Saturday, 6 February 2021

वार्षिक परीक्षा दिलाने 6 में से 3 असाइनमेंट जमा करेंगे स्टूडेंट्स


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

बेटियां 8वीं के बाद क्या कर रहीं, ट्रेकिंग होगी


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

रामद्वारा से बदमाशाें ने काटे चंदन के पेड़, दाे ले उड़े, तीन अाधे काटे


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

किसान की मौत के बाद परिवार ने किया देहदान, परिजनों ने कहा- उनकी अंतिम इच्छा पूरी की


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

धौलपुर में होगी एथेनॉल मिश्रित पेट्रोल की सप्लाई


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

जन्म व मृत्यु प्रमाण पत्र न मिलने से लोग परेशान


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

3 घंटे लगाया जाम, बोले-जेल में बंद निर्दोष किसानों को करें आजाद, कानून जल्द रद्द हों


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

208 वर्गफीट का पट्‌टा मिला, मकान 2400 में बना लिया


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सभी कार्यालय एक जगह हो ऐसी भूमि चिह्नित की जाए


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

पेंशन प्रकरणों के लिए दो दिनी शिविर 8 और 9 को


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कृषि कानूनों के विरोध में किसानों ने तीन घंटे तक रखा हाइवे जाम


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

मोड़ पर बाइक सहित गिरा युवक, गंभीर


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

शिक्षक बोले- दक्षता परीक्षा क्यों दें, रद्द करो


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

पिहोवा में समर्थकों से मिलने पहुंचे पूर्व प्रदेशाध्यक्ष तंवर


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

पहाड़ पर बने गोले पर निशाना, लगा तो बेटा, नहीं तो बेटी; लेकिन बेटी के जन्म पर भी यहां उत्सव; प्रखंड में दोनों की संख्या बराबर


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

नहर में गिरी कार, पानी के कारण ड्राइवर की जान बची


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

भू-माफिया को फायदा देने बढ़ाया 323 हेक्टेयर आवासीय उपयोग क्षेत्र


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

शहीद पति के नाम पर मेडिकल कॉलेज का नाम रखवाने की सीएम से विनय करना पड़ रही


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

मैसेजिंग से 50% को लगे टीके, छूट मिली तो शत-प्रतिशत


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

अफसर ज्ञापन लेने नहीं आए तो कांग्रेसी फोरलेन पर बैठे, हटाने के लिए पुलिस और कांग्रेसियों में हुई धक्कामुक्की


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

युवती लापता, युवक पर अगवा करने का केस दर्ज


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

हाथों में चंवर लेकर श्रद्धालुओं ने की आराधना


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

आज तेरा सिंगार बसंती है मां का दरबार बसंती है... से बढ़ी श्रद्धा


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Friday, 5 February 2021

पाई में किसान चौक पर जाम लगाएंगे ग्रामीण


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

गर्लफ्रेंड को लेकर ओयो होटल में आया युवक, कमरा बुक कराया, फिर कर ली आत्महत्या


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

पूर्व सैनिक चन्द्रिका प्रसाद यादव की पुण्यतिथि मनी


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

दो परीक्षार्थी निष्कासित, 1067 अनुपस्थित, जिले के विभिन्न स्कूलों में पहली पाली में हुई जीवविज्ञान की परीक्षा


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

युवाओं ने आरओ से राेज 140 लीटर वेस्टेज पानी बचाया


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

आज 429 पुलिसकर्मियाें काे लगेगी वैक्सीन, पहला टीका एसपी काे लगेगा


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

1450 को मेल किए, ट्रेनिंग में 80 छात्र ही आए; विश्वविद्यालय में पहली बार 5 दिन चली ट्रेनिंग


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कोरोनाकाल में लौटे 13000 एनआरआई, 500 का पता नहीं, जमा कराए पासपोर्ट नहीं ले गए


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

स्मॉल खेलो इंडिया सेंटर की तर्ज पर विकसित किया जाएगा एकलव्य सेंटर, दिये जायेंगे सभी खेल उपस्कर


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना की पहली किस्त न मिलने से पात्र परिवार परेशान, लाभ मिलने का इंतजार


