Friday 9 July 2021

आज क्या बनाऊं:बच्चों के लिए हेल्दी और टेस्टी डिश सूजी के दही डोनट, सिर्फ 15 मिनट में हो जाएंगे तैयार

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

दो अनुभव:बच्चों का कितना ख़्याल रखना पड़ता है ये उस दिन जाना और उन शिक्षक की सीख मुझमें जीवनभर का साहस व आत्मविश्वास जगा गई

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

निदान की पर्ची:गले की खराश को ना करें नजरअंदाज, घरेलू उपचार अपनाएं और जांच भी कराएं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

नई पहल:अकेलेपन की नई साथी है कपल किटी, जिसमें सिर्फ़ महिलाएं ही नहीं उनके पति भी होते हैं शामिल...

किटी के फ़ायदों को जब पुरुषों ने समझा, तो उन्होंने भी इसमें शामिल होने का मन बनाया और अस्तित्व में आई - कपल किटी। क्या है यह, क्यों है यह जानिए।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कुकिंग क्लास:नाश्ते में बनाएं पारंपरिक सिंधी कोकी, चटनी या अचार के साथ सर्व करें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

बदलाव-सेहत:युवाओं के बदलते शब्दकोश के साथ ही जानिए ग्रीन टी पीने का सही समय और सही मात्रा

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कुकिंग टिप्स:इन छोटे-छोटे टिप्स से बढ़ाएं खाने का स्वाद, काम भी आसान बनाएंगे

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

अनलॉक में सावधानी:अनलॉक के लिए ‘मन से’ तैयार हैं ना आप !

लॉकडाउन से आज़ादी मिलने पर कुछ लोग सारे नियमों को बिलकुल भूल रहे हैं, तो कुछ ऐसे भी हैं, जिनको भीड़ में बाहर निकलने से तनाव और घबराहट हो रही है।,यह सच है कि अनलॉक होते ही सब भूल जाना, फिर से मुश्किलें उत्पन्न कर सकता है।,पूरी सावधानी के साथ तैयारी करेंगे, फिर बाहर निकलेंगे, तो आपके लिए ही नहीं, सबके लिए अच्छा होगा।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

ट्रेंड:हैंडमेड चीज़ों का चलन फिर काफ़ी बढ़ा है, आजकल ये सोशल मीडिया पर भी काफ़ी ट्रेंड में हैं

एंट्रेस पीस आ जकल मुख्य द्वार पर मंत्र लिखवाना, फनी कोट्स लिखवाना इन दिनों चलन में है। ये मेहमानों के लिए आकर्षण का केंद्र रहते हैं। ये अलग-अलग आकार में भी बनवाए जा सकते हैं। घर को आकर्षक बनाने के लिए कुछ नया आज़माने की इच्छा है तो यहां दिए कुछ सुझाव आपके काम आ सकते हैं।,आ जकल हैंडमेड चीज़ों का चलन फिर काफ़ी बढ़ा है। इन्हें बनाना काफ़ी आसान होता है और ये आसानी से मिल भी जाती हैं। आजकल सोशल मीडिया के ज़रिए भी इन्हें आसानी से ख़रीदा और बेचा जा सकता है। आइए जानते हैं इन ट्रेंडी हैंडमेड पीसेस के बारे में...

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सुरक्षा:अनलॉक में सफ़र की योजना बनाने से पहले करें सुरक्षा के इंतज़ाम, मास्क और सैनिटाइजर के साथ रखें इन बातों का ख्याल

कोरोनाकाल में सफ़र करना सुरक्षित नहीं है। लेकिन कहीं टूर आदि के लिए ट्रेन में जाना ही हो, तो इन बातों का ध्यान रखें।,ये आपके सफ़र को सुरक्षित बनाने में मदद कर सकती हैं।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

बोधकथा 'समय का मूल्य':समय का मूल्य जो आंकते हैं वे जीवन में सफल रहते हैं और जो व्यर्थ समय नष्ट करते हैं, समझिए वे अपना जीवन भी नष्ट ही कर रहे हैं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सौंदर्य:होंठो की रंगत फीकी पड़ गई है तो कुछ घरेलू उपाय और कुछ आदतों में बदलाव लाकर होंठो को फिर कोमल और गुलाबी बना सकते हैं

गुलाबी और मुलायम होंठ ख़ूबसूरती को दोगुना करते हैं। आप भी होंठों को कोमल बनाना चाहते हैं तो ये उपाय आज़माकर देख लें।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

जोक्स:हंसने और मुस्कराने के लिए पढ़िए ये मजेदार जोक्स

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

स्व-निखार:ध्यान से तनाव तो दूर होता ही है साथ ही ख़ुशी व शांति मिलती है और याद्दाश्त भी बढ़ती है

जीवन में कई तरह के तनाव मन और मस्तिष्क पर हावी रहते हैं। इनका असर हमारे व्यवहार और जीवन पर पड़ने लगता है। अगर तनाव दूर करना है, ख़ुश रहना है, अंतर्दृष्टि, याददाश्त और शांति बढ़ानी है, क्रोध कम करना है, तो इसमें माइंडफुलनेस मददगार हो सकती है ...

