Saturday 15 May 2021

Surging steel prices not to affect domestic demand says Tata Steel CEO

The rising prices of steel which is widely used in sectors like construction, auto, etc will not affect the demand in the domestic market, Tata Steel CEO and Managing Director T V Narendran has said.

from Markets

Gold import jumps to $6.3 bn in April due to surge in domestic demand

Gold import, which has a bearing on the country's current account deficit, zoomed to $6.3 billion for the month of April due to a surge in domestic demand, according to the Commerce Ministry data.

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:संडे स्पेशल इमली वाले चावल बनाने की आसान रेसिपी, सिर्फ 20 मिनट में हो जाएंगे तैयार

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय परिवार दिवस:एक्सपर्ट से जानें डिनर टाइम को फैमिली टाइम बनाने के टिप्स, बुराई ढूंढने के बजाय एक दूसरे की तारीफ और प्यार भरे माहौल से मिटाएं दूरियां

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

इंसानियत की मिसाल:महामारी के बीच चेन्नई की ट्रांस महिलाएं मुफ्त में बांट रहीं खाना, लॉकडाउन के शुरुआती दौर में खुद पैसे जुटाकर शुरू किया ये नेक काम

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

फैशन विद स्टाइल:चिलचिलाती गर्मी में प्रिंटेड कपड़े पहनने का सलीका इन तीन दीवाज से सीखें, आलिया जैसी फ्लोरल प्रिंटेड फ्रॉक पहनें या काजोल की तरह बंधेज कुर्ते में छा जाएं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Friday 14 May 2021

Worst Asia stock slump in over a year shows few signs of abating

While inflation has emerged as the most immediate concern for equity investors worldwide, confidence in Asia has also been hit due to a worsening Covid-19 outbreak from Taiwan to Singapore

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:टमाटर और बेसन को मिलाकर बनाएं लपेटा टमाटर, इसे धनिया पत्ती डालकर गर्मागर्म रोटी या चावल के साथ सर्व करें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सहूलियत:अमचुर की तरह सुखाएं दही और हरी मिर्च, जब चाहें तब उपयोग करें

कोरोनाकाल के समय अगर कुछ खाद्य पदार्थ जैसे अदरक, हरी मिर्च, दही आसानी से न मिले, तो इन्हें सुखा कर रख लें ताकि ज़रूरत पड़ने पर ये काम आएं।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सेहत मंत्र:विटामिन डी शरीर के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है, लेकिन घर के अंदर रहकर इसकी पूर्ति कैसे की जाए, इन सुझावों से जानें

विटामिन डी की कमी होने पर हड्ड‍ियां कमज़ोर हो जाती हैं। इसके अलावा भी कई स्वास्थ्य संबधी समस्याएं है जो इसकी कमी से हो सकती है।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कविता:महामारी के दौर में अपनों को खोने की पीड़ा असहनीय है, लेकिन फिर भी एक विश्वास है कि नई सुबह फिर लौटेगी, इसी विश्वास पर लिखी ये कविता पढ़िए

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

पर्व विशेष:ईदगाह और वो बचपन का मेला, पढ़ें ईद पर ये विशेष लेख

मस्जिदों में रोज़ाना पांच वक़्त नमाज पढ़ी जाती है, लेकिन ईदगाह साल में दो ही बार गुलज़ार होती है।,हर शहर और कस्बे में एक या ज्यादा ईदगाह होती हैं, जहां सिर्फ ईद की नमाज़ अदा की जाती है।,पास ही में एक मैदान होता है जहां मेला भरता है। ईद है, तो बचपन में बिताए मेले के दिन याद आ गए।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

दो अनुभव:मदद और भलाई का कोई चेहरा नहीं होता कोई भी कभी भी किसी की भी मदद कर सकता है, इसके साथ ही जानिए मददगार कभी भी नौकर नहीं होता और जो ऐसा समझते हैं वे ग़लतफहमी में हैं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

पानी ख़ूब पीना है:गर्मियों में पानी पीना अक्सर भूल जाते हैं, तो इन तरकीबों से याद रखें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

प्रसंगवश:मरीज़ और डॉक्टर के जीवन में सिस्टर्स की उपयोगिता को बयां करता ये पत्र

एक पत्र, सिस्टर्स के नाम...