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

मानपुर में दिनदहाड़े फायरिंग में स्कूली छात्र को लगी गोली, पूरी घटना सीसीटीवी कैमरे में कैद


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

यूजी-पीजी की 535 सीटों की वर्गवार जानकारी जारी, काउंसिलिंग 10 से होगी


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

बरौनी फ्लैग में 7 से आयोजित होगा राज्य स्तरीय महिला फुटबॉल चैम्पियनशिप


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

गढ़ी पाडला में रक्तदान शिविर, 51 यूनिट ब्लड एकत्रित


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कोरोना मरीजों की वृद्धि दर कम, पर मौतों की दर नहीं घट रही, 236 नए केस


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सांसद जोशी ने कहा- जिले में खेल अकादमी की जरूरत


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सीटू कल भाजपा के मंत्रियों के कार्यालयों का करेगी घेराव


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

बड़ों को हैप्पीनेस रोड-5 चौपाटी, बच्चों को टॉय ट्रेन, पार्षदों को 25 लाख फंड


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

मिक्सोपैथी के विरोध में आईएमए के डाॅक्टर बैठे क्रमिक भूख हड़ताल पर


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कोच के टॉयलेट में पानी खत्म हुआ तो यात्री ने किया केस, सेवा में कमी मान उपभोक्ता आयोग ने कहा- रेलवे 20 हजार चुकाए


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

पश्चिमी विक्षोभ का असर कम होने से बढ़ेगी ठिठुरन


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

लाचू कॉलेज प्रशासन का फैसला शिक्षकों व कर्मचारियों को नहीं देंगे डीए


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

दक्षिण ने 310 करोड़ रु. का बजट देकर सरकार से मांगे 300 करोड़


from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

NTA ने होटल मैनेजमेंट एंट्रेंस एग्जाम के लिए शुरू की एप्लीकेशन प्रोसेस, 10 मई आवेदन की आखिरी तारीख

NCHM JEE 2021| NTA starts application process for hotel management entrance exam, candidates can apply till May 10 for the exam नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी (NTA) ने नेशनल काउंसिल फॉर होटल मैनेजमेंट जॉइंट एंट्रेंस एग्जामिनेशन (NCHM JEE) 2021 के लिए ऑनलाइन एप्लीकेशन प्रोसेस शुरू कर दी है। इस कोर्स के लिए आवेदन करने के इच्छुक कैंडिडेट्स ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट के जरिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन की आखिरी तारीख 10 मई तय की गई है।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों से आए किसानों की निकाली ट्रैक्टर रैली; सुनाई दी जय किसान-जय जवान की गूंज

Support to the peasant movement; Farmers from rural areas organized a tractor rally; Heard the echo of Jai Kisan-Jai Jawan, memorandum submitted to the District Collector in the name of the President, demand for respect of farmers by withdrawing all three agricultural laws

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

अपने लाडले लक्ष्मण को विदाई देने उमड़ पड़ा जनसमूह, 25 हजार से ज्यादा लोग पहुंचे; जगह-जगह हुई पुष्पवर्षा

Jodhpur district peoples today giving Grand farewell to their beloved martyred Laxman, Who lost his life in kashmir on loc in firing by pakistan

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

तेंदुलकर अंतरराष्ट्रीय समुदाय से किसान आंदोलन में हस्तक्षेप न करने की अपील कर सर्वोच्च सम्मान का अपमान कर रहे हैं

RJD leader Shivanand said that Sachin Tendulkar should not have given Bharat Ratna, he is insulting Bharat Ratna

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

किसानों की ट्रैक्टर रैली, सड़क किनारे अनुशासन से चलते रहे; कहा- हमारी मांगें माने सरकार

Farmersapos; tractor rally, carried on by roadside discipline; Said the government should accept our demands

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

पहली बार सेंसेक्स 51 हजार और निफ्टी 15 हजार अंकों के पार, रेपो रेट स्थाई रखने से बाजार ऊपरी स्तर से फिसला