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

अंधेरे में उजला पक्ष:कोरोना काल में कचरा ले जाने वालों का आना बदस्तूर जारी रहा, केवल रोज़ी की बात नहीं थी, बहुत सारी भलाई और समझदारी छुपी मिली

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

समीक्षा:कहानियां भी बार-बार अनुभवों के मेलों में ले जाती हैं, कुछ ऐसी ही कहानियां हैं इस पुस्तक में...

कुछ किस्से यूं कहे जाते हैं कि आपबीती से लगने लगते हैं। तब इन्हें पढ़ना कोई काम नहीं बल्कि आईना देखना प्रतीत होता है।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

बच्चों को सिखाएं दयाभाव:बच्चों के बेहतर भविष्य के लिए उन्हें लोगों की मदद करना सिखाएं और हर परिस्थिति में ढलने की आदत डालें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कहानी:वो बेटी को नाज़ों से रखते थे, उसकी हर ज़िद मानी जाती थी लेकिन आज बिना किसी ज़िद के ही हर बात मानी जा रही थी

बेटी की हर ज़िद पूरी की थी उसने। दस साल की थी, तब गोद में उठाने को मचलती थी। ढंग से तैयार हुए बिना कहीं जाने को राज़ी नहीं होती थी। आज उसके ज़िद किए बग़ैर ही हर बात मानी थी उसने।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

रेसिपी:राजगिरे का आटा और कच्चे केले से बनाएं व्यंजन को दिलचस्प, इनका स्वाद बच्चों को भी पसंद आएगा

काले चने और पनीर पौष्टिक होते हैं लेकिन इनके नियमित स्वाद से ज़्यादातर लोग ऊब जाते हैं।,इसी तरह राजगिरे का आटा और कच्चा केला भी है। इनकी विधि में बदलाव करके व्यंजन बनाएं दिलचस्प ताकि इन्हें खाने से कोई इंकार ना कर सके।,पनीर, चना, राजगिरा जैसे खाद्य पदार्थों से बनी रेसिपी के चंद सुझाव प्रस्तुत हैं। इन्हें आज़माकर देखिए।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Indices' losing run continues amid selling pressure; Bajaj Auto falls 1%

Banking, finance and IT counters accounted for most of the losses, while strong demand for metal stocks cushioned the fall

from Markets

Value trade is just getting started beyond the US stock market

For all the dominance of mega-cap growth names, US stocks led the world during the cyclical upswing in the first half of the year - and that means other regions are now primed for a catch-up

from Markets

Oil prices rise for the second straight day as US inventories decline

US West Texas Intermediate futures were up $1.41, or 1.9 per cent, at $74.35.

from Markets

Cash is still king, for now: Diamond sale dims cryptocurrency hopes

A 101.38-carat diamond was sold by Sotheby's for HK$95.1 million ($12.3 million) to an unknown buyer using traditional currency, disappointing cryptocurrency fans

from Markets

Sebi bars Allegro Capital for insider trading activities in Biocon shares

Sebi has barred Allegro Capital and one of its senior executives from the securities market for one year

from Markets

फैशन ट्रेंड:कैजुअल आउटिंग के लिए खास रंग बना ब्राइट पिंक, सोनम की पसंद बना लग्जूरियस परशियन पिंक स्वेट सूट तो पिंक ट्रैक सूट में छाई आलिया

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

CARE Rating upgrades Tata Steel's credit outlook; stock nears record peak

Tata Steel's focus on the growing India market, highest exposure to high-priced flat products, and full iron ore integration till CY30, makes it an attractive long-term play, say analysts

from Markets

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala hikes stake in Edelweiss in Q1; stock surges 10%

Jhunjhunwala bought an additional 4 million equity shares or 0.42 per cent stake in Edelweiss Financial Services during the second quarter of the current calendar year 2021

from Markets

बचपन के शौक से मिली पहचान:केरल की रिजवाना ने चाय की पत्ती के पाउडर से 5 घंटे 30 मिनट में बनाए 15 प्रधानमंत्रियों के पोट्रेट, इंडिया और एशिया बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स में दर्ज हुआ नाम

