global demand dips 23%: WGC
The next phase of gold demand - in the second half of 2021 - will not be driven by fear, but by economic growth, WGC said
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IndusInd Bank gains 13% in 4 days ahead of Q4 result; here's what to expect
The Street is factoring-in a solid bottom line growth, with up to 261 per cent year-on-year gain in net profit
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Morepen Laboratories rallies 17% in two days on fundraising plans
Morepen Laboratories board approved the issue of up to 5 crore equity shares to Liquid Holdings, an entity belonging to the promoter group of the company, at a price of Rs 38 per equity share
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KPIT Technologies zooms 8% as margins expand 150 bps YoY in Q4
The Pune-based IT services firm reported net profit of Rs 47 crore for the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2021 up 23.6 per cent year-on-year
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कोरोना वॉरियर:85 वर्ष की दादी ने 5 साल पहले कैंसर को हराया और अब कोरोना को मात दी, बोलीं- जंग रोकर नहीं, हंसकर जीती जाती है
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
राहत की खबर:104 वर्षीय दादी ने 13 दिन में दी कोरोना को मात, आइसोलेशन सेंटर से मिली छुट्टी
कतारगाम सरिता सोसाइटी निवासी दादी 15 को पॉजिटिव निकली थीं
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
मेंटल हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स का मीडिया को लेटर:इस मुश्किल दौर में जिम्मेदारी का परिचय दें, आइसोलेशन में रह रहे लोग कहीं हिम्मत न हार जाएं
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
RattanIndia Enterprises hits 5% upper circuit as firm forays into EV space
As part of the deal, RattanIndia Enterprises will have 50 per cent board presence in Revolt Intellicorp and Rajiv Rattan will be chairman of the board of Revolt
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RIL gains 2% on report co discusses stake sale with Aramco; up 7% this week
According to a report by Financial Times, RIL has held talks with Saudi Aramco on a cash and share deal for sale of a 20 per cent stake in its oil refining and petrochemical arm
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India's gold demand could falter in June quarter on Covid-19 lockdowns: WGC
Appetite for gold soared in the first quarter on pent-up demand after weddings were delayed in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic
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Stocks to watch: HUL, Bajaj Auto, RIL, Tata Communications, Titan, SIS
Analysts expect HUL to post high double-digit growth in both net profit and revenues of the company on a yearly basis
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Market Ahead Podcast, April 29: Top factors that could guide markets today
Shares of asset management companies are likely to be in focus after Sebi directed MF industry that a fifth of the salary of top executives be paid in form of units of mutual fund schemes they oversee
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty surges over 100 pts; RIL, HUL, Bajaj Auto in focus
LIVE market update: Volatility could mark the session on account of the April F&O expiry
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IPO Street: Zomato proposed offering ranks third on the league table
The largest-ever fresh fundraising through an IPO was by Reliance Power at Rs 10,123 crore in 2008
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Rally in commodities still has plenty of room to run: Goldman and UBS
Raw materials are likely to surge 13.5 per cent in the next six months
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Strong earnings reported by financial sector companies spur indices
Sensex records biggest one-day jump in a month, Nifty50 ends the session with a gain of 211 points or 1.4 per cent
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US stocks mixed, treasuries drop after Fed keeps rates pinned near zero
The Federal Reserve has maintained the pace of bond purchases as was widely expected
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PowerGrid InvIT garners Rs 3,480 cr from anchor investors ahead of IPO
PowerGrid Infrastructure Investment Trust on Wednesday raised a little over Rs 3,480 crore from anchor investors ahead of its initial public offer, which opens for subscription on Thursday
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Minimum 20% key AMC employee compensation to be in mutual fund units: Sebi
Allotment to be done every month; units allotted subject to 3-year lock in, says market regulator
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Market Wrap, April 28: Here's all that happened in the markets today
The BSE flagship index Sensex ignored a weak set of global cues and risks arising from Covid-19's second wave to surge 790 points to 49,734
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Precious metals: Gold plunges by Rs 505, silver declines by Rs 828
Gold prices plunged Rs 46,518 per 10 gram in the national capital
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Anupam Rasayan hits 52-week high on securing order worth Rs 1,100 crore
The company will be providing multiple products to the multinational firm for the next five years
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Covid-led record defaults cloud India's resilient equities, bonds
Firms have defaulted on at least Rs 5,700 cr of domestic bonds this year, while Sensex hit 3-week high amid optimism on US vaccine support