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

रेसिपी:गर्मी में बनाएं मटर फरे और वेज मोमोज़ जैसे हल्के व्यंजन, हरी और लाल चटनी के साथ परोसें

गर्मी में न भारी मसालेदार भोजन पसंद आता है और न ही तला-भुना। पर जब कुछ चटपटा खाने का दिल करे, तो कुछ ऐसा बनाएं जो तला-भुना न हो और खाने में हल्का भी लगे।,भाप और कम तेल में पके हुए व्यंजन मन की मुरादें पूरी कर सकते हैं। इन्हें नाश्ते या मुख्य भोजन में बनाइए और स्वाद का आनंद उठाइए। चाइनीज़ के मुरीदों के लिए मंचूरियन भी है।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

परवरिश:इस समय घर पर रहना, दोस्तों से न मिलना, खेलने न जा पाना, बच्चों को ज़िद्दी स्वभाव का बना रहा है, कैसे बच्चों की समस्या को हल कर सकते हैं, जानिए

यह समय हर किसी के लिए मुश्किल भरा है और बच्चे भी इसमें अपवाद नहीं हैं।,ऐसे में बच्चे अकेलेपन के कारण ज़िद्दी व चिड़चिड़े हो रहे हैं। कैसे इस मुश्किल को दूर करें, जानते हैं।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

निदान की पर्ची:गर्मी में होंठ फटने के हो सकते हैं कई कारण, यहां जानें घरेलू उपाय

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

सौंदर्य:इस समय यदि आप भी घर पर ही ब्लीच कर रही हैं तो कुछ बातों का ख़्याल रखें...

ब्लीच चेहरे से गंदगी साफ़ करने के साथ ही ग्लो भी देती है, लेकिन इसका इस्तेमाल बेहद संभाल कर किया जाना चाहिए। कैसे करना है आइए जानते हैं।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

कुकिंग क्लास:घर पर बेक करें चेकर बोर्ड कुकीज़, दूध या स्मूदी के साथ सर्व करें

चेकर कुकीज़ को देखकर जितना मन खाने को लालायित होता है, उतनी ही जिज्ञासा उसको बनाने की विधि को लेकर होती है।,इसकी विधि कठिन नहीं है। इसमें दो रंग के आटे से चेक बनाया जाता है।,अगर आप घर में बेकिंग करती हैं, तो इन कुकीज़ को ज़रूर आज़माइए।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

टिप्स:बेकिंग सोडे के बारे में सभी जानते हैं, पर ये सिर्फ़ खाने में ही नहीं बल्कि कई और काम भी आता है, जानिए

बेकिंग सोडा साफ़-सफ़ाई के लिए बहुत अच्छा माना जाता है। ये दाग़ छुड़ाने के साथ ही गंध भी दूर भगाता है। इसके और क्या-क्या उपयोग हैं, चलिए जानते हैं।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

संस्मरणात्मक कहानी:फौजी दिवाकरन की दोस्ती ने ना सिर्फ़ उम्र और भाषा का भेद दूर किया बल्कि स्नेह और प्रेम भी सिखा दिया

स्नेह के रिश्ते हर बंधन से परे होते हैं। भाषा के मोहताज तो कतई नहीं। केरल के दिवाकरन के मन में बसा बिछोह का दुख इसी सच को रेखांकित करता है। बालपन के इस संस्मरण में कहानी जैसी रवानी है, वैसी ही रोचकता और लहज़ा। ज़िंदगी का हर दौर एक दिलचस्प कहानी ही तो है। आप भी आनंद लीजिए, फौजी से एक बच्चे की दोस्ती की यादों का।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

क्राफ्ट क्लास:बच्चों को बोर होने से बचाना चाहते हैं, तो कुछ क्राफ्ट सिखाएं ये उन्हें क्रिएटिव बनाएगा और नई चीज़ें बनाना उन्हें मज़ेदार भी लगेगा

बच्चे घर पर ऊब रहे हैं, तो क्यों न उन्हें कुछ सिखाया जाए ताकि उनका मन भी लगा रहे और उनकी क्रिएटिविटी में भी निखार आए।,हम कुछ सुझाव लेकर आए हैं, इन्हें बनाने में ख़ास सामान की ज़रूरत भी नहीं पड़ेगी और बच्चे आसानी से तैयार भी कर लेंगे।

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

ITC records sharpest intra-day gain in over three months; stock up over 4%

Earlier, on February 4, 2021, the stock had seen intra-day rally of 6.8 per cent, while it touched a 52-week high of Rs 239.15 on February 9, 2021

from Markets

Roaring crypto cacophony drowns out rest of Wall Street in a wild week

Dogecoin wasn't the only canine-themed coin to take a tumble.

