Markets regulator Sebi on Wednesday extended the deadline for mutual fund account holders till January 1, to nominate a beneficiary or opt out of it by submitting a declaration form, failing which their folios will be frozen. Earlier, the deadline for existing mutual fund holders to provide a choice of nomination was on or before September 30. The move is aimed at helping investors to secure their assets and pass them on to their legal heirs. "Based on representations received from the market participants, it has been decided that the provision... about the freezing of folios, shall come into force with effect from January 1, 2024 instead of September 30, 2023," Sebi said in a circular. Further, Sebi asked asset management companies (AMCs) and RTAs to encourage the unit holder to fulfill the requirement for nomination/ opting out of the nomination by sending a communication on a fortnightly basis by way of emails and SMS to all such unit holders who is not in compliance with the ..
from Markets
It simply sucks. I don't personally read blog posts word by word, so how can I except you to read them too? I known ther are people who are kind enough to read a 10,000 word long blog article from start to finish, but I think that's a minority.why waste your time ? Let me..
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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900
The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets
उषाशी का संबंध एक ऐसे परिवार से हैं जहां अधिकांश लोग शिक्षक हैं। उन्होंने बचपन से अपने घर में पढ़ाई-लिखाई का माहौल देखा। वे 1986 में शादी के...
साउथ इंडिया में थेनी के पास वेंकटचलपुरम में राधिका का जन्म हुआ। वे शादी के बाद दिल्ली आ गईं। एक शौक के तौर पर राधिका ने ट्रैवल फोटोग्राफी क...
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