Capital markets regulator Sebi has imposed a penalty of Rs 7 lakh on Shapoorji Pallonji and Company for flouting disclosure norms. In its order, Sebi found that Shapoorji Pallonji and Company did not take prior approval from the stock exchange for converting non-convertible debentures (NCDs) into a term loan way back in March 2021. Also, it failed to submit auditor's certificate on utilization of funds, half yearly certificate on maintenance of asset cover and annual report to the debenture trustee, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in its 64-page order passed on Thursday. Additionally, the company had not updated certain information on its website as required under the Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (LODR) Regulations. Those details are pertaining to notice of meeting of the board of directors where financial results would be discussed; financial results; complete copy of the annual report after FY 2019-20; information, report, notices, call .
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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900
The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets
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