from Markets

Akshaya Tritiya begins on sombre note; jewellers expect 10-15% sales

Akshaya Tritiya, a highly auspicious day to purchase gold, has started on a sombre note and jewellers are expecting only 10-15 per cent sales as the onset of the COVID-19 second wave, local restrictions and partial lockdowns have affected consumer sentiment. "As most of the states are under lockdown to curb the infections there is almost no business activity. The day of Akshaya Tritiya has begun on a slow note and whatever booking or enquiries are happening it is only through tele or digital medium," All-India Gems & Jewellery Domestic Council (GJC) chairman Ashish Pethe told PTI. He said, jewellers are expecting only 10-15 per cent sales this Akshaya Tritiya in places where the lockdown is not imposed or there are partial shutdowns. The second wave of the pandemic is turning out to be much worse than last year with huge loss of life across the country causing an overall negative consumer sentiment, Pethe said. India's COVID-19 tally of cases climbed to 2,40,46,809, while the ...

from Markets

Prince Pipes soars 15%, hits fresh record high as Q4 profit grows 246% YoY

In the past one year, the stock has zoomed 680 per cent as against a 56 per cent rally in the S&P BSE Sensex

from Markets

Platts cuts India's 2021 oil demand by 28%; sees crude topping $70

However, once the lockdowns are lifted, Platts expects the pent-up demand to get released, which in turn will act as a catalyst for economic growth

from Markets

PowerGrid InvIT lists with 4% premium over issue price of Rs 100

The stock made its debut at Rs 104, registering a gain of 4 per cent on the BSE. It further jumped 4.97 per cent to Rs 104.97 as the trade progressed

from Markets

This smallcap pharma stock has zoomed over 100% in a month

The stock of the smallcap pharmaceuticals company was trading at its 52-week high level on the BSE

from Markets

Thursday 13 May 2021

Lupin shares slide 4% amid profit booking post March quarter results

During the past six trading days, Lupin outperformed the market and surged 15 per cent as compared to a per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex till Wednesday

from Markets

Mphasis shares decline 2% on muted March quarter performance

Mphasis Q4 results: Net profit margins contracted from 15.06 per cent in the year ago period to 12.56 per cent in the quarter under study. The margin also declined 60 bps on sequential basis

from Markets

HG Infra Engineering soars 19% on robust March quarter results

The company said the strict discipline in selecting and executing orders were translating into robust margins and return profile

from Markets

Go Air files IPO papers to raise Rs 3,600 crore, rebrands itself

India's largest airline by market share will use the proceeds to meet debt obligations, pay oil companies.

from Markets

Asian Paints surges 11% on strong revenue growth in Q4

The management said the domestic decorative business delivered a stellar performance, registering a 48 per cent volume growth in the quarter, led by robust growth in the premium and luxury product ran

from Markets

UPL jumps 5%, hits new high on healthy March quarter results

The strong margins and cost synergies have augured well for EBITDA margin expansion of 270 basis points (bps) at 22 per cent during the quarter

from Markets

Markets will digest dent on June quarter earnings as one-time hit: CLSA

If India is unable to slow the number of infections, additional lockdown measures might be required, which analysts at Rabobank International say would negatively impact the supply side of the economy

from Markets

Indian stock market's reaction to Covid-19 crisis is surprisingly muted

Even as the nation reports more than 300,000 confirmed infections daily, benchmark equity index has been moving in line with regional peers.

from Markets

Stocks to watch: L&T, DRL, UPL, Eicher Motors, Happiest Minds, Tata Power

Royal Enfield said it has decided to shut down its two manufacturing facilities between May 13-16 amid a second Covid wave

from Markets

'Any level between Rs 45,000-Rs46,000 is ideal for investing in Gold'

If prices gets lower around Rs 46,650 during Akshaya Tritiya 2021, we would recommend investors to buy

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, May 14: Top factors that could guide markets today

A total of 41 companies, including Larsen & Toubro, Dr Reddy's Laboratories, Cipla, Aditya Birla Capital, Macrotech Developers and Welspun India are scheduled to release their quarterly results today

from Markets

L&T Q4 preview: PAT seen rising up to 18% YoY as margin pressures ease

Ability to hold on to margins amid higher raw-material prices and restored salaries/wage cuts through cost control, order pipeline, and commentary on FY22 guidance among key monitorables