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Macrotech Developers surges 14% in 2 days post June quarter business update

While April and May had very limited pre-sales on account of the second Covid wave in India, June saw pre-sales of Rs 654 crore

from Markets

Oil prices climb on US inventories draw; OPEC+ impasse caps gains

Brent crude oil futures were up 27 cents, or 0.4%, at $74.39 a barrel by 0644 GMT

from Markets

Textiles stocks in demand; Vardhman, Siyaram Silk, RSWM hit 52-week highs

Siyaram Silk Mills jumped 6 per cent to hit a fresh 52-week high of Rs 344 on the BSE

from Markets

होम गार्डनिंग:यही है नई पौध लगाने का उचित समय, गमलों में नियमित निराई-गुड़ाई करते रहें, वर्मी कम्पोस्ट जैसी जैविक खाद को क्यारियों में डालना भी जरूरी

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Thursday 8 July 2021

Bajaj Finserv's m-cap crosses Rs 2 trillion as stock scales new high

In the past three months, the stock of Bajaj Finserv has outperformed the market by surging 31 per cent as compared to a 6 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex

from Markets

TCS Q1 numbers a blip or sign of times to come? Here's what analysts say

TCS missed analyst expectations as India business pulled down revenue growth

from Markets

Bajaj Steel shares hit new high; stock zooms 125% in a month

Meanwhile, in the past one year, it has skyrocketed 1,211 per cent as against a 43 per cent rally in the benchmark index.

from Markets

MoD ropes in Bharat Dynamics to supply Akash Missiles; stock zooms 7%

The company has signed a contract worth about Rs 499 crore with Ministry of Defence for manufacture and supply of Akash Missiles to the Indian Air Force (IAF)

from Markets

Gold set to rise for third week on lower yields, coronavirus woes

Gold edged higher on Friday and was set for its third straight weekly gain, as concerns over the fast-spreading Delta variant and a drop in US Treasury yields lifted the safe-haven metal's demand

from Markets

TCS down 1% as June quarter earnings miss Street expectation

For the first quarter, net profit of the company at Rs 9,008 crore grew by 28.5 per cent year-on-year basis, but was down 2.5 per cent sequentially

from Markets

Stocks to watch: TCS, Bharat Dynamics, Tata Steel, BoB, Delta Corp

CARE upgraded long term credit rating for Tata Steel to AA+ from AA and the outlook to Stable from Negative

from Markets

Here's a derivative strategy on Alkem Lab by Nandish Shah of HDFC Sec

The stock price has already broken out on the daily chart to close at an all-time high with higher volumes

from Markets

Oil mixed as US crude, gasoline inventories draw offset by OPEC+ standoff

Oil prices were mixed after a boost from a drop in US crude and gasoline inventories, but were still set for a weekly decline on concerns that an OPEC+ impasse could swell global crude supplies

from Markets

Osho Krishan is bullish on these two HDFC group stocks; here's why

HDFC AMC is currently hovering just near its 21 and 50 DEMA and far above the long-term exponential moving average (200 DEMA), suggesting inherent strength in the counter

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, July 9: Top factors that could guide markets today

The IPOs by Clean Science and Technology and GR Infraprojects were subscribed 4.28 times and 5.75 times, respectively on Day 2 of the bidding process. Both issues close for subscription today

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a feeble start for indices; TCS in focus

LIVE market: A total of 15 companies, including Delta Corp, Suryavanshi Spinning Mills, and Vikas Lifecare are set to release quarterly earnings on Friday

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:डिनर में कुछ हल्का खाने का मन हो तो चना दाल पुलाव बनाएं, सिर्फ 15 मिनट में हो जाएगा तैयार

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Gold price today at Rs 46,980 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 69,000 a kg

The price of 22-carat-gold in Delhi stood at Rs 46,800. In Chennai, the price was Rs 45,500, and in Mumbai, it was Rs 46,980.

from Markets

शौक हो तो ऐसा:दक्षिण भारतीय दुल्हन ने शादी में पहनी गोलगप्पे की माला और ताज, चाट के प्रति अपनी दीवानगी को बयां करने के लिए किया ये काम

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Tide Water Oil trades higher for 7th straight day; zooms 255% in 2 months

The company has fixed July 27, 2021 as the record date for ascertaining shareholders for bonus issue and stock split

from Markets

Zomato prices its IPO at Rs 72-76 per share; offer open between July 14-16

At the top end of the band, the company could raise Rs 9,375 cr and is valued at Rs 64,365 cr. Zomato's is the largest IPO in 16 months after SBI cards which raised Rs 10,355 cr

from Markets

Gold prices set to snap six-day winning streak as US dollar rises

Spot gold was down 0.3% at $1,798.06 per ounce, as of 0650 GMT, after gaining for six straight sessions.

