A total of 2,457 complaints against companies and market intermediaries have been disposed of through Sebi's SCORES platform in May. At the beginning of May, as many as 2,984 complaints were pending, and 2,626 fresh complaints were received, according to the data released by markets regulator Sebi on Saturday. The regulator also noted that as of May 2023, 28 complaints were pending for more than three months, the data showed. These complaints were related to investment advisers, research analysts, corporate governance/ listing conditions, minimum public shareholding, venture capital funds and takeover/ restructuring. The average resolution time for a complaint was 31 days, as per the data. In a separate public notice, the markets watchdog Sebi mentioned 12 entities against whom complaints have been pending for more than three months on SCORES as of May 2023. The entities included Brightcom Group Ltd, Ankur Jain, Research Guru, Umesh Kumar Pandey proprietor -- Aurostar Investment
from Markets https://ift.tt/cAvfCZQ
It simply sucks. I don't personally read blog posts word by word, so how can I except you to read them too? I known ther are people who are kind enough to read a 10,000 word long blog article from start to finish, but I think that's a minority.why waste your time ? Let me..
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Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900
The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets https://ift.tt/rpZGNwM
उषाशी का संबंध एक ऐसे परिवार से हैं जहां अधिकांश लोग शिक्षक हैं। उन्होंने बचपन से अपने घर में पढ़ाई-लिखाई का माहौल देखा। वे 1986 में शादी के...
साउथ इंडिया में थेनी के पास वेंकटचलपुरम में राधिका का जन्म हुआ। वे शादी के बाद दिल्ली आ गईं। एक शौक के तौर पर राधिका ने ट्रैवल फोटोग्राफी क...
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