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a negative start; L&T Q4 results today

LIVE market: A total of 41 companies, including the likes of Larsen & Toubro, Dr Reddy's Laboratories, Cipla, and Just Dial, are scheduled to release their quarterly numbers today

from Markets

Gold edges lower as firmer US dollar offsets easing bond yields

Gold edged lower on Friday, as a firmer dollar made bullion more expensive for other currency holders, although a pullback in the U.S. Treasury yields limited losses for the safe-haven metal

from Markets

Oil prices drop 3% on India's Covid-19 crisis; US pipeline restart

Oil prices fell about 3 per cent on Thursday as India's coronavirus crisis deepened and a key US fuel pipeline resumed operations, halting a rally that had lifted crude to an eight-week high

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:टमाटर और अचार का मसाला मिलाकर बनाएं अचारी टमाटर कढ़ी, घर में सब करेंगे इसे बार-बार खाने की फरमाइश

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Elon Musk sends bitcoin tumbling with stunning reversal over payments

Bitcoin, the world's biggest digital currency, fell more than 7 per cent after the tweet and was trading at $52,669

from Markets

Top headlines: Delhi's positivity rate at 1-month low; Bitcoin below $50k

Business Standard brings you stories that made the headlines on Thursday

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Bitcoin recoups some losses in Asian trade after Musk-triggered tumble

The price of the world's largest cryptocurrency dropped from around $54,819 to $45,700, its lowest since March 1, in just under two hours following the tweet

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Asia shares, bruised over US inflation scare, counting on calm Fed

Japan's Nikkei fell 2.0 per cent and touched its lowest since early January, while Chinese blue chips lost 0.9 per cent

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Ethereum founder donates $1.14bn in cryptocurrency to Covid-hit India

Vitalik Buterin, the Russia-based co-founder of the world's second largest cryptocurrency Ethereum, has donated 500 coins and over 50 trillion SHIB meme coin worth around $1.14 billion to the India

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Sponsor investments in IFSC AIFs to come under the automatic route

RBI relaxation to allay round tripping concerns associated with sponsor commitment and shorten fund set-up time in IFSC

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RBI tells lenders to re-consider ties with crypto exchanges, traders

The guidance comes as India is crafting a law to ban cryptocurrencies and penalise anyone dealing in them, which would be among the most sweeping crackdowns on the new investing fad in the world

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ईद स्पेशल:तपती गर्मी में अनारकली का शॉर्ट स्टाइल चुनें, इसे गरारा या शरारा पैंट के साथ पहनें, लहंगे के साथ टीमअप कर नजर आएं सबसे खास

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Musk decries bitcoin's 'insane' energy use after Tesla payment U-turn

Musk denounces amount of energy used to produce bitcoin; however, Tesla will retain bitcoin holdings

from Markets

महिलाओं के लिए खबर:रोजाना मीठे पेय पदार्थ लेने वाली महिलाओं में कैंसर होने का खतरा दोगुना, 24 साल चली रिसर्च में अमेरिकी वैज्ञानिकों ने किया दावा

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

संघर्ष से सफलता की कहानी:ईरान की मरियम रूहानी मैकेनिक बन बदल रही अपनी किस्मत, वे गांव की महिलाओं को इस प्रोफेशन के प्रति जागरूक करने की दिशा में प्रयासरत हैं

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Gold rises on hopes of rates staying low, firm treasury yields cap gains

Spot gold was up 0.3 per cent at $1,821.02 per ounce by 07:12 GMT, after falling more than 1 per cent in the previous session

from Markets

हाउस आंत्रप्रेन्योर की सक्सेस स्टोरी:दिल्ली की प्रेरणा पुरी का पहला सर्टिफाइड ग्लूटन फ्री डेयरी आइसक्रीम ब्रांड, लॉकडाउन के दौरान की अपने इस काम की शुरुआत

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Wednesday 12 May 2021

बदन पर कपड़ा नहीं, निवाला 'पूजा' के भरोसे:​​​​​​​अलवर में बेसहारा लोगों तक खाना पहुंचा रही स्कूल की क्लर्क, पहले खुद बनाती है फिर स्कूटर से लेकर पहुंचती है खिलाने

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Bitcoin rebounds after Musk says Tesla will suspend using cryptocurrency