from Markets

MFs to focus on stronger inclusion of investors from deeper geographies

India has witnessed tremendous growth in its mutual funds industry that has grown from Rs 1.13 lakh crores to Rs 31.7 lakh crores in AUM from March 2000 to February 2021.

from Markets

Camlin Fine hits record high as Ind-Ra upgrades long-term issuer rating

The upgrade reflects steady improvement in CFSL's operating performance over FY18-FY21 and the substantial improvement in the credit profile

from Markets

Gold on back foot as dollar strengthens after Federal Reserve's minutes

Gold prices slipped on Thursday, weighed down by a stronger dollar after minutes from the US Federal Reserve's latest meeting highlighted inflationary pressures

from Markets

Tasty Bite surges 15%, hits record high; stock price crosses Rs 20,000-mark

In the past three weeks, the stock has outperformed the market and rallied 40 per cent

from Markets

आप जानें अपने अधिकार:पिता की जायदाद पर बेटी का भी बराबर का हक, पिता की अकस्मात मौत के बाद बेटियां भी अनुकंपा पर नौकरी पा सकती हैं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Food delivery firm Zomato prices $1.25 bn IPO at 72-76 rupees per share

Indian food delivery firm Zomato said on Thursday it would price its $1.25 billion initial public offering at 72 to 76 rupees per share, with the IPO set to open for subscription from July 14 to 16.

from Markets

Equitas Holdings up 33% in 2 days on heavy volumes; stock nears 2-year high

Trading volumes on the counter jumped over 6-fold with a combined 18.99 million shares having changed hands on the NSE and BSE till 10:35 am

from Markets

Bajaj Healthcare surges 11% on receiving DRDO nod to manufacture 2-DG

The company has received a licence from DRDO to manufacture and market "2-Deoxy-D-Glucose" (2-DG) as approved medication for the treatment of COVID-19 patients

from Markets

KPR Mill jumps 10%, hits new high on stock split plan; up 74% in 3 months

The company will sub-divide the face value of equity shares from Rs 5 each to a lower denomination to make the stock more affordable for the small retail investors and increase liquidity

from Markets

Stocks to watch: TCS, Shyam Metalics, Tata Motors, PNB Housing, HDFC

JK Tyre & Industries, on Wednesday, said it has widened its original equipment manufacturer (OEM) supply to Hyundai Motor India

from Markets

Trading strategies for nickel and lead by Tradebulls Securities

Any breach below 1,340-1,350 would crash Nickel's prices till 1,300

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, July 8: Top factors that could guide markets today

US Fed minutes, global trends, and Q1 earnings season, which will kick off today with TCS' results, are likely to guide the market trajectory on Thursday

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty suggests a weak start; TCS Q1 results today

LIVE market: TCS is seen posting a stellar show, with profit after tax (PAT) expected to rise between 30-36 per cent and revenue 19-20 per cent, on a yearly basis

from Markets

Oil prices fall in volatile trade as investors seek OPEC+ clarity

Oil prices fell more than $1 a barrel on Wednesday in another seesaw trading session, as investors feared what this week's collapse in Opec+ talks meant for worldwide production

from Markets

Gold price today at Rs 46,970 per 10 gm; silver trending at Rs 70,000 a kg

Gold prices surged up in India following trends from the bullion markets on faltering dollar value.

from Markets

PNB advises Housing arm to rejig Carlyle deal as per Sebi order

PNB Housing to await SAT's order before taking a call on restructuring

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:काजू थालीपीठ बनाने का आसान तरीका, इसे हरी चटनी के साथ गर्मागर्म सर्व करें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Gold prices rise for 6th straight day amid easing US bond yields

Spot gold rose 0.32 per cent to $1,801.55 per ounce by 9.10 pm IST, after hitting its highest since June 17 at $1,814.78 on Tuesday

from Markets

Zomato raises IPO size amid robust demand; issue likely to open on July 14

IPO price band likely to be Rs 70-72 per share

from Markets

Goldiam International soars 12%, hits new high on buyback plan

The company said its board will meet on July 21, 2021 to consider a proposal for buyback of equity shares of the Company

from Markets

Tata Motors: Analysts see up to 66% upside despite chip supply constraints

Shares of Tata Motors recovered 4 per cent from lows on Wednesday after the company scheduled an analysts' call later today to address the concern

from Markets

Indian Hotels rallies 6% on heavy volumes, hits 20-month high

With international arrivals dropping at an alarming rate due to travel restrictions and advisories from time to time, the demand for hospitality is expected to arise mainly from the domestic sector

