Equity investors will focus on macroeconomic data, upcoming first quarter earnings season and global trends for direction this week, analysts said. "The domestic market will continue to track cues from the global markets in order to gain direction in movement. Reducing Covid cases and progress in vaccination will continue to pump optimism in the market," said Vinod Nair, Head of Research at Geojit Financial Services. Services PMI data to be released this week may influence the trading sentiment, he added. Nirali Shah, Head of Equity Research, Samco Securities said, "Large and mid-cap IT companies will remain in focus this week as Q1 FY22 result season commences in India." Tata Consultancy Services will kick off the first quarter earnings season as it will announce its earnings on Thursday. "Any disappointment on the earnings front could weaken the overall positive sentiments. However, we expect the earnings momentum to accelerate given the pickup in the pace of vaccination and the
from Markets https://ift.tt/2Tqlvjt
It simply sucks. I don't personally read blog posts word by word, so how can I except you to read them too? I known ther are people who are kind enough to read a 10,000 word long blog article from start to finish, but I think that's a minority.why waste your time ? Let me..
Saturday, 3 July 2021
आज क्या बनाऊं:संडे स्पेशल ब्रेड उत्तपम बनाने की इंस्टेंट रेसिपी, इसे नारियल की चटनी के साथ गर्मागर्म सर्व करें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3wi8gOS
Inside Zerodha's race to become the Vanguard of India's stock market
India's biggest broker is awaiting regulatory approval for an asset management company that will focus only on passive investing.
from Markets https://ift.tt/2V0T1wV
from Markets https://ift.tt/2V0T1wV
OPEC+ fails to reach output deal with talks kicked to Monday
Negotiations will resume next week after what's likely to be a weekend of furious diplomacy. The U.S. has already voiced concerns about rising gasoline prices as oil tops $75 a barrel.
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UmYa2d
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UmYa2d
जोश से जीता जहां:वर्जिन गेलेक्टिक की अगली अंतरिक्ष उड़ान में जाएंगी आंध्र में जन्मी श्रीशा, वे बनेंगी अंतरिक्ष में जाने वाली भारतीय मूल की तीसरी महिला
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3dBSS9S
Friday, 2 July 2021
आज क्या बनाऊं:घर में डोसा ब्रेड बनाने की इंस्टेंट रेसिपी, इसे नारियल की चटनी के साथ गर्मागर्म सर्व करें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3yiWsNX
OPEC+ agrees new oil deal but without UAE agreement, source says
OPEC+ agreed to add more oil to the market from August and extend the duration of their pact on their remaining production curbs for longer, even though United Arab Emirates still opposed extension
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UocWFF
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UocWFF
कुकिंग क्लास:पौष्टिक भोजन में बनाएं कोदो चावल की खिचड़ी, भुने पापड़ और दही के साथ परोसें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3jywTEu
तहज़ीब:इस समय बच्चे-बड़े घर पर काफ़ी समय साथ बिता रहे हैं तो क्यों न समय का सदुपयोग करें और डायनिंग टेबल के सलीक़े सीखे जाएं
इस समय बच्चे-बड़े सभी घर पर हैं तो क्यों न इस समय कुछ नया सीखा जाए। टेबल मैनर्स इस लिस्ट में शामिल कर सकते हैं।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3ylNsr8
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3ylNsr8
निदान की पर्ची:चोट की वजह से हो सकता है कंधों में दर्द, कोल्ड ट्रीटमेंट आज़माएं और जांच भी कराएं
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/2SJFzNb
टेक टेक्नीक:स्मार्ट फोन के लगातार इस्तेमाल से बैटरी जल्दी ख़त्म हो जाती है, बैटरी को लंबे समय तक चलाना चाहते हैं तो कुछ स्मार्ट टिप्स आज़माएं
अधिकांश लोगों की शिकायत होती है कि फोन की बैटरी जल्दी ख़त्म हो जाती है, लेकिन कभी फोन पर नज़र नहीं डालते कि आख़िर ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है। आपकी भी यही शिकायत है तो कुछ बातों पर ध्यान देकर इस समस्या से मुक्ति पा सकते हैं।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3jI4iwr
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3jI4iwr
आपका नाम कौन-सी वसीयत में है?:किसी साधन, सुविधा या निधि से नहीं, संस्कारों की विरासत से पहचाना जाता है खरा, सच्चा इंसान
जो खरा है, वो ख़ुद चमकता है। उसे कोई उपक्रम नहीं करना पड़ता।,किसी के व्यवहार की एक ज़रा-सी झलक बता देती है कि उसे विरासत में जो मिला है, वो चमकीला है या नहीं।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3hxT4b1
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3hxT4b1
दो अनुभव:इंसान का अच्छा आचरण ही उसे लोगों में पहचान दिलाता है जैसे संध्या भाभी को दिलाई और हड़बड़ाहट के समय यदि मन को शांत रखा जाए तो काम बिगड़ने से बचा सकते हैं
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3wkEKZa
बोधकथा:आमदनी से ख़र्च ज़्यादा कैसे? इसका हल क्या निकलेगा, इस बोधकथा में जानिए
चादर के बाहर पैर पसारने, कर्ज़ लेने का मतलब संयम खोना है। कर्ज़ यानी आमदनी की कैंची।,कर्ज़ कभी-भी वेतन के बराबर नहीं लिया जाता। उससे कई गुना अधिक होता है।,ऐसे संयम खोना, नींदें उड़ा देने को काफ़ी है। हल क्या है?
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3qGYHIn
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3qGYHIn
लघुकथाएं:देने का सुख हमेशा हम ही क्यों पाएं कभी कामगारों को भी ये मौक़ा मिलना चाहिए और स्वस्थ व सेहतमंद रहना कितना ज़रूरी है ये हरिप्रसाद जी को हालातों ने सिखा दिया...
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3yk2ePc
अंधेरे का उजला पक्ष:जीवन की संवार में कितने लोग महती भूमिका निभाते हैं, इसका एहसास कोरोना काल में हुआ
हमारे घर के नज़दीक की दुकान से लेकर अस्पताल में काम करने वाले स्वास्थ्यकर्मी तक, पहले इनकी तरफ कहां देखा था...
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/2SNDdNs
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/2SNDdNs
कविताएं:जुलाई के महीने में स्कूल जाने की गुदगुदाने वाली यादें और बारिश के मौसम की ख़ूबसूरती बयां करतींजुलाई की यादें ये कविताएं
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3xaE1e6
नींबू पानी के फायदे:रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाने के लिए रोज सुबह पिएं एक गिलास नींबू पानी, चेहरे की चमक भी बढ़ेगी
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3we1GsT
फिटनेस:कामकाजी हैं या घर पर भी अक्सर बैठे हुए समय गुज़रता है तो बैठे-बैठे ही सही थोड़ी कसरत कर लें
कुर्सी पर लगातार बैठे रहने से वज़न बढ़ने के साथ-साथ शरीर की बनावट भी बिगड़ सकती है। अगर बैठे रहना मजबूरी है, तो कुर्सी पर बैठकर भी कसरत कर सकते हैं।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3yfFyja
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3yfFyja
व्यंजन:लाल पत्तागोभी और सफेद बीन्स से स्वाद को दें नए रंग, साथ में परोसें चटपटी मिर्ची
जब पत्तागोभी का रंग लाल हो और लाल बीन्स का रंग सफेद, तो भोजन का स्वरूप भी बदल जाता है।,इन्हें चटपटा बनाया जाए और साथ में परोसी जाए तीखी मसालेदार मिर्च, तो भोजन का स्वाद दोगुना हो ही जाएगा।,ऐसे ही चटपटे व्यंजनों की रेसिपी जानिए, बनाइए और स्वाद का आनंद लीजिए।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3yk2eyG
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3yk2eyG
सुझाव:शादी की मज़बूत बुनियाद के लिए पहले ही साफ़ बात कर लेना बेहतर है और कुछ सवाल इसमें मददगार हो सकते हैं
विवाह दो लोगों के बीच बेहद ख़ूबसूरत रिश्ता होता है, जिसे आपसी समझ और तालमेल से निभाया जाता है। यह तालमेल बना रहे इसके लिए ज़रूरी है कि कुछ मुद्दों पर पहले ही स्पष्टता हो जाए।,टूटते रिश्तों के अनुभवों ने सिखाया है कि ...मन राज़ी हों, तो ज़िंदगी आसान हो जाती है।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/367rDzR
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/367rDzR
रसोई व्यवस्था:रसोई के पास ना रखें सोफा और गैजेट जैसे सामान, गर्माहट से ये ख़राब हो सकते हैं और नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं
रसोईघर और इसके आसपास क्या रखा जाए, क्या नहीं, इस पर ध्यान देना ज़रूरी है क्योंकि कुछ वस्तुएं नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं। क्या हैं वो, इस लेख से जानें।
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/2UU3iLi
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/2UU3iLi
सौंदर्य- सजगता:बारिश में बालों का ख़्याल रखना बेहद ज़रूरी है साथ ही ज़रूरी है छाता ख़रीदते समय कुछ सावधानियां...
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3hxT3DZ
Investment advisers can't manage funds, securities on clients' behalf: Sebi
Investment advisers cannot manage funds as well as securities on behalf of their clients and should not contemplate about asking power of attorney in this regard, markets regulator Sebi has said
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jJf9q9
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jJf9q9
Markets log first gain in 5 days; financial, pharma stocks take charge
After a range-bound trading through the day, the BSE Sensex ended 166.07 points or 0.32 per cent higher at 52,484.67
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xgRiSp
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xgRiSp
Power generator NTPC plans IPO for Rs 2.5 trn expansion of renewables biz
Listing intended to enable transformation over the next decade for a company that relies on coal to produce the vast majority of its electricity.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jBf7Aw
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jBf7Aw
BSE resolves 192 investors' complaints against listed cos in June
Leading stock exchange BSE on Friday said it has resolved 192 complaints against 141 listed companies in the month of June. It settled 170 complaints against active companies and 22 against suspended firms, the exchange said in a statement. These resolved complaints include complaints brought forward from previous periods. During June, BSE received 232 complaints against 172 companies. Of the total complaints received, 219 were against active companies and 13 were against suspended firms, as per BSE. The grievances received by the exchange from investors pertained to non-receipt of money, non-receipt of equity shares, non-receipt of debt securities and non-receipt of corporate benefits and entitlements, among others. Companies with highest number of pending investors' complaints include, Inceptum Enterprises Ltd, J K Pharmachem Ltd, Gujarat Perstorp Electronics Ltd, Gujarat Narmada Flyash Co. Ltd, Teem Laboratories Ltd, Gujarat Meditech Ltd, Blazon Marbles Ltd, Saptak Chem And ..
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AgZX9z
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AgZX9z
Gold ticks higher as virus fears boost appeal; focus on US jobs data
Spot gold rose 0.1% to $1,778.52 per ounce, by 0535 GMT.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dBalim
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dBalim
Alicon Castalloy zooms 30% in 2 days as MFs pick stake via QIP issue
As per the shareholding pattern for the period ended June 30, 2021, filed by the company, mutual funds acquired 1.48 million shares, or 9.51 per cent stake, in Alicon Castalloy
from Markets https://ift.tt/2V2hQbV
from Markets https://ift.tt/2V2hQbV
India Pesticides likely to list at 15-19% premium, hints grey market trends
Analysts say the company's strong fundamentals, reasonable valuations and sectoral position are among factors that are likely to help the company debut on a positive note
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hbyFd7
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hbyFd7
Oil prices dip after OPEC+ ministers delays meeting on supply decision
Oil prices inched lower on Friday after OPEC+ ministers delayed a meeting on output policy as the United Arab Emirates balked at a plan to add back 2 million barrels per day in second half of year
from Markets https://ift.tt/2TjJ39D
from Markets https://ift.tt/2TjJ39D
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Route Mobile surges 10% on acquisition of email technology biz from Sarv
Route Mobile signed definitive agreements to acquire the artificial intelligence-driven email communication platform, Sendclean, from Sarv Webs Private Limited ("Sarv")
from Markets https://ift.tt/3ycO3eU
from Markets https://ift.tt/3ycO3eU
State-run NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd IPO to hit markets in 2022-23
NTPC plans to list its arm NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd in 2022-23, to raise funds for achieving its ambitious target of 60 GW installed renewable energy capacity by 2032
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hImy6v
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hImy6v
Nucleus Software rallies 30% in 4 days; stock hits all-time high
The company said that FinnOne Neo will power the consumer finance business of Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank (TPBank), one of the leading banks in Vietnam
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dx0UR1
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dx0UR1
Aurobindo Pharma to transfer biz in Unit-4 to arm Eugia Pharma; stock up 4%
The company said the transfer of the business undertaking will be done for a lumpsum consideration of Rs 876 crore
from Markets https://ift.tt/3huFfdp
from Markets https://ift.tt/3huFfdp
Stocks to watch: Hero Moto, NMDC, Coal India, Srei Infra Fin, TCS, Coforge
Motorcycle maker Royal Enfield, part of Eicher Motors, said its total sales increased 13 per cent YoY to 43,048 units in June
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xcUK0t
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xcUK0t
Bull spread strategy on Deepak Nitrite by Nandish Shah of HDFC Securities
The stock price has broken out on the daily chart where it has closed at highest levels since May 06, 2021 with higher volumes
from Markets https://ift.tt/2V0WifO
from Markets https://ift.tt/2V0WifO
Chris Wood launches India-dedicated equity portfolio with 16 stocks
The portfolio includes marquee stocks such as ICICI Bank, HDFC, Bajaj Finance, and Reliance Industries
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jECgSv
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jECgSv
3 stock ideas by Osho Krishan of Anand Rathi: Buy Havells, Ipca Labs
Motherson Sumi's stock has seen some buying interest in the past trading sessions and settled well above all its major moving averages on the daily time frame
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qSyBSV
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qSyBSV
Market Ahead Podcast, July 2: Top factors that could guide markets today
Bank stocks are likely to be in focus after RBI's Financial Stability Report said the gross non-performing assets ratio of banks may rise to 9.8 per cent by March 2022
from Markets https://ift.tt/368KdYk
from Markets https://ift.tt/368KdYk
MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a positive start for Sensex, Nifty
The RBI expects bad debts in the Indian banking system to rise steeply by the end of this fiscal year, but at a rate not as alarmingly high as it was anticipated a year ago
from Markets https://ift.tt/2Tk2kI5
from Markets https://ift.tt/2Tk2kI5
आज क्या बनाऊं:लंच हो या डिनर में सबके मन को भाएगा पापड़ का रायता, इसे पुदीना पाउडर व हरा धनिया डाल कर सर्व करें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3h9d9pe
Gold price today at Rs 46,190 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 68,700 a kg
Gold prices gain in global markets owing to growing concerns over the spread of Delta variant of the coronavirus.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AkpkqV
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AkpkqV
An NFT of the World Wide Web source code sold for $5.4 million: Report
The code was sold by Tim Berners-Lee, a computer scientist credited with writing the source code that forms the basis of the World Wide Web
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x7jg2W
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x7jg2W
Oil prices climb with Opec+ signalling more gradual supply hike
Futures in New York rose as much as 3.7 per cent on Thursday to the highest intraday level since 2018
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hbxoTu
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hbxoTu
Tesla stock trading pattern looks bleak after tough start to 2021
The lackluster performance in recent months has culminated with the stock now on the verge of a so-called death cross
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AiK1DB
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AiK1DB
Markets extend losses for fourth day; Bajaj Finserv falls over 2%
The 30-share BSE Sensex ended 164.11 points or 0.31 per cent lower at 52,318.60. Similarly, the broader NSE Nifty shed 41.50 points or 0.26 per cent to close at 15,680
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AiS5nI
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AiS5nI
Franklin Templeton executive says Sebi exceeded authority in banning him
A senior executive of US money manager Franklin Templeton (FT) told an Indian appeals tribunal the country's market watchdog 'overstepped' its powers by banning him from the securities market
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AeDKZv
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AeDKZv
GR Infra IPO price band fixed at Rs 828-837 per share; IPO opens July 7
The IPO is an offer for sale (OFS), and the company will not receive the proceeds of the offer. At the upper end of the price band, the IPO size works out to Rs 963 crore.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dyAnTE
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dyAnTE
पंजाबी पोस्टर गर्ल की कहानी:दूसरी कक्षा की विद्यार्थी जसनीत कौर की मां लड़का चाहती थी, लड़की पैदा होने पर दुख का ठिकाना न रहा, ये नन्हीं बच्ची पंजाब स्टेट एजुकेशन डिपार्टमेंट की ब्रांड एंबेसेडर है
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3yg20bN
Shree Renuka Sugars becomes the most valuable sugar co; up 326% in 3 months
Shree Renuka Sugars, with an m-cap of Rs 8,791 crore at 01:50 pm, surpassed Balrampur Chini Mills and EID Parry (India)
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jtqs5y
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jtqs5y
Shares of Bajaj Auto gain nearly 3% after big jump in June sales
Shares of Bajaj Auto on Thursday gained nearly 3 per cent after the company reported 24 per jump in its total sales in June 2021. The stock jumped 2.82 per cent to Rs 4,250 on BSE. On NSE, it gained 2.80 per cent to Rs 4,250. Bajaj Auto on Thursday reported 24 per jump in its total sales at 3,46,136 units in June 2021. The company had sold 2,78,097 units in the same month a year ago. Domestic sales in June this year were at 1,61,836 units as against 1,51,189 units, up 7 per cent, Bajaj Auto said in a regulatory filing. Total motorcycle sales stood at 3,10,578 units, an increase of 22 per cent, as compared to 2,55,122 units sold in June last year.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AbfWWB
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AbfWWB
Happiest Minds hits new high, rallies 103% so far in current fiscal
A combined 11.57 million equity shares of the company had changed hands on the NSE and BSE at the time of writing this report
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UYlBz5
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UYlBz5
Indian crypto exchanges flounder as banks cut ties after RBI frown
Indian cryptocurrency exchanges are scrambling to secure viable, permanent payment solutions to ensure seamless transactions
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xbOGVQ
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xbOGVQ
Shares of Jet Airways decline 5% after earnings announcement
The shares hit the lowest trading permissible limit for the day
from Markets https://ift.tt/3h5P0Qv
from Markets https://ift.tt/3h5P0Qv
एक्सपर्ट से जानें महिलाओं को मिले अधिकारों के बारे में:प्रसूति सुविधा अधिनियम 1961 के तहत वे मेटरनिटी लीव ले सकती हैं, महिला गवाह को पूछताछ के लिए पुलिस स्टेशन आने के लिए बाध्य नहीं किया जा सकता
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3hhuyuE
Sebi fines 4 entities for non-genuine trades in illiquid stock options
Capital markets regulator Sebi imposed a total fine of Rs 29 lakh on four entities for fraudulent and manipulative trading in illiquid stock options segment on the BSE
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hedA1P
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hedA1P
Power Mech zooms 33% in 4 days after order win from Central Coalfield
Non-power sector is the key for charting the company's growth in view of huge investments planned as part of National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) worth Rs 111 trillion in the next 5 to 6 years
from Markets https://ift.tt/3Aj4QyQ
from Markets https://ift.tt/3Aj4QyQ
न्यूट्रिशनिस्ट और वेलनेस कोच अनुपमा मेनन के टिप्स:मानसून में बच्चों की इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाने के लिए डाइट में कालीमिर्च, लहसुन और हल्दी शामिल करें, उन्हें नींबू पानी पिलाना भी फायदेमंद
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3AeN7IF
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Dabur India shares hit fresh record high on robust growth outlook
Dabur India's healthcare products are set to witness strong performance over the medium-term as customers focus on immunity booster and healthy lifestyle
from Markets https://ift.tt/367Hw9c
from Markets https://ift.tt/367Hw9c
Cosmo Films hits new high on strong earnings, rallies 69% in three months
During FY21, Cosmo Film's PAT more than doubled (up 110 per cent up from FY20) on the back of higher speciality sales, better operating margins, and an uptick in performance by subsidiaries
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jxb9ZM
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jxb9ZM
Vodafone Idea slips 15% on weak operational performance in Q4
In Q4FY21, Vodafone Idea reported a loss of Rs 7,023 crore as against Rs 4,532 crore in Q3FY21
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dzeGD0
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dzeGD0
Stocks to watch: Vodafone Idea, SpiceJet, Union Bank, Dish TV, auto stocks
Shares of auto companies will be in focus as firms will release their sales figures for the month of June
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jxSTiS
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jxSTiS
Trading strategies for copper and aluminum by Tradebulls Securities
The trend for aluminum has shifted from 'neutral' to 'positive'
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hqLtLo
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hqLtLo
Market Ahead Podcast, July 1: Top factors that could guide markets today
Auto stocks will be in focus as firms will release their sales figure for the month of June
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y9Julx
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y9Julx
MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty signals a flat-to-positive start; auto stks in focus
LIVE market: Automobile companies will start reporting their June sales data, amid expectations of sequential improvement
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y2B67o
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y2B67o
Oil prices drift sideways as investors await OPEC+ decision on supply cuts
Oil prices traded sideways on Thursday as investors waited for a decision from key producers on whether they would maintain or ease supply cuts in the second half of the year
from Markets https://ift.tt/3wc6YoC
from Markets https://ift.tt/3wc6YoC
Gold prices edge lower on firmer dollar as market eye US jobs data
Gold prices edged lower on Thursday, as dollar hovered near a three-month peak, with investors looking ahead to a key US jobs report for clues on what it might mean for monetary policy
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xaUVcH
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xaUVcH
Crypto exchange Binance says sterling withdrawals reactivated after outage
The exchange's customers said on Tuesday they were unable to deposit or withdraw sterling from the platform, days after regulators in Britain cracked down on some of its activities in the country
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x3YyRz
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x3YyRz
Gold price today at Rs 45,740 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 67,600 a kg
In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold was down at Rs 45,900 per 10 gm, in Chennai, it declined to Rs 44,100
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xbT0o5
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xbT0o5
आज क्या बनाऊं:मानसून स्पेशल कॉर्न कोफ्ता करी, इसे मलाई व हरा धनिया डालकर गार्निश करें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3w8svyC
इस उम्र में गजब का जोश:टर्की की सिकर अर्सलान ने किया दुनिया की सबसे बुजुर्ग महिला होने का दावा, 119 साल की उम्र में फिट रहने के लिए रोज खाती हैं उबले हुए अंडे
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3AbflUJ
World stock markets hover near record highs on hopes of recovery
U.S. consumer confidence jumped to its highest level in nearly 1-1/2 years in June, with growing labour market optimism as the economy reopens offsetting concerns about higher inflation.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dsz7RX
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dsz7RX
Gold en route to biggest monthly drop since 2016 ahead of US jobs data
Spot gold eased 0.3% to $1,755.70 per ounce by 0846 GMT
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dsHAom
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dsHAom
आज क्या बनाऊं:ब्रेड स्लाइस से चॉकलेटी मिनी घेवर बनाने का आसान तरीका, इसके ऊपर चॉकलेट चिप्स डालकर सर्व करें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3xjNBLC
दरियादिली की मिसाल:झारखंड में जमशेदपुर की रहने वाली तुलसी के पास ऑनलाइन क्लास के लिए स्मार्टफोन खरीदने के नहीं थे पैसे, एक बिजनेसमैन ने 12 आम के दिए सवा लाख रुपए
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3w129OY
सेलिब्रिटी हेयर डू:इस मौसम में अपने हेयर कट से बदलें पूरा लुक, सेलेना की तरह कर्टेन कट या भूमि जैसे फ्लफी लेयर्स खूब जंचेंगे, जैकलीन का मीडियम लेंथ कट भी बढ़ाएगा आपकी शान
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3AmYv5B
Oil set for best half since 2009 as demand recovers ahead of OPEC+ meeting
The recovery in key energy consumers including the U.S. and China has helped underpin a surge in fuel demand and driven prices to the highest level since October 2018.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3h5mJt8
from Markets https://ift.tt/3h5mJt8
Embassy REIT trading lot size to reduce from current 200 units to 1 unit
Embassy Office Parks said on Wednesday that trading lot size for Embassy REIT units on stock exchanges will be reduced to one unit from the current trading lot size of 200 units
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UavMQD
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UavMQD
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
PNC Infra surges 9%, nears record high on strong order book position
As of March 31, 2021, the value of contracts under PNC Infartech's execution stood at Rs 11,648 crore
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hlS1uY
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hlS1uY
Uflex zooms 19%, hits record high on robust March quarter results
In Q4FY21, Uflex's consolidated Ebitda jumped 87 per cent YoY to Rs 516.4 crore while margins improved to 20.1 per cent from 15.6 per cent in Q4FY20
from Markets https://ift.tt/2SzxBWQ
from Markets https://ift.tt/2SzxBWQ
Cipla hits new high on DCGI nod to import Moderna vaccine; up 4% in 2 days
At this stage, there is no definitive agreement on commercial supplies, the company said in response to media queries on vaccine import
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x8F2mS
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x8F2mS
Gold set for biggest monthly drop since 2016 on Fed's hawkish stance
Gold was hovering around an over two-month low on Wednesday as investors awaited US jobs data for further clarity on the Federal Reserve's policy stance
from Markets https://ift.tt/3wcsXMs
from Markets https://ift.tt/3wcsXMs
Stocks to watch: Voda Idea, RIL, Cipla, Indiabulls Housing, pharma stocks
Vodafone Idea is likely to post a narrowing of losses in Q4FY21 even though subscriber losses and zero IUC regime may dent the top-line
from Markets https://ift.tt/3A89DmJ
from Markets https://ift.tt/3A89DmJ
Nifty needs to break 15,700-15,900 range for directional move: Vinay Rajani
Above 15,900, Nifty could move towards 16,300 target, while any level below 15,673 could drag Nifty towards 15,500 support
from Markets https://ift.tt/3h2sojI
from Markets https://ift.tt/3h2sojI
Market Ahead Podcast, June 30: Top factors that could guide markets today
More than 900 companies will release their quarterly earnings today, including SpiceJet, Vodafone Idea, Dish TV India, IRCON International, SREI Infrastructure Finance and VIP Clothing
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qMKeL7
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qMKeL7
Vodafone Idea Q4 preview: Losses may narrow; commentary on fundraising eyed
The management's commentary on fundraising, tariff hikes, and adjusted gross revenue (AGR) case will be keenly watched, apart from the headline numbers
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x8TwDc
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x8TwDc
MARKET LIVE: Sensex, Nifty set to open higher; Voda Idea Q4 results today
More than 900 companies, including SpiceJet, Vodafone Idea, Dish TV India, IRCON International, and Sadbhav Engineering, among others are scheduled to release their quarterly earnings on Wednesday
from Markets https://ift.tt/36g44F7
from Markets https://ift.tt/36g44F7
Oil steadies as OPEC fuels demand hopes amid new Covid-19 worries
Brent crude futures settled up 8 cents, or 0.1%, at $74.76 a barrel, having slumped by 2% on Monday
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dsiNkh
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dsiNkh
Gold price today at Rs 46,200 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 67,900 a kg
In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold was at Rs 46,150 per 10 gm, while in Chennai it was at Rs 44,450.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3js7e0f
from Markets https://ift.tt/3js7e0f
TP ICAP to launch crypto trading platform with Fidelity, Standard Chartered
TP ICAP is the world's biggest interdealer broker
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qKubgR
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qKubgR
Markets extend losses for second straight session; Sensex slips 186 points
A weakening rupee and the fiscal impact of the government's new stimulus measures also sapped risk appetite, traders said
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y9x6Sm
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y9x6Sm
Sebi starts cross margin facility on commodity futures to boost liquidity
The move is part of Sebi's effort to improve the efficiency of the use of the margin capital by market participants, the regulator said in a circular
from Markets https://ift.tt/35Yl16C
from Markets https://ift.tt/35Yl16C
Standard Life sells 5% stake in HDFC Life Insurance in two tranches
A total of 100.8 million shares were sold in two tranches at Rs 672 and Rs 673; names of buyers couldn't be ascertained
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dlTyzZ
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dlTyzZ
Invesco Mutual Fund unveils Invesco India Medium Duration Fund
The fund is an open-ended medium-term debt scheme
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jlTyUp
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jlTyUp
हौसलों की ऊंची उड़ान:असम की रूपज्योति बोसागांव की महिलाओं को प्लास्टिक वेस्ट से धागे और घर के सामान बनाना सीखाती हैं, इस काम से अच्छी-खासी कमाई कर महिलाएं बनीं आत्मनिर्भर
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3qwnGxK
Debt-laden Go Airlines' planned $485 million IPO put on hold by Sebi
Airlines is depending on the IPO proceeds to repay debt and dues to creditors including Indian Oil Corp.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3645yBS
from Markets https://ift.tt/3645yBS
बाढ़ के बीच शादी का अनोखा नजारा:बिहार के किशनगंज में नई नवेली दुल्हन को कंधे पर लेकर नदी पार कराता दिखा दूल्हा, नदी में पानी ज्यादा होने की वजह से बिना किसी झिझक के किया ये काम
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3h1ozLC
This Tata group company's shares have zoomed 77% in four weeks
The stock was trading at its highest level since 1992
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AczJ7R
from Markets https://ift.tt/3AczJ7R
Indian stock market valuation a concern, FDI flows likely to continue: HSBC
FDI in India is likely to pick up going ahead on the back of a strong rebound in growth, said Frederic Neumann, co-head of Asian economics research at HSBC
from Markets https://ift.tt/2SyaE6q
from Markets https://ift.tt/2SyaE6q
Monday, 28 June 2021
Bajaj Healthcare zooms 20% as Co seeks compulsory licence for Baricitinib
The company has moved the Indian Patent Office requesting to grant a compulsory license for manufacturing & supply of Covid-19 drug "Baricitinib" (API and formulation)
from Markets https://ift.tt/3joJutV
from Markets https://ift.tt/3joJutV
ब्यूटी अपडेट:आंवला, ब्राह्मी और ऐलोवेरा जैसी हर्बल चीजों से बालों की देखभाल कैसे कर सकते हैं बता रहे हैं एक्सपर्ट, इससे बाल काले व घने होंगे और उनका झड़ना भी रुकेगा
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3x3OW9f
Indian Bank dips 8% post listing of fresh shares issued to QIBs
On Friday, June 25, Indian Bank had informed the stock exchanges that it raised Rs 1,650 crore through QIP
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hi55S4
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hi55S4
Graphite India gains 6% on healthy operational performance in Q4
Looking ahead, the management remains optimistic with the ongoing recovery in demand for electrodes and stabilization of prices
from Markets https://ift.tt/3ha2sBG
from Markets https://ift.tt/3ha2sBG
Stocks to watch: HDFC Life, IRCTC, Ruchi Soya, RITES, Godrej Consumer
Standard Life will divest 3.46 per cent or 70 million shares in HDFC Life Insurance Company on Tuesday
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hdL0wd
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hdL0wd
Gold prices inch lower on firm dollar, US Federal Reserve hawkish stance
Gold prices eased on Tuesday, as a firmer dollar made bullion expensive for holders of other currencies
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xZTZI7
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xZTZI7
3 stocks Osho Krishan of Anand Rathi is bullish on: Buy Tata Coffee, Trent
Tata Coffee witnessed a consolidation breakout on the back of an increase in average trading volumes in the last trading session, suggesting a positive outlook
from Markets https://ift.tt/3het7xk
from Markets https://ift.tt/3het7xk
Market Ahead Podcast, June 29: Top factors that could guide markets today
DCM, IRCTC, Ruchi Soya, Sintex Industries and Suzlon Energy are among the companies that will announce their March quarter earnings today
from Markets https://ift.tt/3w7XdrA
from Markets https://ift.tt/3w7XdrA
MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a weak start; HDFC Life in focus
LIVE market: IRCTC, Ruchi Soya, Cochin Minerals & Rutile, DCM, Omaxe, Sintex Industries, and Suzlon Energy are among the list of companies that will announce their quarterly earnings on Tuesday
from Markets https://ift.tt/3do6buu
from Markets https://ift.tt/3do6buu
Oil falls as flare-ups of Covid-19 Delta variant threaten fuel demand
Oil prices slipped for a second day on Tuesday on worries about slower fuel demand growth as outbreaks of the highly contagious Covid-19 variant Delta sparked new mobility restrictions around world
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qvyQmC
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qvyQmC
Soaring pump prices pose threat to India's recovery and inflation
Fuel costs have been ratcheted up to current levels by the combined effects of rising benchmark Brent prices and numerous tax hikes over the past few years.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x2WrO0
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x2WrO0
Gold price today at Rs 46,160 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 67,900 a kg
In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold was at Rs 46,150 per 10 gm, in Chennai, it was at Rs 44,440.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3A8eX9x
from Markets https://ift.tt/3A8eX9x
आज क्या बनाऊं:बच्चों के लिए कुछ नया ट्राय करना चाहती हैं तो इंडो चाइनीज फ्रैंकी बनाएं, सिर्फ आधे घंटे में हो जाएगा तैयार
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/35YH1ON
Aditya Birla Sun Life IPO put on hold by markets regulator Sebi
The asset management company had filed preliminary papers with Sebi in April to raise funds through through an initial public offer
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qxT6Ux
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qxT6Ux
Indices end in red despite FM's relief announcement; Titan falls over 1%
The Sensex fell 189 points, led by losses in index heavyweights Reliance Industries, TCS, and HDFC amid a negative trend in global markets.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y7aYs5
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y7aYs5
Margin pressures, valuations could cap returns on Wipro
Revenue growth for FY22, however, should be strongly aided by Capco acquisition
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y1LJHv
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y1LJHv
SAT grants interim relief to Franklin Templeton MF, partly stays Sebi order
In a 100-page order, Sebi has rapped the fund house for "several irregularities" in the running of its six debt schemes that were wound up in April 2020
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x1sU7p
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x1sU7p
Sugar stocks on a roll on improved outlook; Shree Renuka zooms 127% in June
Sugar companies are seeing a huge, untapped demand for ethanol for the blending program of the, which can be of benefit to the sector in the future
from Markets https://ift.tt/3w2rMic
from Markets https://ift.tt/3w2rMic
Oil India trades higher for 7th straight day, hits 18-month high
HDFC Securities has a BUY recommendation on Oil India with a revised price target of Rs 183
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dkdjbd
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dkdjbd
बेजुबानों की सबसे अच्छी दोस्त:तेलंगाना के मेहबूबाबाद की मोहम्मद सूमा अब तक 120 से ज्यादा जानवरों और पक्षियों की जान बचा चुकी हैं, 11 साल की उम्र में अपने पेरेंट्स से मिली इस काम की प्रेरणा
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3w1WjNo
Dodla, KIMS, Shyam Metalics, Sona BLW: Short-term investors should exit
For those who didn't get the IPO allotment, analysts say the business model, industry outlook, management acumen and valuations of these companies should be kept in mind before investing
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qw3yfk
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qw3yfk
Power Mech Projects soars 15% on order win from Central Coalfield
The projects has been given by a subsidiary of Coal India, aggregating to Rs 9,294 crore over the contract period
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y1fs3q
from Markets https://ift.tt/3y1fs3q
Finolex Industries zooms 15% on strong operational performance in Q4
In the past three months, the stock has outperformed the market by zooming 62 per cent, as compared to 8 per cent gain in the S&P BSE Sensex
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UELGCZ
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UELGCZ
उम्र सिर्फ एक नंबर है:अमेरिका की 81 वर्षीय मिल्ड्रेड विल्सन ने इस उम्र में 5 किमी की टफ मड रेस पूरी की, अपने दिवंगत पति को सम्मान देने के लिए किया इतना मुश्किल काम
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3zZ4QUx
Sunday, 27 June 2021
Indian shares open flat as pharma boost offsets losses in tech stocks
Indian shares were largely unchanged on Monday, as gains in pharmaceutical stocks and heavyweight Reliance Industries were offset by losses in information technology stocks
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xZmgyy
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xZmgyy
Thyrocare Technologies dips 7% as PharmaEasy offers to acquire 66% stake
Docon Technologies, along with API Holdings, the parent company of unicorn PharmEasy, also made an open offer for acquisition of additional 26% stake in Thyrocare at a price of Rs 1,300 per share
from Markets https://ift.tt/3gYdiM8
from Markets https://ift.tt/3gYdiM8
KIMS Hospitals lists at 22 per cent premium over issue price
At 10:06 am, the stock was trading at Rs 1,003, after hitting a low of Rs 990 on the NSE and BSE
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UIX690
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UIX690
Dodla Dairy makes strong debut, lists at 28% premium over issue price
The stock listed at Rs 550, a 28 per cent premium over the issue price of Rs 428 per share on the NSE
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xWDsoc
from Markets https://ift.tt/3xWDsoc
Gold hits 1-week low on dollar bounce, mixed signals from Fed officials
Gold prices slipped to a one-week low on Monday, weighed down by a bounce in the dollar and mixed signals from the US Federal Reserve
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hsatlN
from Markets https://ift.tt/3hsatlN
How should cryptocurrency be taxed in India? Here are some thoughts
Cryptocurrencies have generated a lot of interest for investors of all ages due to recent increase in value. It is estimated that roughly a crore Indians have invested in cryptocurrencies
from Markets https://ift.tt/2Sxn9PN
from Markets https://ift.tt/2Sxn9PN
Stocks to watch: Dodla Dairy, KIMS, Barbeque Nation, Thyrocare, SBI, Lupin
Realty firm Ashiana Housing on Saturday reported a consolidated net loss of Rs 5.2 crore for the quarter ending March. Its net loss stood at Rs 8.63 crore in the year-ago period
from Markets https://ift.tt/3gZKMtx
from Markets https://ift.tt/3gZKMtx
Stock picks by Sameet Chavan: Buy Cummins India, SBI Life Insurance
Recently, Cummins India's declining trend seems to have been arrested around the 750-mark, which coincided with the '89-EMA' on the daily chart
from Markets https://ift.tt/3h4Mrg8
from Markets https://ift.tt/3h4Mrg8
Two stocks that Vaishali Parekh of Prabhudas Lilladher is bullish on
Kotak Bank stock has been moving within a tight range for quite some time and is currently taking support near the significant 200DMA level of Rs 1,737
from Markets https://ift.tt/3A7f6tG
from Markets https://ift.tt/3A7f6tG
Market Ahead Podcast, June 28: Factors that could guide markets this week
SpiceJet, Hindustan Motors, Suzlon Energy, Rail Vikas Nigam, Ruchi Soya Industries, and Hindustan Aeronautics are among the companies which are going to announce their quarterly earnings this week
from Markets https://ift.tt/2TbMqze
from Markets https://ift.tt/2TbMqze
After their love affair with gold, Indians train their sights on crypto
One of the biggest barriers preventing wider adoption is the regulatory uncertainty.
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UyJih5
from Markets https://ift.tt/2UyJih5
MARKET LIVE: Indices set to open higher; Dodla Dairy, KIMS to list today
LIVE market: More than 300 companies are slated to post their quarterly numbers today including NALCO, Future Lifestyle, Zee Media, GIC Housing Finance and NLC India
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qvEK7c
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qvEK7c
Gold ticks up on weaker dollar, tamer than expected inflation data
Gold prices inched higher on Monday, as the dollar eased and tamer-than-expected US inflation data allayed fears of an early monetary policy tightening by the Federal Reserve
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x2EXRF
from Markets https://ift.tt/3x2EXRF
Oil prices strike 2018 highs on demand recovery, Iran nuclear talks
Oil prices climbed to highs last seen in October 2018 on Monday as the United States and Iran wrangled over the revival of a nuclear deal, delaying a surge in Iranian oil exports
from Markets https://ift.tt/3vYWMzN
from Markets https://ift.tt/3vYWMzN
Gold price today at Rs 46,160 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 67,900 a kg
In New Delhi, the price of 22-carat gold was at Rs 46,260 per 10 gm, in Chennai the price is at Rs 44,460.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qtNF9b
from Markets https://ift.tt/3qtNF9b
आज क्या बनाऊं:हेल्दी और टेस्टी खीरे की चाट बनाने का आसान तरीका, इसे हरा धनिया, अनारदाना व सेव डालकर सर्व करें
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3jguBK5
M-cap of top 6 firms soars over Rs 1.11 trillion; TCS, Infosys lead gainers
The m-cap of Tata Consultancy Services zoomed Rs 30,961.06 crore to Rs 12.50 trillion, the most among the top-10 firms
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dmbM4a
from Markets https://ift.tt/3dmbM4a
कॉफी का टेस्ट बढ़ाएंगी ये चीजें:चॉकलेट फ्लेवर के लिए कॉफी में कोको पाउडर मिलाएं, एक चुटकी सिनेमन पाउडर मिक्स करके पाएं गजब का स्वाद
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3y1btDI
किचन ट्रेंड:मॉडर्न और फंक्शनल स्पेस में कुकिंग के लिए बेस्ट फ्री स्टैंड कुकटाॅप, इसकी सफाई आसानी से होती हैं, वहीं स्लीक लुक देने वाले बिल्ट इन हॉब्स में बर्नर अधिक होते हैं
from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर https://ift.tt/3w5Pmek
Gold imports jump multi-fold to $6.91 bn in Apr-May on low base effect
Gold imports, which have a bearing on the current account deficit, zoomed to 6.91 billion during April-May 2021 due to low base effect in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic
from Markets https://ift.tt/2SsKfH6
from Markets https://ift.tt/2SsKfH6
Macroeconomic data, vaccination, global trends to dictate markets: Analysts
Macroeconomic data, the pace of vaccination and global trends would be the major drivers for the domestic equity markets this week, analysts said.
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jlTljY
from Markets https://ift.tt/3jlTljY
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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900
The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets https://ift.tt/rpZGNwM
उषाशी का संबंध एक ऐसे परिवार से हैं जहां अधिकांश लोग शिक्षक हैं। उन्होंने बचपन से अपने घर में पढ़ाई-लिखाई का माहौल देखा। वे 1986 में शादी के...
साउथ इंडिया में थेनी के पास वेंकटचलपुरम में राधिका का जन्म हुआ। वे शादी के बाद दिल्ली आ गईं। एक शौक के तौर पर राधिका ने ट्रैवल फोटोग्राफी क...