Bitcoin rebounded to about $50,000 in Asian trading on Thursday after plunging as much as 17% after Elon Musk tweeted Tesla Inc had stopped accepting bitcoin to purchase its vehicles

from Markets

Oil prices rise to 8-week high on demand hopes; US export decline

Oil prices rose to an eight-week high on Wednesday as U.S. crude exports plunged and on signs of a speedy economic recovery and upbeat forecasts for energy demand

from Markets

Cryptocurrency ethereum hits another record high as 2021 gains near 500%

Cryptocurrency Ether hit another record high on Wednesday, taking gains this year to close to 500% on the back of growing interest in decentralized finance applications

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:समर स्पेशल लहसुनी रायता, इसे बनाते समय दही को फेंटने के बजाय चम्मच से हिलाएं और मसाला मिलाकर रोटी, पूरी या पराठे के साथ सर्व करें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Despite Covid cases surge, Indian stocks turn pricier vs emerging peers

The MSCI India Index has beaten a broader gauge of developing nation shares by about 5 percentage points in 2021

from Markets

Global inflation concerns pull down markets; Sensex falls 471 points

The Nifty ended the session at 14,696, with a decline of 154 points, or 1 per cent.

from Markets

L&T's Q4 revenue expected to grow on the back of higher execution

Rising commodity prices may weigh on profitability

from Markets

Rupee drops by 8 paise to 73.42 on forex outflows, surge in oil prices

The rupee declined by 8 paise to close at 73.42 against the US currency on Wednesday, snapping its four-day gaining streak due to risk aversion in the global markets and surge in crude oil prices.

from Markets

Market Wrap Podcast, May 12: Here's all that happened in the markets today

Tata Motors, PowerGrid, Titan Company, Maruti Suzuki, UPL, Cipla, State Bank of India, and NTPC were the top gainers on the 50-share index today, up between 1 per cent and 3 per cent

from Markets

एक्सपर्ट टिप्स:जानी-मानी ब्यूटीशियन शहनाज हुसैन बता रही हैं नैचुरल चीजों से ब्लीच करने के 7 आसान तरीके, दही में हल्दी मिलाकर लगाएं या पपीते से बढ़ाएं फेयरनेस

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

IPO boom: $140.3 billion raised globally via 670 offers in 2021

At 670, the number of issues / IPOs in the first five months of CY21 is the second-highest since the calendar year 2000 when 677 IPOs hit the Street globally.

from Markets

ईद स्पेशल:स्टाइल के साथ कंफर्ट वियर की इंस्पिरेशन इन 3 दीवाज से लें, सारा जैसा फ्लोरल कुर्ता पहनें या कृति की तरह कॉटन कुर्ते से बढ़ाएं अपनी शान

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Flexible office space stock to grow 10-15% annually over next 3 years

India's flexible office space segment has a total stock of 36 million sq ft currently and is likely to grow 10-15 per cent annually over the next three years on rising demand from corporates

from Markets

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Venkys (India) rallies 10%, hits 52-week high post Q4 results

The board has recommended a dividend of Rs 17 per equity share (170 per cent) for the year ended March 31, 2021, subject to the approval of shareholders

from Markets

Siemens surges 10%, hits new high on strong March quarter results

Siemens registered new orders from continuing operations of Rs 3,309 crore, registering a 16.9 per cent increase over the same period last year

from Markets

Oil prices climb on drop in US oil stockpiles; solid demand outlook

Oil prices rose on Wednesday, extending overnight gains, after industry data showed a drop in U.S. crude inventories, which reinforced OPEC's robust demand outlook

from Markets

Iron ore prices surge as global economy rebounds, Covid-19 pandemic recedes

The rebound in the global economy as the Covid-19 pandemic recedes has sent rust on a wild ride. Prices for futures in Singapore have nearly doubled in the past six months to a record high of $226.55,

from Markets

Iron ore prices surge as global economy rebounds, Covid-19 pandemic recedes

The rebound in the global economy as the Covid-19 pandemic recedes has sent rust on a wild ride. Prices for futures in Singapore have nearly doubled in the past six months to a record high of $226.55,

from Markets

Godrej Consumer soars 15% on Sudhir Sitapati's appointment as MD and CEO

Sudhir Sitapati, who spent over two decades at FMCG Hindustan Unilever, will take over as Godrej Consumer's managing director (MD) and CEO in October 2021

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India keeps global rice prices in check with record exports

The world's biggest rice exporter is heading for record shipments this year that will help to keep rising food prices in check, according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization.