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Gold prices firm on weaker bond yields, Federal Reserve's minutes loom

Spot gold was up 0.1% at $1,797.84 per ounce, as of 0500 GMT, after hitting its highest since June 17 at $1,814.78 on Tuesday

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Stocks of broking firms in demand; Angel Broking hits new high

Angel Broking, IIFL Securities, Aditya Birla Money, Geojit Financial, Edelweiss Financial, Motilal Oswal Financial and ICICI Securities gained between 4% and 15% on the BSE

from Markets

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Indian shares rise in choppy trading; cabinet reshuffle, earnings eyed

Indian shares edged higher on Wednesday in volatile trading, as financials helped offset a fall in auto stocks, while investors parsed through some corporate earnings that trickled in

from Markets

GR Infraprojects IPO: Here's all you need to know about the issue

A day ahead of the IPO, the company allocated 3.38 million shares at Rs 837 per share to 22 anchor investors and successfully raised Rs 283.3 crore

from Markets

Titan Company dips 3% after June quarter business update

The sales were hit only to a small extent until the third week of April, from the rapidly rising second wave of the pandemic, primarily due to the temporary store closures in some important states

from Markets

किड्स कॉर्नर:एक्सपर्ट से जानें बच्चों को सोशल, इमोशनल और मेंटल सपोर्ट कैसे दें, उनके साथ इंटरेक्शन बढ़ाएं, मिलकर काम करने का महत्व बताना भी जरूरी

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Paper stocks on a roll; Star Paper, Seshasayee Paper rally up to 15%

The demand is expected to pick up and grow by 11-15 per cent year on year in fiscal 2022 with schools, colleges and office spaces are likely to open and drive the demand

from Markets

Clean Science & Technology IPO kicks off today: Should you subscribe?

The issue, which is slated to run between July 7-9, is priced in the range of Rs 880-900 per share and is entirely an offer for sale

from Markets

Stocks to watch: Titan, RBL Bank, NMDC, HDFC, Gillette India, Sobha

The National Housing Bank has imposed a monetary penalty on HDFC of Rs 4.75 lakh for non-compliance with certain provisions

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Nifty outlook & trading ideas by HDFC Sec: Buy Bajaj Finance, Dr Reddy's

Bajaj Finance's stock price has broken out from symmetrical triangle on the daily charts, and rising volumes have confirmed the breakout

from Markets

Oil prices steady after steep drop as market awaits OPEC+ clarity

Brent crude was up 3 cents at $74.56 a barrel by 0115 GMT, after slumping more than 3% on Tuesday. US oil was up 7 cents at $73.44 a barrel, having declined by more than 2% in the previous session

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, July 7: Top factors that could guide markets today

Domestic benchmark indices eye a weak start to the session, tracking overnight fall in US markets and a lacklustre start for Asian peers

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a feeble start for Sensex, Nifty

LIVE market: Oil prices tumbled on Tuesday in a volatile session, with Brent crude settling down 3.4 per cent to $74.53

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Gold price today at Rs 46,750 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 70,600 a kg

The gold prices surged up in India following trends from the bullion markets on faltering dollar value.

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:रेस्टोरेंट जैसा स्वाद पाने के लिए ऐसे बनाएं ऑयल फ्री पालक पनीर, घर आए मेहमानों को भी पसंद आएगी ये डिश

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Oil slides from multi-year highs after OPEC cancels meeting

(Reuters) - Oil slipped on Tuesday, pulling back from its recent rally, after OPEC+ producers cancelled a meeting due to clashes over plans to increase supply to meet rising global demand.

from Markets

Sensex snaps two-day winning run, ends marginally lower; bank stocks gain

A depreciating rupee and lacklustre global cues further weighed on sentiment, traders said

from Markets

Sebi defines 'same line of business' under delisting rules: Details here

There are numerous listed companies which have listed subsidiaries engaged in the same line of business, and equity shares of both entities are actively traded on stock exchanges

from Markets

74% companies plan to divest non-core assets in 24 months: EY India survey

Survey highlights that a key challenge faced by CEOs today is identifying the right time to divest assets as 70% of surveyed firms said they held on to assets for too long

from Markets

NMDC's Rs 3,600-cr share sale fully subscribed, most bids come in at Rs 166

A total of 219.5 mn shares were put on the block by govt;OFS) has garnered bids for 220.45 mn shares from institutional investors--1.15 times the shares on offer to them

from Markets

हाउस आंत्रप्रेन्योर की कहानी:अनन्या केजरीवाल अग्रवाल का स्टार्ट अप न्यूमी, बोस्टन से पढ़ाई के बाद महिलाओं को सेहतमंद रखने के लिए लॉन्च कर रहीं हेल्थ सप्लीमेंट्स