BSE NSE Sensex Today, Stock Market Latest Update:रिजर्व बैंक की बैठक से पहले शेयर बाजार में जबरदस्त बढ़त है। पहली बार सेंसेक्स 51 हजार और निफ्टी 15 हजार अंकों के पार पहुंचा है।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सोनू सूद ने पोस्ट शेयर कर लिखा-गलत को सही कहोगे तो नींद कैसे आएगी, यूजर बोले-भाई खुलकर बोला करो; आपको डर कैसा

Farmers Protest: Sonu Sood Says ‘How Will You Sleep Peacefully Calling Wrong As Right?’,

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

जानबूझकर लोन ना लौटाने वालों पर मेहरबान रहे बैंक, 62 हजार करोड़ रुपए राइट ऑफ में डाले

जानबूझकर लोन ना लौटाने वालों (विलफुल डिफॉल्टर्स) पर बैंकों की मेहरबानी जारी है। मार्च 2020 तक बैंकों ने टॉप-100 विलफुल डिफॉल्टर्स के 62 हजार करोड़ रुपए के लोन को राइट ऑफ में डाल दिया है। सूचना के अधिकार (RTI) के तहत रिजर्व बैंक ऑफ इंडिया (RBI) ने यह जानकारी दी है।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Zee Entertainment plunges 15% on profit booking on margin concerns

With high investment proposed in content from FY22 onwards, operating margins and cash flows could remain lower, say analysts

from Markets

Mahindra & Mahindra Q3 net profit up 42% at Rs 1,268 cr; revenue grows 11%

The company's reported Ebitda came in at Rs 3,520.4 crore for the quarter under review

from Markets

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Gold set for biggest weekly drop since Nov; silver set for weekly decline

ilver headed for its worst week in three after retreating sharply from multi-year highs hit earlier this week on the back of increased interest from retail traders

from Markets

ITC hits new 52-week high, up 18% in 5 days; board to mull interim dividend

The stock jumped 4 per cent in Friday's intra-day trade to hit 52-week high of Rs 239 on the BSE

from Markets

Bajaj Electricals surges 18%, hits new high on robust Q3 results

The company's consumer product business has delivered a strong growth in this quarter despite continuing supply challenges and increase in commodity prices

from Markets

Stove Kraft off to a strong start, lists at 29% premium over issue price

The initial public offering of Stove Kraft had received good response from investors with the issue garnering 18 times subscription

from Markets

PSU Bank index up 31% in 1 wk on strong SBI Q3 results, privatization hope

SBI, Indian Bank, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Punjab National Bank and Bank of India were rallied between 25 per cent and 50 per cent in past one week.

from Markets

Gold edges higher; set for worst week in over two months on dollar strength

Spot gold rose 0.1% to $1,794.11 per ounce by 0247 GMT. Prices fell over 2% to their lowest level since Dec. 1 on Thursday

from Markets

SBI hits record high post Q3 results; CLSA lists 3 triggers for re-rating

CLSA has raised its target price on SBI's stock by an impressive 45.45 per cent to Rs 560 from Rs 385. This also reflects a 58 per cent upside from the stock's market price as on Thursday

from Markets

Here's a derivative strategy on Bajaj Finance by Nandish Shah of HDFC Sec

The stock price has broken out on the daily chart with higher volumes

from Markets

Stocks to watch: Stove Kraft, Hero Moto, Britannia, M&M, Biocon, Tata Power

IRFC has sold $750 million worth of dollar-denominated bonds to overseas investors priced at a coupon of just 2.80 per cent per annum

from Markets

Market Ahead, Feb 5: Top factors that could guide markets today

The initial public offer of Brookfield India Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) was subscribed 77% on Thursday, the second day of subscription. The IPO closes for subscription today

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: Sensex, Nifty set to open higher ahead of RBI policy outcome