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Stocks to watch: Asian Paints, UPL, Adani Enterprises, Airtel, M&M, Infosys

M&M said its sales volume for the quarter ended June 2021 is estimated to be lower by 15-20 per cent as compared to the year-ago period due to the second wave of the coronavirus

from Markets

Top trading calls by Ajit Mishra: Buy Berger Paints, Havells India

Havells' stock is currently trading around the support zone of medium-term moving average (100 EMA) on the daily chart and indications are in the favor of a strong surge in near future

from Markets

Nifty eyeing fresh breakout from consolidation phase: Vinay Rajani

Confirmation of breakout in Nifty would come, once it sustains above 15,000 levels

from Markets

US federal reserve says inflation temporary, but markets unsure

Federal Reserve officials have advised that any pickup in inflation this year was bound to be transitory. Traders in financial markets, however, aren't so sure.

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, May 13: Top factors that could guide markets today

A total of 36 companies are slated to post their March quarter numbers today, including Asian Paints, UPL, Pidilite Industries, Lupin, Tata Power and Voltas

from Markets

MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates flat-to-negative start; telcos in focus

LIVE market: A total of six names have been added and one deleted from the MSCI India Index in the latest rejig

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:हेल्दी और टेस्टी शहद की रोटी/पराठा, सिर्फ 20 मिनट में हो जाएगी तैयार

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Deal numbers touch a decadal high in April despite second Covid wave

Deal numbers, including private equity investments and mergers and acquisitions, touched a decadal high for any month at 161 in April, even as the country faced the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, a report said on Tuesday. The total value of the transactions in April stood at over USD 13 billion, the report by Grant Thornton, a consultancy, said, pointing out that domestic M&A transactions led the pack by reporting over 30 transactions aggregating to USD 5 billion. Even though the second wave started earlier, the infections rose very fast across large parts of the country in April and the country has reported 4 lakh new infections and 4,000 deaths a day. The second wave has overwhelmed the healthcare apparatus in many places, and has led to localised lockdowns in 20 states which dent the economic activity. The benchamrk stock indices have also not witnessed any serious dent since the second wave despite it leaving more devastation, leading many to wonder about the apparent ..

from Markets

सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल:97 साल की बुजुर्ग महिला लोगों से कर रही वैक्सीन लगवाने की अपील, इसकी पहली डोज के अपने अनुभव को शेयर कर पाई सबकी तारीफ

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Gold subdued on buoyant dollar; investors awaits US inflation data

US gold futures fell 0.2 per cent to $1,834.20 per ounce.

from Markets

BHEL hits 21-month high on heavy volumes; stock zooms 59% in 8 days

Till 03:05 pm, a combined 513 million equity shares, representing 15 per cent of total equity of BHEL, had changed hands on the NSE and BSE

from Markets

'Do you want Tesla to accept Doge?' Elon Musk asks Twitter users

Musk's tweets this year have turned the once-obscure digital currency, which began as a social media joke, into a speculator's dream.

from Markets

होम गार्डनिंग:घर में मसालों का किचन गार्डन बनाना भी आसान, अदरक और हल्दी की गांठ बोकर उगाएं पौधे, हरी मिर्च को छायादार स्थान पर रखने से अच्छी होगी बढ़त

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Indian oil refiners cut output, imports as pandemic hits demand

Several states across India are under lockdown as the coronavirus crisis showed scant sign of easing on Tuesday, with a seven-day average of new cases at a record high

from Markets

Online investment platform Groww to acquire Indiabulls MF for Rs 175 cr

Online investment platform Groww on Tuesday announced that it will be acquiring Indiabulls Mutual Fund for a total consideration of Rs 175 crore.

from Markets

DIIs increase stake in metals, public sector banks in Q4: Report

Using the Nifty500 as the benchmark, DIIs are now significantly overweight in Metals, PSU Banks, Capital Goods, Consumer, and Utilities

from Markets

Equity mutual funds witness net inflows of Rs 3,400 crore in April

In March, equity funds had seen net inflows of Rs 9,115 crore after a gap of 8 months

from Markets

छोटी उम्र में कर दिया कमाल:7 साल की एलिजाबेथ नॉर्मन बनी दुनिया की पहली बच्ची जिसका स्टिकर चांद पर चमकेगा, इसे एस्ट्रो लिज लैब टाइम कैप्सूल में रखा जाएगा