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SBI board approves to raise $2 billion through bonds in FY22; stock up 3%
So far in the current calendar year, the scrip has soared 28.3 per cent on the BSE compared with the Sensex's 2.4 per cent gain
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Zomato eyes raising $1.1 bn through initial public offering, files DRHP
The IPO offer includes a fresh issue by the company worth Rs 7,500 crore, and and an offer for sale by the selling shareholder Info Edge
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Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Bajaj Auto Q4 Preview: Analysts fear Ebitda margin fall despite price hike
At the bourses, the stock of Bajaj Auto has outperformed both, Nifty50 and Nifty Auto indices, on the National Stock Exchange on a year-to-date (YTD) basis, ACE Equity data show
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HUL Q4 preview: Brokerages eye high double-digit growth in PAT, revenue
Overall volume growth, the performance of the nutrition business and the movement in advertisement and promotion spend along with other expense are among key trackable for the quarter under review
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HDFC AMC sheds 3% on low Q4 AUM growth, loss in market share woes
The company on Tuesday reported a 26.52 per cent year-on-year (YoY) growth in profit after tax (PAT) at Rs 316.08 crore for the three months to March 2021
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Bajaj Finance gains 4% despite a miss on Q4 nos; brokerages remain mixed
HDFC Securities notes that Bajaj Finance reported muted performance primarily on account of higher employee expenses
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TVS Motor Company rallies 15% on better-than-expected Q4 show
The company on Tuesday posted a nearly four-fold increase in its consolidated net profit to Rs 319.19 crore for the fourth quarter of FY21, riding on the back of robust sales in the domestic and inter
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Stocks to watch: Axis Bank, Britannia, Bajaj Finance, Info Edge, HDFC AMC
FMCG major Britannia Industries reported a 3 per cent YoY decline in consolidated net profit at Rs 360.07 crore in the fourth quarter ended March 31
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Nifty outlook and trading ideas by HDFC Sec: Buy SBI, Glenmark Pharma
On Tuesday, the stock of SBI has given breakout from the downward sloping trend line
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Trading ideas by Ajit Mishra of Religare Broking: Buy Divi's Labs, Nalco
Most metal stocks are trading at their record highs and showing no sign of slowing down
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Market Ahead Podcast, April 28: Top factors that could guide markets today
Info Edge said it will sell stake worth Rs 750 crore in the initial public offering (IPO) of its investee company Zomato
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MARKET LIVE: Indices likely to start higher; Axis Bank, Britannia in focus
LIVE market update: At 7.40 am, SGX Nifty was ruling 23 points higher at 14,682
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Inspired by Cummins, Brett Lee donates bitcoin for India's Covid fight
Lee on Tuesday decided to donate one bitcoin (approximately Rs 40 lakh)
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Tesla logs $10.4 bn in sales in Jan-Mar 2021, makes $101 mn in Bitcoin
Before it starts India operations this year, Tesla has reported $10.3 billion in sales and net income of $438 million in the first quarter of 2021
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Copper surges toward $10,000 as bulls swarm in to profits on global rebound
Producers worry that plans to boost mining royalties could stifle investment and make the country less competitive
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Markets maintain momentum for second straight day; bank stocks rally
NTPC, Kotak Bank, Nestle India, M&M, Dr Reddy's and Axis Bank were the other laggards, shedding up to 0.54 per cent.
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Investors oppose Nippon Asset Management chief's remuneration offer
About 83 per cent, or 28.6 million of the 34.47 million votes polled by the public institution opted "against" the special resolution
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Hathway share sale oversubscribed, to help promoters meet 25% holding norms
The 205-million share offering (11.61% equity stake) attracted bids for 279 million shares with both retail and non-retail portion getting oversubscribed
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Tamilnad Mercantile Bank plans IPO of up to Rs 1,200 crore this fiscal
The Tamilnad Mercantile Bank will turn 100 this year
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Debt MFs confident of surfing the second wave despite corporate defaults
Industry players say shift to high-quality paper will help them tide the turmoil
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Market Wrap, April 27: Here's all that happened in the markets today
BSE Sensex settled close to day's high at 558, up 48,944 points amid across the board buying. It had touched an intra-day high of 49,009
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Gold steady ahead of Fed meeting, palladium scales record peak
Spot gold was flat at $1,780.90 per ounce by 0957 GMT.