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Wonderla Holidays zooms 26% in two days on reopening of Bangalore resort

Wonderla Resort in Bangalore reopened its business from 5th July 2021, with 50 per cent capacity as a crowd control measure

from Markets

AU Small Finance rallies 11% as GNPAs remain stable in Q1 despite lockdown

The bank's absolute GNPA in April-June quarter (Q1FY22) was broadly stable QoQ as net additions (slippages, net of recoveries and upgrades) to GNPA declined by Rs 8 crore

from Markets

Monday 5 July 2021

Sumitomo Chemical soars 11%, hits new high on steady revenue growth outlook

With new product launches planned for the year and for the future years, regular revenue growth is expected to continue in the coming years

from Markets

Force Motors surges 13% as June sales more than double

The company's total auto sales more-than-doubled or rose 124 per cent YoY to 1,925 units in June 2021

from Markets

महिला स्वास्थ्य:30 की उम्र के बाद कराएं ये 8 टेस्ट, पैप स्मीयर से यूटरस कैंसर का पता चलेगा, स्क्रीनिंग टेस्ट से संभव है डिप्रेशन का इलाज

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Gold at near three-week peak as dollar weakens; Fed minutes in focus

Gold prices on Tuesday hit their highest in nearly three weeks, as a pullback in the dollar made bullion less expensive for holders of other currencies

from Markets

Cement shares in focus; Ambuja Cements, JK Lakshmi Cement hit record highs

Analysts expect a sustainable demand recovery in volumes in coming quarters on the back of gradual relaxations in lockdowns, expectations of construction activities gaining momentum post-monsoon

from Markets

Stocks to watch: NMDC, Maruti Suzuki, Tata Motors, Religare Entp, NTPC

NTPC's subsidiary NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd has floated a tender for deployment of hydrogen fuel cell buses in Delhi and Leh

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Oil rises further on hopes of tighter supply as OPEC+ talks abandoned

Oil prices rose slightly on Tuesday after the previous day's rally, supported by expectations of a tighter market as output talks of OPEC+ nations were called off

from Markets

Trading calls by Osho Krishan of Anand Rathi: Buy Eicher Motors, Exide

Eicher Motors' stock has been trading with a positive bias and is placed well above all its major exponential moving averages on the daily time frame

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, July 6: Top factors that could guide markets today

On the global market front, US markets were closed on Monday to mark the Independence Day holiday. Meanwhile, most Asian markets opened a fraction higher

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty suggests a weak start for indices; OMCs in focus

LIVE market: Oil marketing companies (OMCs) will be in the spotlight in today's trade amid the oil price surge

from Markets

Gold price today at Rs 46,430 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 70,400 a kg

The gold prices jumped in India despite edging in the bullion market today after hitting a two-week high during the previous session.

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:लौकी की पूरी बनाने का आसान तरीका, सुनहरी होने तक पूरियां तलें और मनचाहे अचार के साथ गर्मागर्म परोसें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Best of BS Opinion: Gaps in tax reform, mapping recovery, and more

Here are the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for Monday

from Markets

Markets extend gains for the second day; RIL, HDFC duo lead charge

A surging rupee, which snapped its four-day losing streak, also boosted the bulls, traders said

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India Pesticides shares jump 16% to close at Rs 343.2 on listing day

It touched a high of Rs 368 and a low of Rs 340 with nearly Rs 980 crore worth of shares changing hands.

from Markets

Sebi announces new rules to make bourses pay for technical glitches

Fine kicks in if there is delay in submission or incomplete submission of root cause analysis (RCA) report within 21 days of the incident

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Zomato's mega IPO gets Sebi nod, may hit market as early as this month

The company, backed by Ant Group, is planning to issue fresh shares worth Rs 7,500 crore in the IPO

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UTI Officers' Association moves top court in 26% stake sale case