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Monday 10 May 2021

Markets in a vulnerable zone, full-fledged bear phase less likely: Analysts

Those at Motilal Oswal caution against the possible earnings downgrades going ahead due to the mobility restrictions, which they believe has 'muddied sentiment and impaired FY22 earnings visibility

from Markets

Apcotex rallies 31% in 4 days post Q4 results; stock zooms 80% in a month

Better procurement of raw materials and implementation of cost-saving projects over the last few months and the year assisted in bolstering the margins of the company in Q4FY21

from Markets

Tata Motors DVR hits 33-month high, surges 20% in a week

According to a Business Standard report, Tata Motors DVR, Intellect Design and SKF India could be added to the MSCI Smallcap index after the index provider does its semi-annual review

from Markets

Alkyl Amines trades ex-split; stock surges 10%, hits new high

The company has split the equity share of face value Rs 5 into face value Rs 2

from Markets

Stocks to watch: PNB, IndiGo, HUL, HFCL, Siemens, IOB, Oberoi Realty

JSW Hydro Energy, an arm of JSW Energy, has raised $707 million from an international green bond issue that was oversubscribed by over four times, merchant bankers said on Monday

from Markets

Here are the top buy, sell ideas by Osho Krishan of Anand Rathi Shares

HDFC AMC's stock has seen some significant increase in trading volumes from the past few trading days indicating strong hands accumulating the stock at lower levels

from Markets

Trading ideas by Ventura Securities: Buy Tata Power, Larsen & Toubro

Tata Power's stock has the strength to achieve a target of 140-160 in the coming days

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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty plunges 200 points, indicates gap-down opening

LIVE market: Asian stocks dropped in early Tuesday trade as a demand resurgence is colliding with strained supply of basic materials, helping to fuel inflation worries

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Indian markets ignoring Covid-19 impact, set for correction: Top stock fund

Virus has spread to places with poor medical infrastructure, says Samir Rachh, who works with Nippon India Mutual Fund.

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Wall Street closes lower as inflation fears prompt tech sell-off

Industrial and healthcare shares limited the Dow's decline but the blue-chip average reversed course late in the session to snap a three-day streak of record closing highs

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Cryptocurrency ethereum hits new record high again; dogecoin slumps

Cryptocurrency ethereum climbed to a new peak for a third straight day on Monday on continued optimism about further growth in decentralized finance or "DeFi"

from Markets

आज क्या बनाऊं:मिनटों में तैयार करें पनीर मटर विद सोया करी, इसे धनिया पत्ती डालकर सर्व करें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Rupee settles 16 paise higher at 73.35 vs dollar; rises for 3rd session

The rupee rose by 16 paise to close at 73.35 (provisional) against the US dollar, marking its third straight session of gains on the back of positive domestic equities and weak American currency

from Markets

Second-biggest cryptocurrency ethereum breaks $4,000 to hit record high

Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, rose to a three-week high above $59,600 on Monday

from Markets

Market Wrap Podcast, May 10: Here's all that happened in the markets today

A sharp drop in daily Covid-19 cases perked up bulls on Dalal Street on Monday as investors hoped for a sooner-than-expected taper down of the second wave

from Markets

Sebi defers diktat to monitor foreign holding in DRs till further notice

Regulator yields to requests made by market participants

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SBI Cards and Payment Services raises Rs 455 crore by issuing bonds

SBI Cards and Payment Services (SBI Card) on Monday said it has raised Rs 455 crore by issuing bonds

from Markets

The stock of this broking firm has zoomed 101% in a month

In the past one week, the stock has zoomed 61 per cent, after the company reported a healthy 39% QoQ jump in its consolidated net profit at Rs 102 crore in the March quarter

from Markets

Why are domestic & foreign institutional investors gung ho on this insurer?