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Rupee extends gains for 2nd day; closes up by 7 paise at 74.66 against USD
This came on the back of positive domestic equities
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Maruti Suzuki Q4 profit declines 10% YoY to Rs 1,166 cr, misses estimates
Maruti Suzuki India's net profit slipped on account of lower sales volume and increase in commodity prices
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Monday, 26 April 2021
JSPL hits 52-week high as board approves divestment in Jindal Power
The equity value is an all-cash offer of Rs 3,015 crore, including 3,400 MW coal fired power plants in Chhattisgarh and other non-core assets owned by JPL
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Metal shares extend rally; Nifty Metal index surges 18% in 2 months
Individually, Hindalco rose 6.2 per cent, Nalco (6 per cent), Adani Enterprises (3.4 per cent), and Welspun Corp (3 per cent)
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Robust March quarter results drive Castrol India stock 7% higher
Castrol India's Managing Director Sandeep Sangwan attributed the good set of numbers to the focused investments, interventions and actions taken in the second half of 2020
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SBI Card Q4 results miss Street estimates; what should investors do now?
Analysts believe that the superior valuations of SBI Card and Payment stock would likely hold despite the above near-term challenges
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Tech Mahindra slips post March quarter results; brokerages mixed on stock
The brokerages held mixed views on the stock post the March quarter performance, ranging from 'Buy' to 'Sell'
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HDFC Life slips in a firm market amid profit booking post Q4 results
Analysts at Kotak Institutional Equities believe HDFC Life's rich valuation caps its upside
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Stocks to watch: TechM, SBI Card, Axis Bank, Maruti, Britannia, TaMo
State-owned power giant NTPC has invited expression of interest (EoI) for the sale of desalinated water produced at its joint venture project NTECL Vallur in Tamil Nadu
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Trading ideas by Bharat Gala of Ventura Sec: Buy Thermax, CCL Products
From 740 in November 2020, Thermax entered an uptrend, making several higher bottoms at 880-940-1140
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Top stock ideas from Anand Rathi: Buy Hero Moto, Welspun Corp
Off late, the private banks have underperformed but they are showing signs of base formation
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Market Ahead Podcast, April 27: Top factors that could guide markets today
Reserves Bank of India's latest economic readings which point to a minimal impact from the second Covid wave on the economy could help soothe investors' nerves
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MARKET LIVE: Global cues, Q4 nos to guide indices; Tech M, Maruti in focus
LIVE market update: At 7.40 am, SGX Nifty was ruling 2 points up at 14,490
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Maruti Q4 preview: PAT seen up 32% YoY; commodity prices to dent margins
The company is scheduled to report its Q4FY21 numbers on Tuesday, April 27. Here is what leading brokerages expect.
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Oil prices fall 1% as India's coronavirus surge dents demand outlook
Brent crude fell 72 cents, or 1.1%, to $65.39 a barrel by 0653 GMT
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Asian shares advance after strong finish on Wall Street last week
Shares opened higher in Asia on Monday after a strong finish last week on Wall Street. Tokyo, Hong Kong, Seoul and Shanghai all started out with modest gains and U.S. futures also edged higher. Oil prices slipped. Stocks climbed Friday in New York, though the S&P 500 still ended with its first weekly loss in the last five. Technology stocks and banks led much of the gains, while investors focused on lackluster company earnings from big names like Intel, American Express and Honeywell. So far, Asian markets have taken in stride recent setbacks in vanquishing the pandemic as infections have come roaring back in Japan, Thailand and India, among other countries. Government precautions to battle surging outbreaks point to an uneven global recovery, economists say. That's especially true for tourism, an important industry for many parts of the region. Tokyo's Nikkei 225 added 0.3% to 29,120.12 and the Hang Seng in Hong Kong edged less than 0.1% higher to 29,093.33. In Seoul, the Kospi .