Stock market LIVE updates: The RBI is expected to maintain status quo on interest rates today but the commentary on inflation and economic outlook would hold importance

from Markets

IRCTC, Bajaj Fin: 3 stocks that Nilesh Jain of Anand Rathi is bullish on

Technical indicators RSI and MACD hint of fresh upside momentum in the IRCTC stock

from Markets

Gold price slides further to Rs 47,600 per 10 gm, silver at Rs 68,000 a kg

In New Delhi, the 22-carat gold price fell by Rs 400 to Rs 46,500 per 10 gm, while in Chennai it declined to Rs 44,830

from Markets

Market Wrap, Feb 4: Here's all that happened in the markets today

The broader Nifty50, on the other hand, continued its march towards the crucial 15,000-mark and ended at a new closing high of 14,896 levels, up 106 points or 0.7 per cent

from Markets

Elon Musk, back on Twitter, turns his support to cryptocurrency Dogecoin

In the crypto world, him putting a "#bitcoin" tag on his Twitter bio sent the most popular currency flying last Friday

from Markets

Deepwater port lined up for rice, exports to surge amid global shortage

India mainly exports non-basmati rice to Bangladesh, Nepal, Benin and Senegal, and basmati rice to Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq

from Markets

PSBs extend gain on privatisation hope; Indian Bank surges 37% in 4 days

In past four trading days, Nifty PSU Bank index has rallied 18 per cent as compared to a 9 per cent gain in the benchmark Nifty50

from Markets

Thermax advances 20% on recovery in order inflows in December quarter

Sectors such as steel, cement, chemical, pharma and food processing are likely to continue witnessing demand in the coming quarters, the company said

from Markets

SBI Q3 results: Net profit slips 7% YoY to Rs 5,169 cr on higher provisions

Total provisions for the quarter were Rs 10,342.39 crore, of which provisions for NPA were Rs 2,290.38 crore

from Markets

Britannia Q3 preview: Analysts see 20%YoY jump in PAT, 9% volume growth

Sustained rural demand due to better rural economics driven by a strong kharif and rabi seasons, analysts at Sharekhan believe an over 9 per cent sales' volume growth may support overall numbers

from Markets

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Stove Kraft shares may list at 8-10% premium over issue price: Analysts

In the grey market, shares of Stove Kraft were commanding a premium of Rs 30-40 per share

from Markets

Jubilant FoodWorks gains 8% on strong sales recovery in December quarter

As the Covid impact abates further, the management believes that the company is in for a period of strong, sustained growth in the future

from Markets

Prince Pipes soars 18%, hits new high on robust December quarter results

The firm's net profit rose 175 per cent year-on-year (YoY) to Rs 67 crore in the third quarter of FY21 on the back of higher revenues

from Markets

M&M rallies 19% in four days, hits fresh 52-wk high on strong tractor sales

The tractor demand continues to be strong with expansion in Rabi acreage, very high reservoir levels and higher liquidity in the hands of farmers with timely Kharif procurement

from Markets

Bajaj Consumer zooms 33% in 2 days post Q3 results, dividend announcement

The company's board has recommended an interim dividend at the rate of 600 per cent i.e. Rs 6 per share of Re 1 each of the company

from Markets

After GameStop, the rise of Dogecoin shows us how memes can move markets

To own Dogecoin is to participate in a culture. People buy it because it's fun to have, is inherently amusing, and comes with a welcoming and enjoyable community experience

from Markets

Gold, silver ease as dollar holds firm near two-month peak, hopeful aid

Spot silver declined 1.3% to $26.51. Prices have eased since hitting a near eight-year peak of $30.03 on Monday as the social media-driven rally fizzled out

from Markets

Apollo Tyres surges 10%, hits 52-week high on strong Q3 results

The margin performance was helped by recovery in topline earnings, subdued raw material cost, and control over costs, the management said

from Markets

Stocks to watch: Airtel, Future Retail, SBI, Hero MotoCorp, Jubilant Food

HCL Technologies has formed a global strategic alliance with Alteryx, Inc to help companies with analytics automation and digital transformation priorities

from Markets

Market Ahead, Feb 4: All you need to know before the opening bell

SBI, Hero MotoCorp, Adani Power, HPCL, NTPC, Tata Power, Godrej Properties and Zee Entertainment are among 105 firms set to post their December quarter numbers today

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: Tepid start on cards; SBI, Hero Moto to report Q3 nos today