Analysts expect SBI Life stock to outperform peers over the next one-two years, riding on the stock growth prospects for the sector

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Sugar stocks extend rally; Dhampur, Dwarikesh soar over 70% in a month

Lower production in Brazil and Thailand, the two largest sugar exporters in the world, could result in higher opportunities for domestic exporters

from Markets

चर्चा में:एक महिला की एन 95 मास्क के साथ सोने की नथ पहने फोटो हुई वायरल, शादी में शामिल होने के लिए पिंक साड़ी के साथ पहने ढेर सारे गहने

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

वीमेंस हेल्थ:महामारी के बीच महिलाओं के लिए फिजिकल के साथ मेंटल फिटनेस भी जरूरी, प्राॅपर डाइट और एक्सरसाइज से नियंत्रित करें वजन

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Nifty Pharma index hits all-time high; Sun Pharma scales 4-year high

Since April, the Nifty Pharma index has outperformed the market by surging 15 per cent, against 1.7 per cent gain in the Nifty50 index

from Markets

गुड पेरेंटिंग:बच्चे को बचत का दें व्यवहारिक ज्ञान, खर्च की प्राथमिकता तय करना सिखाएं और उससे सेविंग्स के बारे में चर्चा करना भी सीखें

from वीमेन | दैनिक भास्कर

Sunday 9 May 2021

CSB Bank soars 10%, hits 52-week high on impressive Q4 results

In Q4FY21, the net interest income (NII) grew 75 per cent year-on-year (YoY) at Rs 275.70 crore as against Rs 157.54 crore in the year-ago quarter

from Markets

Hindustan Copper scales over 8-year high, surges 25% in 3 days

With the past three days' rally, the market price of HCL appreciated by 58 per cent over its QIP issue price of Rs 119.60 per share

from Markets

Grindwell Norton surges 9%, hits record high on strong Q4 results

In the past one week, the stock has outperformed the market by gaining 24 per cent, as compared to 1.5 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex

from Markets

Investors brace for market fallout as most of India's states lock down

Rising Covid-19 cases force reassessment among investors who had hoped that less-severe curbs.

from Markets

Bandhan Bank dips 4%, hits over 6-month low on weak March quarter results

The stock was trading at its lowest level since October 30, 2020, having corrected 34 per cent from its 52-week high level of Rs 430.25

from Markets

Oil rises 1% after cyber attack forces closure of US fuel jugular pipeline

Crude prices climbed more than 1% on Monday after a major cyber attack that forced the shutdown of critical fuel supply pipelines in the United States, highlighting the fragility of oil infrastructure

from Markets

Stocks to watch: Avenue Supermarts, Bandhan Bank, Hero Moto, UltraTech

The National Company Law Tribunal has initiated insolvency proceedings against construction firm Ahluwalia Contracts India for defaulting on payments to an operational creditor

from Markets

As scrutiny of cryptocurrency grows, industry turns to Washington lobbyists

Ripple Labs has enlisted lobbyists, lawyers to make its case to the Securities and Exchange Commission and in one of the first big legal battles over what limits the government should set for trading

from Markets

Market Ahead Podcast, May 10: Top factors that could guide markets today

Twenty-two firms are slated to post their March quarter numbers today such as Chambal Fertilizers & Chemicals, Venky's, JMC Projects and Zydus Wellness

from Markets

Vaishali Parekh recommends buying Hero MotoCorp, United Spirits. Check why

The RSI has indicated a trend reversal for Hero MotoCorp, showing strength, and has signaled a 'buy' to suggest further upward movement in the coming days

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MARKET LIVE: SGX Nifty indicates a gap-up start for Sensex, Nifty

LIVE markets: A total of 22 firms, including Chambal Fertilizers & Chemicals, Venky's, JMC Projects and Zydus Wellness are slated to post their quarterly numbers today

from Markets

Dogecoin tumbles after Elon Musk calls it a 'hustle' on 'SNL' show

Dogecoin was quoted as low as $0.47 on crypto exchange Binance, down 28% from levels around $0.65 before the show

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Fincare Small Finance Bank files Rs 1,330-cr IPO papers with Sebi

Digital lender Fincare Small Finance Bank has filed preliminary papers with capital market regulator Sebi to raise Rs 1,330 crore through an initial share-sale.

from Markets

FPIs withdraw Rs 5,936 cr from equities in May amid worries over Covid wave

Foreign investors have pulled out Rs 5,936 crore from the Indian equities in the first week of May amid worries over the intense second wave of coronavirus infection and its fallout on the economy

from Markets

M&As rise 8% to $32.3 billion till April despite Covid-19 wave: Report

A massive 133% jump in the proceeds from initial public offerings (IPOs) has seen the deal street on a near roll in spite of the raging second wave of the pandemic

from Markets

Goldprice dips Rs 10 to Rs 62,720, silver falls Rs 100 to Rs 74,900

The price of 22-carat gold also fell Rs 10 with the yellow metal selling at Rs 57,490 from Markets