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Gold gains as rising virus cases, easing dollar boost safe-haven appeal
Spot gold was up 0.1% at $1,778.22 per ounce by 0707 GMT
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Mphasis surges 6% as Blackstone to buy controlling stake in firm
Blackstone had bought around 61 per cent stake in Mphasis from Hewlett Packard Enterprise in 2016 in a deal worth up to $1.1 billion
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Vedanta up 5% as Tamil Nadu govt allows Sterlite plant to produce oxygen
The order, however, added that Vedanta cannot involve the plant in copper production or any other activities
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Axis Bank Q4 preview: Low provisioning likely, but asset quality may worsen
The lender may see single-digit loan growth, deterioration in asset quality, and slippages at 4.5 per cent of loan book
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Sunday, 25 April 2021
Natco Pharma rallies 7% as firm seeks nod for Covid medicine Molnupiravir
Pre-clinical data have shown that Molnupiravir has broad anti-influenza activity, including highly potent inhibition of Covid-19 replication
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Srei Infra Finance jumps 20% on receiving EoI from Cerberus for subsidiary
Cerberus Global Investments joined two other prospective investors for infusing capital into Srei Equipment Finance
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महिलाओं ने बदला इतिहास:अमेरिका में पहली बार महिलाओं ने पूरी की मरीन ट्रेनिंग, तीन घंटे नींद, 35 किलो वजन लेकर 15 किमी चढ़ाई करती थीं
पुरुषों के वर्चस्व वाले मरीन कॉर्प्स में अब महिलाएं शामिल
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
Oil falls as India's Covid-19 surge to weigh on fuel demand: Details here
In Japan, the world's fourth-largest oil buyer, a third state of emergency in Tokyo, Osaka and two other prefectures began on Sunday
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Hathway Cable gains 3% as Reliance Industries launches Rs 442-crore OFS
The OFS is open for non-retail investors today while the same will open for retail investors on Tuesday, April 27.
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UBS bets on emerging markets; India among most preferred destination
Over the next three - six months, UBS believes earnings will be the main driver for EM equities outperformance
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HCL Tech tanks 3% post Q4 nos but brokerages remain bullish; here's why
Following the March quarter results, most brokerages slashed their earnings expectations from HCL Tech
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Here is why analysts think ICICI Bank is the new growth leader post Q4 nos
Market mavens have revised their target price on the scrip on the upside to factor-in stable asset quality and steady growth momentum
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Market Ahead, April 26: All you need to know before the opening bell
Going into the trade this week, analysts expect the nervousness among traders may continue and do not see the volatility easing out
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Britannia Q4 preview: Here's what to look out for in the numbers
Analysts forecast a high, single-digit growth in sales volume along with up to 25 per cent YoY growth in net profit for the FMCG giant
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Stocks to watch: Tech Mahindra, ICICI Bank, HCL Tech, Hathway Cable
Tech Mahindra is likely to post modest revenue growth in the fourth quarter of the financial year 2020-21, believe analysts
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Nifty outlook & stock picks by Sameet Chavan: Buy Aarti Inds, sell Escorts
For Nifty, the immediate resistance zone can be seen around 14,575-14,650, where a sustainable move beyond 14,650 would negate the possibility of further correction
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HDFC, RITES: Stock picks by Vaishali Parekh of Prabhudas Lilladher
We anticipate for further upside movement in the coming days in HDFC and RITES stocks
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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty jumps 100 pts; Tech M, HCL Tech, ICICI Bank in focus
LIVE market updates: Tech M, SBI Card, and HDFC Life are among the 15 companies that are scheduled to announce their quarterly numbers today
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TechM Q4 preview: Analysts see 52-59% YoY rise in PAT, muted revenue rise
Meanwhile, the investor focus will be on the deal wins, the outlook of communication vertical and 5G opportunity, timelines of wage hikes in FY22 and capital return during the Q4 results announcement
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आज क्या बनाऊं:कुछ तीखा और मसालेदार खाने का मन हो तो मटर मलाई पनीर बनाएं, सिर्फ आधे घंटे में हो जाएगा तैयार
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
समर मेकअप टिप्स:गर्मी के मौसम में मेकअप को लंबे समय तक फ्रेश बनाए रखने के लिए हल्का मेकअप करें, पाउडर ब्लश लगाने से बचना भी जरूरी
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
होम डेकोर:महंगे कैंडल्स को खराब होने से बचाने के लिए इसकी बत्ती साफ करें, इन्हें कूल और डार्क स्पेस में स्टोर करके रखना भी जरूरी
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर
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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900
The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets
उषाशी का संबंध एक ऐसे परिवार से हैं जहां अधिकांश लोग शिक्षक हैं। उन्होंने बचपन से अपने घर में पढ़ाई-लिखाई का माहौल देखा। वे 1986 में शादी के...
साउथ इंडिया में थेनी के पास वेंकटचलपुरम में राधिका का जन्म हुआ। वे शादी के बाद दिल्ली आ गईं। एक शौक के तौर पर राधिका ने ट्रैवल फोटोग्राफी क...