Stock market updates: In early trade, Nifty futures on Singapore Exchange traded 9 points lower at 14,820 indicating a flat-to-negative start for the Indian markets

from Markets

Indonesia's palm oil-powered 'green diesel' fuels threat to forests

State energy company PT Pertamina last month started trials on the so-called "green diesel" after conducting tests with jet fuel late last year

from Markets

Hero MotoCorp Q3 preview: Profit seen rising over 11% YoY; margins may dip

According to the monthly sales data, the company sold 18.45 lakh units in the quarter under review, up 19.8 per cent from the 15.40 lakh units sold in the year-ago quarter

from Markets

Cut exposure in Silver amid short-squeeze-driven volatility: Bhavik Patel

CME has raised margin for silver to push back any more speculative moves

from Markets

Gold price rises to Rs 49,000 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 69,000 a kg

In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold fell by Rs 440 to Rs 46,900 per 10 gm. In Mumbai, the rate jumped to Rs 48,000

from Markets

Petrol price unchanged at Rs 83.06 a litre for 8th day, diesel at Rs 76.48

Petrol and diesel prices were last raised by 25 paise per litre on January 27, according to a price notification from oil marketing companies

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Market Wrap, Feb 3: Here's all that happened in the markets today

BSE barometer, however, witnessed mild profit-booking at higher levels but managed to end the day at a fresh closing peak of 50,256, up 458 points

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Home First shares gain 23% in intra-day trade before ending flat on debut

Stock touched a high of Rs 640 and a low of Rs 522 on the NSE, where Rs 1,445 cr worth of shares changed hands; issue price was Rs 518

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Sebi comes out with graded entry norms for innovation sandbox

Markets regulator Sebi on Wednesday said it has put in place the revised graded entry norms for innovation sandbox, to promote innovation in new products and services.

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Gold declines Rs 232, silver tanks Rs 1,955 amid drop in global prices

Gold in the national capital on Wednesday declined by Rs 232 to Rs 47,387 per 10 gram amid decline in global precious metal prices, according to HDFC Securities. In the previous trade, the precious metal had closed at Rs 47,619 per 10 gram. Silver also dipped Rs 1,955 to Rs 67,605 per kilogram from Rs 69,560 per kilogram in the previous trade. In the international market, gold was quoting lower at USD 1,835 per ounce and silver was flat at USD 26.78 per ounce. Gold prices are trading under pressure on stronger dollar and rally in equity indices, according to HDFC Securities, Senior Analyst (Commodities), Tapan Patel.

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This Jhunjhunwala-owned stock can rally another 21%: Analysts

Ace investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala owns 4.75 per cent stake in Escorts as of December 2020 quarter

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Future Group shares fall 5% as Delhi HC orders status quo on Reliance deal

Future Retail said the Company will explore all legal remedies and take appropriate steps to pursue the scheme of arrangement.

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IndusInd Bank stock soars 10% as Morgan Stanley raises target price by 14%

In its bull-case scenario, Morgan Stanley sees IndusInd Bank's stock price rising to Rs 2,030 levels in the next one-year

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SBI Q3 result on Thursday; here are the five things you need to track

Most analysts expect State Bank of India's Q3 profit after tax (PAT) to decline anywhere between 15 per cent and 58 per cent on a yearly basis during the quarter under review

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Nifty Pharma index surges 4%; Sun Pharma, Cipla hit 52-week highs

At 12:57 pm, Nifty Pharma index, the top gainer among sectoral indices, was up 4.2 per cent, as compared to 1.3 per cent gain in the benchmark Nifty50 index

from Markets

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

FPI inflow crosses $30 bn in FY21, highest investment in a FY since 2013

After remaining on the sidelines during the last week, FPIs have pumped in over $1 billion (Rs 8,030 crore) in equities in past two days alone

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Tata Motors regains Rs 1 trillion market cap as stock zooms 102% in 6 weeks

While a scrappage policy together with push on infrastructure by the Indian government should boost near term demand.