Bombay HC recently dismissed the case citing delay in filing

from Markets

Kotak Pre-IPO AIF raises Rs 1,386 cr, to invest in tech-focused businesses

Investors in the fund include family offices such as Narayana Murthy's Catamaran, Fund is already committed to two deals worth $44 million, one of which is API Holdings, parent company of PharmEasy

from Markets

Sebi reduces time period for filing an application to obtain NOC

Under rules, the issuer company deposits 1 per cent of the issue amount of the securities offered to the public and/or to the holders of the existing securities of the company

from Markets

बेकमेन इंस्टीट्यूट फॉर एडवांस्ड साइंस एंड टेक्नोलॉजी की रिसर्च:अपनी सहेलियों के संपर्क में रहने वाली महिलाओं में अन्य महिलाओं की अपेक्षा स्ट्रेस लेवल कम, वे खुश रहने के विकल्प आसानी से ढूंढ लेती हैं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Exchange traded funds gaining traction; NSE witnesses 100th listing

Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are getting a lot of attention from investors, with the leading stock exchange NSE witnessing listing of 100th such instruments.

from Markets

Market valuation too demanding; divestment target may not be met: Nomura

Valuation of Indian stock market at 22.5 times fiscal 2021-22 (FY22) earnings is too demanding, said analysts at Nomura

from Markets

Apex Frozen Foods hits 20% upper circuit, rises 46% in a week post Q4 nos

Apex Frozen Foods' Q4FY21 sales volume grew by around 30 per cent YoY on the back of easing of the transport situation

from Markets

Sales volume jumps 48% to 7,093 MU in June at Indian Energy Exchange

The electricity market achieved a volume of 21,340 million units (MU) during the first quarter (April-June), registering 44 per cent growth year-on-year.

from Markets

व्हीलचेयर यूजर कपल की कहानी:तिरुवनंतपुरम की यह जोड़ी रोड़ सेफ्टी एंबेसेडर बनीं, किताब लिखकर दिव्यांगों को पब्लिक ट्रांसपोर्ट में होने वाली असुविधा और बैरियर फ्री रोड़ के प्रति किया जागरूक

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

OPEC+ crisis deepens as Saudi Arabia refuses to budge, oil edges up

OPEC and its allies on Friday voted to increase production by about 2 million barrels a day from August to December 2021 extend the remaining output cuts to the end of 2022

from Markets

CSB Bank gains 7%, hits record high post June quarter business update

CSB Bank reported a 3.5 per cent QoQ decline in gross advances to Rs 14,146 crore

from Markets

Paytm to file draft prospectus next week for $2.3-bn IPO: Report

Paytm has plans to raise up to Rs 12,000 crore by issuing fresh equity for which it will seek shareholders' nod in an EGM on July 12

from Markets

BSE Smallcap index hits new high; six stocks rally over 100% in one month

HFCL, OnMobile Global, Zuari Agro, Grauer & Weil, Jindal Worldwide, Apex Frozen, Accelya Solutions, Newgen Software and KRBL rallied between 11% and 20% in the intra-day trade today

from Markets

मिसाल बनी इनकी कामयाबी:29 वर्षीय अमेरिकी महिला हेली आर्सीनॉक्स ने दी हडि्डयों के कैंसर को मात, अब कृत्रिम अंग के साथ अंतरिक्ष में पहुंचने वाली पहली इंसान होंगी

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Sunday 4 July 2021

HFCL's m-cap crosses Rs 10,000 crore mark; stock zooms 86% in a month

5G technology is the next big upgrade for telecommunication networks and HFCL is gearing up to offer various products, solutions and services for this segment

from Markets

Equity benchmark indices trade higher amid favourable global cues

Equity benchmark indices traded over half a per cent higher during early hours on Monday amid favourable global cues.At 10:15 am, the BSE S & P Sensex was up by 296 points or 0.56 per cent at 52,781 and the Nifty 50 ticked higher by 82 points or 0.52 per cent to 15,804.All sectoral indices at the National Stock Exchange were in the positive terrain with Nifty realty gaining by 1.6 per cent, private bank by 0.9 per cent and FMCG by 0.6 per cent.Among stocks, Eicher Motors gained by 1.7 per cent to Rs 2,706 per share. The other which added gains were Larsen & Toubro, Bajaj Auto, Hindalco, HDFC Bank and Grasim.However, those which lost marginally were HDFC Life, Tech Mahindra, Titan, Dr Reddy's, Cipla and Wipro.Meanwhile, most Asian stocks gained, extending the rally that took global equities to a record high after a US jobs report signalled the economic recovery remained intact.Japanese markets, however, bucked the trend with the Nikkei falling 0.5 per cent following a surge ..

from Markets

Panacea Biotec surges 9% on DCGI's nod to produce Sputnik V vaccine

Sputnik V was registered in India under the emergency use authorization procedure on April 12, 2021 and vaccination against Covid-19 with the Russian vaccine started on May 14, 2021

from Markets

India Pesticides makes strong debut, lists at 22% premium over issue price

The stock listed at Rs 360, a 22 per cent premium over its issue price of Rs 296 on the BSE

from Markets

Info Edge gains 5% as Zomato gets Sebi approval for IPO

Info Edge to sell shares worth Rs 375 crore in Zomato IPO

from Markets

Stocks to watch: India Pesticides, HDFC, Avenue Supermarts, HCL Tech, ONGC

Commercial vehicle major Ashok Leyland on Friday said it has appointed former Aston Martin chief Andy Palmer as Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of its electric vehicle arm Switch Mobility

from Markets

Vaishali Parekh is bullish on Tata Chemicals, Snowman Logistics. Check why

With the RSI well-placed and indicating a trend reversal to signal a buy, Tata Chemicals' stock is expected to rise further in the coming days

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, July 5: Top factors that could guide markets today

The benchmark indices Sensex and Nifty shed 0.8 per cent each last week

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty signals a gap-up start; India Pesticides lists today

LIVE market: According to analysts, shares of India Pesticides may list at a premium of over 15 per cent

from Markets

Gold price today at Rs 46,310 per 10 gm, silver trending at Rs 69,200 a kg

Gold rates in India rose higher today following cues in the overseas market amid strong US jobs data and the weakened dollar.

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:हेल्दी और टेस्टी खस्ता दलिया पराठे, इसे मनचाहे अचार के साथ सर्व करके पाएं सबकी तारीफ

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Sebi slaps over Rs 32 crore penalties on IISL, AFSL, 3 individuals

Sebi has imposed penalties totalling more than Rs 32 crore on IL&FS Securities Services Ltd (ISSL), Allied Financial Services Pvt Ltd (AFSPL) and three individuals for lapses in connection with alleged fraudulent transfer of mutual fund units of three companies. Besides, the watchdog has passed various directions against them. The regulator has passed two separate orders, dated July 2, against ISSL, and AFSPL and its three directors after it carried out a detailed investigation into the matter for the period from February 20, 2017 till February 8, 2019. ISSL is a clearing member while AFSPL is a depository participant. While imposing a fine of Rs 26 crore on ISSL, a clearing member, and also passing certain directions, Sebi noted that its order would be subject to any order passed by the Supreme Court. Also, enforcement of the liability and the order would be subject to the orders of the National Company Law Tribunal and the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT). These

from Markets

Indian stock valuations are somewhat less attractive, says David Jones

India is more fortunate than other EMs, as it is less dependent on imported capital, says Jones

from Markets

फूड ट्रेंड:पेंडेमिक दौर में मेंटल और फिजिकल हेल्थ को ध्यान में रखते हुए प्लान किए जा रहे मील्स, डेली कुकिंग का हिस्सा बना जीरो वेस्ट फूड तो राइस व ओट मिल्क बना लोगों की पसंद

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Get used to it: Investors expect record-breaking equity rally to continue

Of course, pitfalls abound. Here is a look at some of the factors keeping investors hooked on equities despite the risks

from Markets

Pandemic or not, business as usual for deal street as M&As soar 44% in H1

Despite the second wave of Covid-19 scuppering normal life, the deal street was busy in the first half of 2021, closing 44 per cent more deals worth USD 49.34 billion than in the same period in 2020 that was also ravaged by the first wave of the killer viral infections, shows an industry report. Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) were worth USD 34.3 billion in the same period in 2020. Deal volume grew 5 per cent to 730 from 693 a year ago, according to the latest data from Refinitiv, the LSE Group arm that is into financial markets data. Of the total, cross-border M&As amounted to USD 21.73 billion across 210 deals, up from USD 16.02 billion across 195 deals in the same period in 2020. Globally, quarterly M&As surpassed USD 1 trillion for fourth consecutive quarter, making it the strongest year-on-year percentage growth on record. Worldwide M&As totalled USD 2.8 trillion during the first half, up a record 132 per cent compared to the same period last year. This is the ...

from Markets

Sebi fines IL&FS , AFSPL for fraudulent MF transactions

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has fined IL&FS Securities Services Ltd and Allied Financial Services Pvt Ltd (AFSPL) over involvement in fraudulent transfer of mutual fund units from client's accounts.

from Markets

बातें काम की:सफाई के पुराने तरीके बदलें, खाने के गंदे बर्तनों को सिंक में इकट्ठा ना होने दें, बचे हुए खाने को फ्रिज में जमा करने से भी बचें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Two IPOs to hit market next week; to raise over Rs 2,500 cr cumulatively

Two companies Clean Science and Technology and GR Infraprojects are headed to the market with their initial share-sale offers next week to raise a little over Rs 2,500 crore cumulatively.

from Markets

Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900

The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets