Capital markets regulator Sebi is betting big on technology, as it plans to implement a Geotagging solution in the current financial year to strengthen the process of its enforcement activities. While focussing on technology, Sebi said it plans to undertake various projects to boost its information technology (IT) capacity and build a "fault-tolerant" architecture. The move is aimed at further enhancing its technological and cybersecurity capability, and to better serve its stakeholders. "In the coming year, Sebi plans to implement a Geotagging Solution to strengthen the process of its enforcement activities," the regulator said in its annual report for 2022-23. Geotagging is the process of adding geographical information usually in the form of latitude and longitude coordinates to various media such as photos, videos, etc. The project intends to implement geotagging technology-based mobile application solutions, which help the market regulator to take necessary photos or videos a
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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900
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