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Ajanta Pharma zooms 8% to fresh 52-week high on strong Q3 results

Despite normalisation in fixed costs (at pre-Covid levels), the company's Ebitda margin came 372 bps higher YoY at 32 per cent, driven by improvement in gross margin

from Markets

Bharti Airtel gains 3%, hits record high ahead of December quarter results

The telecom operator may return to profit while revenues may grow in mid-teens on a year-on-year basis, mainly on account of strong subscriber addition momentum, say analysts

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HDFC jumps 3.5% from day's low; analysts see up to 26% upside post Q3 nos

CLSA has raised its target price from Rs 2,850 on the back of strong beat on NII, improvement in net interest margin by 20 bps QoQ, and adequate provisioning of 1.4 per cent of AUM

from Markets

Home First Finance lists at 19% premium over issue price of Rs 518

The Rs 1,154 crore initial public offer (IPO) by the firm that ran between January 21-January 25 was subscribed 27 times

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Stocks to watch: Home First Finance, Airtel, PVR, Indigo Paints, RIL

Renuka Ramnath-led Multiples Private Equity sold nearly 12 lakh shares of multiplex chain operator PVR worth Rs 179 crore through open market transactions

from Markets

Market Ahead, Feb 3: Top factors that could guide markets today

The RBI monetary policy committee, headed by RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das, will meet for three days starting today and will announce the outcome on Friday, February 5

from Markets

Riding on high growth: Key gainers from the Budget 2021 proposals

A focus on localisation and increase of duties in select sectors are also expected to boost manufacturing across sectors.

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MARKET LIVE: Indices set to start firm; Brookfield REIT IPO to open today

Stock market LIVE updates: The shares of Home First Finance will make their market debut today. The company's Rs 1,154-crore IPO, which ran from January 21 to 25, was subscribed 27 times

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Bharti Airtel may return to black in Q3, revenue to grow over 15%: Analysts

Management commentary on the timing of tariff hikes and outlook on spectrum investments including renewals will be among the key things to watch in Airtel's results

from Markets

Top stock picks by Ajit Mishra: Buy Ambuja Cements, Motherson Sumi

Ambuja Cement surged almost vertically from the support zone of the medium-term moving average (100 EMA) on the daily chart and made a new record high as well

from Markets

Nifty eyeing 15,470 over the medium-term: Vinay Rajani of HDFC Securities

While there is a possibility of consolidation in the Nifty50 index after a sharp rally, stock specific moves could continue on the upside

from Markets

Gold price slips to Rs 48,590 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 71,000 a kg

In New Delhi, 22-carat gold price fell by Rs 850 to Rs 47,300 per 10 gm, while in Chennai it fell to Rs 45,650

from Markets

ITC, HDFC Bank and six other Sensex stocks scale fresh 52-week highs

SBI, the top gainer among the Sensex stocks, was up 8 per cent to Rs 337 at 02:25 pm, surpassing its previous high of Rs 332 touched on February 2, 2020

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Cement shares soar on govt's infra push; UltraTech, Shree Cement up 8%

The huge thrust on infrastructure spending by the government in the Budget 2021-22 bodes well for construction materials such as cement and steel

from Markets

Monday, 1 February 2021

Isgec Heavy Engineering leaps 9% on order wins from cement, steel sectors

The company received two orders - one for a Cement Waste Heat Recovery Boiler and another for conducting Remnant Life Assessment study

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Why pharma stocks are underperforming despite Rs 2.23 trn Budget allocation

Much of the increase in this year's Budget allocation for health and well-being is attributed to expenditure set aside for Covid-19 vaccination

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Tata Motors rallies 11% as domestic PV sales nearly double in Jan

The stock of Tata group commercial vehicles (CVs) company was trading at its highest level since June 2018

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Morgan Stanley ups Sensex target to 55,000; bullish on cyclicals, midcaps

We believe the overall approach of the fiscal policy is in line with the message from the Economic Survey, said Morgan Stanley in a post Budget note

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Top stocks that are likely to benefit from FM's Budget proposals

According to Phillip Capital increased allocation for capital expenditure will bode well for large banks, namely ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, HDFC Bank and State Bank of India

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KNR Constructions soars 17%, hits new high ahead of 1:1 bonus share issue

The stock will turn ex-date for bonus issue on Wednesday, February 3

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Canara Bank, PNB, SBI: How to trade PSU bank stocks post Budget 2021?

A decisive close above 2,000 mark on Nifty PSU index may open doors for 2,200 levels going ahead

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Finolex Industries surges 16% on robust Q3 results, 1:5 stock split

The company said the rationale behind the stock split is to improve the liquidity of the company's shares on the stock market and also to make the same available to small investors

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Indian shares sharply extend post-budget gains led by HDFC Bank advances

The NSE Nifty 50 index rose 2.14% to 14,586.55 by 0352 GMT, while the benchmark S&P BSE Sensex was up 2.1% at 49,621.80

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PSU divestment, LIC IPO, fiscal deficit: How brokerages read Budget 2021

Budget 2021 marks a clear change in the Modi government's stance from fiscal conservatism to growth orientation, notes analysts at Jefferies

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Indigo Paints makes solid debut, lists at 75% premium over issue price

The IPO of Indigo Paints had garnered 117 times subscription, generating bids worth Rs 96,222 crore

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BSE Capital Goods index hits all-time high; L&T surges 15% in 2 days

The capital goods index hit a record high of 21,345 in intra-day trade, surpassing its previous high of 21,021, touched in November 2007

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Stocks to watch: Indigo Paints, Eicher Motors, HDFC, Coal India, PVR

State-owned Coal India's coal production declined by 4.1 per cent to 60.5 million tonne (MT) last month

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: Sensex rises 500 points in pre-open, Nifty tests 14,500

Stock market LIVE updates: On Monday, the domestic benchmark indices logged their biggest Budget-day gain (in points terms) as FM Nirmala Sitharaman's announcements to revive economic growth

from Markets

Budget has the ingredients to ignite a fresh investment cycle

The Union Budget 2021 has chosen to prioritize growth while pushing fiscal considerations to the background, at least for some time

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Market Ahead, Feb 2: Top factors that could guide markets today

Looks like, the euphoria in the market is likely to continue even today with SGX Nifty ruling 75 points up at 14,435

from Markets

Market Ahead, Feb 2: Top factors that could guide markets today

Looks like, the euphoria in the market is likely to continue even today with SGX Nifty ruling 75 points up at 14,435

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Top trading ideas by Nilesh Jain of Anand Rathi: Buy HDFC AMC, HCL Tech

The momentum indicator RSI and MACD are very well in the buy mode in HDFC AMC stock

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Asian markets modestly firmer as global retail frenzy unsettles outlook

Institutional investors are still digesting the retail trading frenzy that has boosted GameStop Corp and other so called meme stocks in recent sessions against their financial fundamentals

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India's massive borrowing puts RBI under pressure to keep yields in check

India will borrow a gross Rs 12 trillion ($164 billion) via bonds in the fiscal year beginning April, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Monday

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Gold price rises to Rs 49,450 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 73,000 a kg

In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold inched up by Rs 190 to Rs 48,150 per 10 gm. In Mumbai, the rate rose to Rs 48,450

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Budget calls for creating permanent framework for buying corporate bonds

Dealers say unless retail investors are attracted, nothing much can happen in the space

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Govt move to buy investment grade debt securities positive step: Experts

The government's proposal to create a permanent institutional framework to buy investment grade debt securities is a very positive step for debt mutual funds, experts said on Monday.

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Budget 2021: FM names Sebi as regulator of proposed spot gold exchange

The FM also proposed to introduce an investor charter as a right of all financial investors across all financial products

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Market Wrap, Feb 1: Here's all that happened in the markets today

Overall, the market capitalization of the BSE-listed companies increased by Rs 6.78 trillion to Rs 192.9 trillion on Monday

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An expansionary Budget, aimed at fostering growth and balanced development

The Budget has managed to "balance" the industrial development needs with those of the social and rural sectors

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Was FM's Budget like 'never seen before'? Here's what D-Street mavens say

The FM has delivered a unique Budget, wherein all the right measures have been proposed to speed up growth, said Dhiraj Relli, MD & CEO at HDFC Securities

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Bad bank, no Covid cess: Why Sensex zoomed 2,300 pts post Budget proposals

The optimism despite higher borrowing and a wider fiscal deficit, analysts say, was on account of the positive measures to revive the Covid-19 hit economy

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Budget 2021 boosts financials; ICICI, IndusInd, IDBI Bank jump over 10%

Finance Minster made various announcements including increase in FDI limit in the insurance sector, recapitalisation and privatisation of select PSU banks

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Bad bank, no Covid cess: Why Sensex zoomed 2,100 pts post Budget proposals

The optimism despite higher borrowing and a wider fiscal deficit, analysts say, was on account of the positive measures to revive the Covid-19 hit economy

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Insurance shares gain on hike in FDI limit to 74%; Bajaj Finserv surges 9%

The limit on FDI in Indian insurance companies will be lifted from 49 per cent to 74 per cent, a move aimed at attracting overseas players.

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Dr Reddys falls 10% in 2 days, hits over 4-month low post Q3 results

The company said the profits were impacted due to trigger based impairment charge taken on a few acquired products including gNuvaring

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Sunday, 31 January 2021

Road & highway construction firms rally up to 13% on infra push in Budget

The Finance Minister announced an allocation of Rs 1.18 trillion for the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

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Franklin Templeton MF's six shut schemes get Rs 14,391 crore so far

Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund has said its six shut schemes have received Rs 14,391 crore from maturities, pre-payments and coupon payments since their closing down in April.

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KRBL tanks 19% as ED arrests Joint MD in AugustaWestland case

The Joint Managing Director Anoop Kumar Gupta has been sent to 5 days custody of Enforcement Directorate in the AgustaWestland Money Laundering case

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IndusInd Bank surges 14% in two days as asset quality improves in Q3

The private lender is looking to grow its loan book by 15-18 per cent YoY for the next two financial years under its fifth planning cycle

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Sensex, Nifty open higher ahead of Budget presentation at 11 am today

The BSE benchmark Sensex surged over 443 points and the NSE Nifty advanced 115 points in opening trade on Monday, ahead of the Union Budget 2021-22 presentation in Parliament

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ICICI Bank rallies 6%, hits record high on strong December quarter results

ICICI Bank reported a strong Q3FY21, led by robust operating performance, while strong asset quality trends enabled decline in provisioning expenses

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Oil treads warily higher amid patchy vaccine rollouts, new Covid variant

Oil prices edged higher after a weak start, holding on to the past three months of gains, although patchy vaccine rollouts, new infections and the discovery of new variants are keeping a lid on prices

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Budget-related stocks to watch: PSUs, infra, financials, healthcare

Castrol India, Finolex Industries, Kansai Nerolac Paints and Reliance Capital are among 37 firms set to report their December quarter numbers today

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Market Ahead, Feb 1: Top factors that could guide markets this week

Contrary to global market mood, benchmark indices look set to open the week on a firm note ahead of the Union Budget and auto sales figures

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Asian shares slip for 5th straight session, silver gets retail boost

Indeed, a survey from China on Sunday showed factory activity grew at the slowest pace in five months in January as restrictions took a toll in some regions

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Gold prices fall to Rs 47,960 per 10 gm, silver trends at Rs 69,800 a kg

In New Delhi, the 22-carat gold price stayed at Rs 47,800 per 10 gm, while in Chennai it was at Rs 46,560

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MARKET LIVE: How will Union Budget 2021 impact your portfolio?

LIVE market: The Finance Minister has promised a "never before" budget that would help revive economic sentiment in a Covid-19 impacted year

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Mutual Fund investment in REITs jumps six-fold to Rs 3,972 cr in 2020

REIT seems to have finally gaining popularity among investors, with mutual funds investing a staggering Rs 3,972 crore in such units in 2020, a six-fold jump from the preceding year.

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FPIs remain net buyers with Rs 14,649 crore investment in January

Overseas investors pumped in a net of Rs 19,473 crore into equities but pulled out Rs 4,824 crore from the debt segment between January 1 and January 29

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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900

The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets